967 Vermilion Bird College

When everyone at Vermilion Bird Academy saw the appearance of this man in red armor, their expressions changed continuously.

There was fear in their eyes.

"See Great Emperor!!!"

Immediately, the Xuanhuo Sect Master and others bowed and shouted.

"Great Emperor, they are the people of Vermilion Bird Hall."

Zhu Xu pointed at Zhu Peng and others and shouted coldly.

"Since you are Xuan Yan's son and nephew, make your own choice."

"You are obediently taking me back to Xuanhuo Sect without any help."

"Let me beat you down and take you back!!!"

The Profound Heaven Great Emperor looked at Zhu Peng and others and said coldly.

"Great Emperor, they are my Young Master and Second Young Master of the Xuanhuo Sect after all."

"And they have Xuanhuo bloodline, if you take them away."

"I'm afraid that the Xuanhuo Sect Master and the Supreme Elder will blame you."

The Xuanhuo Sect Master looked at the Profound Heaven Great Emperor and said.

"Is it your turn to intervene in my affairs?"

The Profound Heaven Great Emperor said with a strong and cold expression.

"Great Emperor, please forgive me!!~!"

The Xuanhuo Sect Master quickly bowed.

"Get out of here!!!"

“If you don’t want to cause trouble, just disappear immediately.

Profound Heaven Great Emperor shouted coldly.

The Xuanhuo Sect Master and the other Xuanhuo Sect disciples retreated with aggrieved expressions.

They didn't expect a mere Vermilion Bird Hall.

He actually dared to compete with the Xuanhuo Sect.

"Profound Heaven Great Emperor, aren't you afraid that my master will be weird if you do this?"

"Aren't you afraid of retribution when you treat your fellow disciples like this?"

Zhu Xu looked at the Profound Heaven Great Emperor and shouted.


In an instant, the Profound Heaven Great Emperor slapped him.

Zhu Xu flew out directly.

He hit the ground hard and vomited blood.

"What I hate the most is being threatened by someone using the name of fellow disciple!!!"

"An ant-like thing like you is not qualified yet!!!"

Profound Heaven Great Emperor shouted with a strong and cold expression.

"Zhu Xu, how are you?"

Zhu Qianqian rushed over and helped Zhu Xu up.

"Cough cough cough......"

Zhu Xu covered his chest and coughed violently.

"Don't worry, your father and Vermilion Bird Hall will be safe and sound!!!"

Xiao Yifeng said calmly.

"Thank you, big brother.

"Without you, Vermilion Bird Hall might..."

Zhu Qianqian's eyes flashed with tears, and she looked at Xiao Yifeng with gratitude.

"You're welcome, don't worry.

Xiao Yifeng shook his head.

And somewhere in the void of this Spirit World.

The group of people walked through the air, exuding an extremely rich Monster aura.

This group of people is none other than the Monster Race strongmen from Beast Realm Monster Race.

The leader among them is a man with a gentle and handsome face.

He had his hands behind his back and was wearing a black coat.

A pair of eyes glowed with a strange purple light, looking very evil.

"The eldest prince, according to the news returned by the spies."

"The Profound Heaven Great Emperor has arrived in Vermilion Bird City."

At this time, a man in black clothes looked at the man and said respectfully. (Wang Zhao’s)

"Who is the Profound Heaven Great Emperor?"

"Is it finally here?"

A bloodthirsty sneer appeared on the corner of the man known as the eldest prince.

He took a step forward and appeared here instantly.

Immediately, thousands of other Monster Race people present also arrived.

The lowest among these Monster Race people have Saint Realm cultivation.

The strongest one has reached the Imperial Monarch Level.

The overall strength is not inferior to the guards of Vermilion Bird Hall, and is even more terrifying. .

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