951 Desolate Sky Tower

His father Xiao Yuan died tragically at the hands of these people.

Finally, his father's body was brought back to the Wild Sky Tower.

And those people in black robes come from a mysterious place in the starry sky.

Through this memory fragment, Xiao Yifeng vaguely guessed the origin of this group of people.

"Who are you?"

"Kill my father and humiliate my mother. I, Xiao Yifeng, are at odds with you!!!"

"I must make you pay the price!!!"

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng roared angrily in his heart, with overwhelming murderous intent surging.

He wished he could kill those people in black robes with a thousand knives.

"Father, mother, I will never let you down!!!"

"When I am strong enough." 07

"I will definitely return to the starry sky and kill you to avenge you!!!"

Xiao Yifeng clenched his fists and shouted with a firm and cold face.


At this time, a roar suddenly came from Xiao Yifeng's body.

Immediately, a purple elixir in his dantian shone with rich purple light, which was the core of the star.

Now this star core has completely transformed into a star core.

A star core contains terrifying star power.

"Is this the core of the star?"

Xiao Yifeng murmured to himself.

He tried to mobilize a bit of the power of the star core to control it.


There was a dull sound.

Suddenly, the core of the star burst out with a terrifying star power.

This star power spread crazily, sweeping across the entire Mysterious Heaven Sect.

The building of this Mysterious Heaven Sect was instantly reduced to ashes.

Including this towering and majestic mountain peak, there is also no grass.

The entire Mysterious Heaven Sect disciples were stunned and their eyes widened.

They looked at everything in front of them, and their expressions were completely frozen.

"What...what happened?"

At this moment, the Mysterious Heaven Sect Sect Master and the Mysterious Heaven Sect Supreme Elder appeared one after another.

They were all shocked when they saw the terrifying scene in front of them.

"What's going on?"

The Supreme Elder of Mysterious Heaven Sect frowned and stared at the flattened mountain peak.

He grabbed an elder at the peak of the Emperor Monarch realm next to him and shouted with a cold expression.

"The Supreme Elder, just now..."

The elder at the top of the Emperor Monarch realm said immediately.

As a result, the other party could not continue talking.

Because he saw the scene in front of him, his expression changed.

Boom boom boom!!!

Soon, three more deafening explosions were heard.

These three emperors, the Supreme Elders in the early stage of King Realm, turned into a pile of dust.


Seeing this scene in front of him, the Supreme Elder of Mysterious Heaven Sect made a voice of grief.

The rest of the Mysterious Heaven Sect people looked at the mountain that had been reduced to 213 ruins with frightened expressions in their eyes.

"Who did it?"

The leader of the Mysterious Heaven Sect shouted sharply.

"It's that kid!!!"

Then an elder from the Mysterious Heaven Sect pointed to Xiao Yifeng's yard.

Swish swish!!!

In an instant, hundreds of disciples of the Mysterious Heaven Sect rushed towards Xiao Yifeng's yard.

"Damn you little bastard, how dare you destroy my sect's Sacred Land!!!"

The sect leader of the Mysterious Heaven Sect looked at where Xiao Yifeng's courtyard was, cursed with a ferocious expression, and rushed out.

"Brother, leave this matter to me!!!"

At this moment, a young man in white appeared here, looking at the master of the Mysterious Heaven Sect and saying.

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