891 Resistance ability



As the aura released from Xiao Yifeng enveloped the three people.

The three of them were torn apart by this aura without any ability to resist.

In one encounter, these three elite disciples from Galaxy Gujing were all killed.

"The power of this starry sky halberd is truly terrifying. No wonder the Starry Sky Great Emperor treasures this starry sky battle halberd so much."

Xiao Yifeng murmured to himself.

This Starry Sky Great Emperor is the top Great Emperor in the Starry Sky Domain.

The starry sky halberd in his hand is naturally an extraordinary thing.

It's just that it is now incomplete and cannot display its true power in starry sky battles.

Otherwise, rely on the power of this starry sky battle halberd.

It is enough to crush countless Great Emperor-level masters in the starry sky.

Swish Swish Swish......527

Soon another group of people came towards this side, all of them wearing silver robes.

Each one exudes endless majesty.

He has a lofty posture, like an emperor lording over the world and looking down on the common people!!!

"Meet the Galaxy Messenger!!!"

When this group of people came here, they bowed and shouted.

"See Galaxy Messenger!!!"

At this moment, the remaining five thousand starry sky armor soldiers in the void looked at this group of people.

They all knelt down on one knee and shouted solemnly.

These people are all the best among the star warriors (aheb), and their strength is extremely terrifying.

The auras on their bodies are comparable to those of half-step reincarnation realm experts.

The leaders were two quasi-reincarnation realm powerhouses.

As for the people behind them, they are all Emperor Monarch and Emperor Sovereign Level other powerful men.

These Starry Sky Armor soldiers are members of the Starry Sky Armor Army.

This time, the Starry Sky Great Emperor is trying to deal with the Starry Sky Catastrophe.

This team was specially sent to protect Xiao Yifeng and help him survive the starry sky catastrophe.


Looking at this starry sky battle armor army, the two leading Galaxy messengers who were in the quasi-reincarnation realm nodded lightly.

His eyes glanced at Xiao Yifeng, and then disappeared from sight.

As for the starry sky battle armor army, they all stood in place.

They witnessed everything.

"The Starry Sky Battle Armor Army is indeed not simple."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the team with a bright light in his eyes.


Suddenly, there were bursts of roaring sounds in the distance.

A monstrous thunderous explosion sounded from the location of Galaxy Ancient Sect.

The roar was deafening, alarming the entire Xuanming Star.

"This is the Xuanming Thunder Tribulation, the Transcending Tribulation of the Galaxy Ancient Sect's disciples!!!"

Suddenly, people around him started talking.

Then the group of people all headed towards Xuanming Mountain.

Somewhere in the Xuanming Mountains.

An extremely huge stone statue, measuring ten thousand feet in size, stands here.

At this time, the stone statue contained the terrifying power of Xuanming Thunder.

In front of this stone statue is a figure sitting cross-legged.


The next second, bursts of roaring sounds echoed in all directions above the void.

Waves of Xuanming thunder descended, all striking towards the stone statue.


In an instant, a harsh thunder and lightning roar came from the stone statue.

The Xuanming Mountain Range was destroyed on the spot.

The entire Xuanming Mountain Range was reduced to ruins.

The person in this stone statue is officially the ancestor of the Xuanming Ancient Sect in the Xuanming Realm—Xuanming Great Emperor, the leader of the Xuanming Ancient Sect.

At this moment, Xuanming Great Emperor had a painful and twisted expression on his face, enduring the terrifying Xuanming Thunder Tribulation attack. .

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