883 The power of thunder

By the way, he integrated this treasure into the Star Palace.

This bead is a thunder bead, which contains the terrifying power of thunder.

"This should be the Thunder Bead."

"This bead contains enough power to allow me to control the Thunder Tribulation."

"If you can succeed in Transcending Tribulation, you can become a real Thunder Tribulation powerhouse!!!"

Xiao Yifeng sighed.


Then "430" Xiao Yifeng's eyes suddenly opened.

A purple-black thundercloud suddenly appeared.

One after another, destructive thunderbolts fell crazily towards Xiao Yifeng.

This time, the power of these thunders was several times more terrifying than the previous ones.

Xiao Yifeng urged the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder to counter this Thunder Tribulation.

However, Xiao Yifeng's current body is fused with the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

Therefore, this Thunder Tribulation did no harm to him at all, but instead helped him improve his physical strength.


In the blink of an eye, a day passed.

Xiao Yifeng still sat cross-legged in the void and was tempered by thunder.

His whole body was bathed in the terrifying thunder, as if he was bathing in a sea of ​​thunder.

Swish swish!!!

At this moment, a group of people suddenly appeared.

This group of people are all dressed in fairy-like manners and fluttering white clothes.

They came out of the air, each with a terrifying aura.

At the head are several powerful Quasi-Emperors, wearing white robes.

Behind them stood two men and two women.

These four people are powerful beings in the starry Myriad Worlds.

"See Great Emperor!!!"

This group of people bowed and shouted, with a look of awe in their eyes.

A middle-aged man headed by these four people is the Great Emperor of the Galaxy Holy Sect in Beizhou——Galaxy Great Emperor.

"Galaxy, you Galaxy Holy Sect are so brave, you dare to deal with our imperial dynasty."

"They also sent five powerful Quasi-Emperors to hunt down Princess Qing'er. They are simply seeking death!!!"

Then another strong Quasi-Emperor among this group of Quasi-Emperors snorted with a cold look on his face.

His eyes glanced at Xuan Qing'er.

"Who are you?"

The Galaxy Great Emperor frowned slightly as he looked at the group of Quasi-Emperors.

"I am the elder of Beihuang Star Domain Astrology Temple!!!"

The Quasi-Emperor spat coldly.

"It turns out he is the elder of the Star Temple, no wonder he is so arrogant."

"I just don't know why the elders of your Starry Temple want to hunt down my sister, the Great Emperor of Starry Sky?"

At this time, a cold drink resounded throughout the starry sky...

In an instant, the void twisted and tore apart.

A terrifying aura that suppressed the heavens swept out and enveloped the area.

At this time, Xiao Yifeng walked out directly, and his strength entered the Nirvana realm of perfection.

His aura is even more Transcendent, like a real god.

This scene directly shocked the powerful people from all races in the Northern Wilderness Starry Sky.

They were frozen in place.

Especially the eyes of Galaxy Great Emperor and others were widened.

They looked at Xiao Yifeng in disbelief.

The Galaxy Great Emperor couldn't help shouting.

"Galaxy meets the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky!!!"

Emperor Galaxy 2.3 kneeled directly on the ground and said.

"See the Starry Sky Great Emperor!!!"

Immediately, other forces in the Northern Wilderness Star Domain, Martial Artist, including strong men from the Galaxy Holy Sect and people from other forces all knelt down and shouted to Xiao Yifeng.

At this moment, the starry sky, Myriad Worlds, Great World, and all major races.

Martial Artists from all forces knelt on the ground and bowed their heads in worship.

Everyone looked at Xiao Yifeng with a look of extreme awe in their eyes. .

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