922 Top strong man

Meng Hengduan, the head of Meng's Castle, is sitting here.

There were three men standing in front of him at this moment.

They are all ninth-level Saints, the top experts in Meng's Castle.

"Father, the boy you mentioned is indeed extraordinary."

"In just a few days, he killed Haoyu and ascended to the throne of the young master of the Meng family's ancient medicine.

One of the three men said in a deep voice.

"I've investigated it."

"He is indeed from a certain sect in the Southern Wilderness, called Xiao Yifeng.

"It is said that he is a Fifth Grade Alchemist, and there is a Monster comparable to the 253 Quasi-Emperor level."

Meng Heng said with a frown.

"Father, is this Xiao Yifeng a descendant of the Xiao Ancient Clan?"

Another person guessed.

"Not sure."

"But I always feel that this kid is not just a simple descendant of Xiao's Ancient Clan. I'm afraid there are some problems."

"He dares to provoke Meng's Castle so blatantly."

"I'm afraid he deliberately angered us. He probably wants to use the strength of Meng's Castle to suppress the people inside Meng's Castle."

Meng Heng said in a deep voice.

"That's right, he just wants to (ahch) use Meng's Castle to get rid of us so that he can reap the benefits."

"Father, if this happens, Meng's Castle will probably suffer huge losses."

The three men talked one after another.

"So what? As long as we can save Meng's Castle."

"What does it mean to sacrifice the foundation accumulated by Mengshi Castle for hundreds of years?"

"And haven't you heard?"

"Meng Hao has retreated and broken through Quasi-Emperor."

"When the time comes, Meng Hao will inherit the Meng Family Castle."

"And Menghao is also my biological flesh and blood. I believe he will not leave me alone."

Meng Heng said in a deep voice.

"Is Menghao really going to break through the Quasi-Emperor?"

"So fast!!!"

Hearing Meng Heng's words, the group of people looked shocked.

Obviously none of them expected that Meng Hao would break through the Quasi-Emperor so quickly.

"Menghao, this kid is very talented and his future is limitless!!!"

"In this case, I will immediately summon all the elders and the chiefs of the major branches."

"Let them rush to Meng Mansion immediately to discuss how to deal with Xiao Yifeng."

"Get that girl back at the same time."

"No matter what, we can't let her marry that boy."

Meng Heng said directly.


The three men nodded.

Night fell in a blink of an eye.

Xiao Yifeng sat cross-legged on the bed with his eyes closed tightly.

Buzz buzz!!!

Just when Xiao Yifeng had just recovered his strength and was ready to continue to comprehend the secrets of the stars.

There were bursts of harsh buzzing sounds coming from his body.

This is his physical body trembling.

Swish swish!!!

Then these stars converged together.

It condensed into a star core and was suspended in Xiao Yifeng's body.

Immediately, the entire Star Palace began to tremble violently.

At this time, the Great Emperor, the weapon spirit in the Starry Sky Ancient Seal, appeared in front of Xiao Yifeng.

"Boy, congratulations on breaking through to the title domination realm!!!"

The Void Great Emperor looked at Xiao Yifeng and spoke softly.

“This is just the beginning.

Xiao Yifeng curled his lips.

He directly activated the second star soul in the nine major acupoints, wildly devouring the power of the stars to speed up the tempering of the star soul.

Then Xiao Yifeng completely transformed the star soul into a star core.

This star core exudes dazzling light.

It contains a coercion that destroys the heaven and the earth. .

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