924 Mengshi Castle

Menghao stood in the room, muttering to himself.

His eyes flashed with determination.

"Father, I'm leaving first."

Then Menghao left the room directly.

At the same time, in a courtyard deep in the castle.

Beside a pond full of strong fairy spirit.

A beautiful figure lies here quietly, exuding a faint brilliance.

"Mom, I'm here to see you."

Menghao came to the pond, looked at the woman in the pond and said.

This woman is clearly Mengyao whom she met in the desolate forest.

She almost died in the deserted forest, but was rescued by Xiao Yifeng.

"Mom, how are you?"

Meng Hao came to Mengyao and asked.

"Wu'er, why are you here?"

Mengyao slowly opened her eyes and looked at Meng Hao, showing a smile.

"I'm here to take you home!!!"

Meng Hao looked at Meng Yao and said affectionately.

"go home?"

Mengyao murmured to herself.

"Yes, mother, I have taken control of the treasure left by the Great Emperor in the starry sky."

"When my strength breaks through, that's the day Meng's Castle will be mine!!!"

"When the time comes, I will let Meng's Castle rise again and stand at the top of the barren state!!!"

Menghao shouted with a cold expression.

"Wu'er, it's good that you are ambitious, but mother..."

Hearing Meng Hao's words, Mengyao looked very worried.

"Mom, don't worry, I have found a way to treat your injury."

Menghao said quickly.

"Really? That's great!!!"

Mengyao looked very excited.

"Of course, I promised you that I must let you live and let you see the day when I become the Ancient Emperor of the Starry Sky.

Meng Hao said with a determined expression.

And this day is coming soon after all.

"Thank you, Wu'er!!!"

Mengyao looked at Meng Hao and said with a moved expression.

"Fool, you will always be my mother, so I will naturally be filial to you."

"From now on, your task is to have a good rest, take good care of yourself, and wait for the day when I successfully ascend the throne and dominate the starry sky."

Menghao said in a deep voice.

Then Menghao left here.

A few more days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past few days, Xiao Yifeng was still refining and refining the power of the stars to temper his body.

The star soul in his dantian is constantly absorbing and refining the power of the stars...

As the star soul gradually becomes larger.

The power contained in the Star Soul is also constantly increasing.

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

During this period of time, Xiao Yifeng has been sitting cross-legged in this room.

His cultivation has reached the peak of Martial Saint.

His strength is already comparable to that of a strong person in the early stages of the Martial Sovereign realm.

His physical defense is comparable to that of a Quasi-Emperor level expert.

In addition, he also successfully practiced the Nine Heavens Divine Sword Technique and became a set of Emperor Level spiritual skills.

Today's Xiao Yifeng's combat power has far exceeded his strength in the Martial Saint realm.

Boom boom boom......

On this day, a series of harsh roars came from the void. 4.7 There was a burst of thunder in the palace where Xiao Yifeng was.

Xiao Yifeng suddenly woke up from his practice.

Swish, swish, swish...

At this time, a series of sounds of breaking through the void sounded.

A group of men in black robes arrived here.

These people are all strong men of the Great Emperor Realm.

They exuded a terrifying imperial power.

"who are you?"

Xiao Yifeng frowned and stared at the group of people in black. .

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