928 coma

"Hao'er, how are you?"

The white-haired old woman looked at Meng Hao and said nervously.


Meng Hao just wanted to say something.

A mouthful of blood suddenly came out of his mouth, and he fell unconscious on the bed.


Seeing this, the white-haired old woman suddenly screamed.

She shouted with a very anxious look.

"Someone is coming!!!"

Then the white-haired old woman shouted at the top of her lungs.

People from Meng Mansion rushed into the room one after another.

As a result, they approached the house.

A terrifying force came directly.

Immediately, all the people in Meng Mansion, including the guards, were blown away and smashed against the wall, vomiting blood.

Each of them looked at Meng Hao in the center of the room with shocked expressions in their eyes.

They have no idea what's going on?

"Master, how are you?"

At this moment, Meng Yue looked at Meng Hao and couldn't help but say.

"Miss, the eldest young master seems to be critically ill."

“Now only elixirs from the Saint or the Supreme Emperor Level can cure him.

At this time, the maid next to Menghao looked at Mengyue and said.

"Saint and the elixir of the Supreme Emperor Level?"


Hearing this, Meng Yue's expression changed.

"Assemble personnel immediately and leave Meng Mansion immediately, otherwise no one will be able to escape!!!"

Then Meng Yue shouted directly to everyone in Meng Mansion.


This group of strong men from Meng Mansion heard Meng Yue's words.

They nodded one after another and acted quickly.

Everyone else in Meng Mansion didn't know what was going on, so they also left.



Wait until it's quiet again here.

The Meng Mansion housekeeper, the other guardians and the maids all came over one after another and knelt in front of the bed.

Their expressions looked very solemn, and their eyes were full of worry.

"Father, what happened to eldest brother? Why did he suddenly become like this?"

Meng Yue said with a puzzled look on her face.

"It should have been done by a certain Great Emperor!!!"

The housekeeper of Meng Mansion said with a frown.

"What? Great Emperor?"

"how so?"

"How could eldest brother offend the Great Emperor?"

Meng Yue said with a shocked face.

"I will investigate this matter clearly. I hope this matter is not true and nothing will happen to the young master!!!"


The butler of Meng Mansion said with a solemn expression.

"Xiaoyue, don't worry, since this is the debt owed by our Meng Mansion."

"I will help the young master seek justice."

At this time, the ancestor of Meng Mansion came out and said in a deep voice.

"Meet the ancestors!!!"

Watching the ancestor of Meng Mansion appear.

The Meng Mansion housekeeper and others looked shocked.

They all shouted respectfully to the ancestor.

"The eldest young master is my hope for the future of Meng Mansion."

"If someone dares to do anything to the eldest young master, I will never forgive him!!!"

The ancestor said coldly.

"Yes, we understand."

The butler nodded.

"Uncle, are you okay?"

Then the housekeeper glanced at the great elder of Meng Mansion who was lying on the ground.

"Second brother, I was wrong, I beg you to forgive me!!!"

The great elder of Meng Mansion kowtowed to the housekeeper with a sad face and said.

"You still know you were wrong?"

The housekeeper glared at the great elder of Meng Mansion and shouted.

"If it weren't for you this time, we wouldn't have been implicated."

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