890 Transcendent Level strong man in the dominion realm

A crimson flame burned out of thin air.

In an instant, the flame fell on Yang Zhen.


In an instant, Yang Zhen's body was burned to the ground, not even the dregs were left.

A powerful Transcendent Level master in the Dominion Realm died like this.

And the death is extremely miserable!!!

This made the guards tremble inwardly.

There was shock in their eyes.

As for Mengyao, she looked at Xiao Yifeng even more shocked.

"This guy's strength is improving so fast!!!"

Xiao Yifeng curled his lips and muttered to himself.

"You...you killed our Lord Master?"

The three Martial Master level experts looked at Xiao Yifeng in stunned silence.

"Just kill him, no big deal."

Xiao Yifeng said contemptuously.

Then the three people looked at each other and prepared to escape from here.


As a result, they haven't taken the step yet.

Xiao Yifeng used the swallowing and refining technique to refine and absorb all the power in their bodies.

These three people didn't have time to say a word.

He died directly.

This scene completely frightened the passers-by.

Their eyes widened with disbelief.


As soon as these three people died, the remaining three Martial Master realm guards reacted.

They activated their secret techniques one after another, used forbidden secret techniques to forcibly increase their strength, and then fled frantically.

They are members of Yang Zhen's strongest fighting team.

Everyone is a strong person in the Martial Master Realm Late Stage.

Once they use the secret method to increase their power, it will be enough to reach the realm of Wuzong.

Even those at the peak of Wuzong, they can compete with one or two.

But facing Xiao Yifeng, a strong master in the domination realm, this group of people was still completely abused.

"It's not that easy to run away."

Xiao Yifeng snorted coldly, and his body suddenly disappeared.

When he appeared, he was already in front of these three people, and he punched them.



Then Xiao Yifeng punched out.

There was a clear and harsh sound of bones breaking in the void, and blood spurted out.

The necks of these three people were punched directly by Xiao Yifeng.

Then their bodies fell towards the ground.

"Mengyao, let's go. I'll leave here with you today."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Mengyao and said.

"Thank you!!!"

"I owe you my life this time."

Mengyao looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Don't thank me, I just helped out."

Xiao Yifeng said calmly.

The two of them set off directly back to Star Academy.

Star Academy, in the meeting hall.

Xiao Yifeng is sitting here, and Mengyao is standing in front of him, with a somewhat sad expression on her eyebrows.

"Don't worry, your father will be fine."

Xiao Yifeng said softly.

"Well, thank you 913 for your belief.

Mengyao looked at Xiao Yifeng and thanked him.

"Meng Yao, you are what you are now because of Meng Pavilion.

"Do you mind if I investigate the matter of Meng Pavilion?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Mengyao and said.

"No, I can just handle this myself."

Mengyao shook her head and said.

Then she changed the topic and looked at Xiao Yifeng:

"By the way, how did you break through to the Emperor Monarch realm?"

“I broke through this by chance.

"As for Meng Pavilion, you don't need to worry. With me here, everything will be fine.

Xiao Yifeng comforted Mengyao. .

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