971 Beihai Poseidon

He looked surprised.

"Yes, I am the Lord of the North Sea and the Poseidon of the North Sea that you are going to deal with."

The Lord of the North Sea said in a deep voice.

"I didn't expect you to actually be alive and become the Lord of the North Sea!!!"

Vermilion Bird looked at the Lord of the North Sea and shouted coldly.

There was a hint of fear in his eyes.

"You killed my husband, I must avenge him!!!"

The Lord of the North Sea shouted coldly.

He squeezed the seal with both hands.

A terrifying power of the Great Emperor swept across all directions. 07 "Great Emperor?"

"This is impossible, you are obviously only halfway to the reincarnation stage!!!"

Vermilion Bird's expression was uncertain, with a look of shock in his eyes.

"Do you think I will really let you Vermilion Bird Mountain and Beihai be the companions of tigers and just sit back and watch you grow?"

The Lord of the North Sea shouted with a cold expression.


Vermilion Bird's expression darkened.


At this moment, a man in black came here.

He is the ancestor of Vermilion Bird Mountain.

"Meet the ancestor!!!"

Immediately, the master of Vermilion Bird Hall and many Vermilion Bird Hall disciples knelt down directly in front of the ancestor of Vermilion Bird Mountain and shouted respectfully.

"Well, you did a good job this time."

The ancestor of Vermilion Bird Mountain nodded slightly.

He stared at the Lord of the North Sea in the void.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be still alive. What a surprise!!!"

"It seems that you deliberately hid your strength back then."

The ancestor of Vermilion Bird Mountain looked at the Lord of the North Sea and smiled.

"I failed if I didn't kill you back then."

"But if you appear here again today, I will send you to hell to accompany your brother!!!"

The Lord of the North Sea said indifferently.

"Humph, Lord of Beihai, today I will show you the difference between the half-step reincarnation realm and the quasi-reincarnation realm.

"Today is the day when you will die!!!"

The ancestor of Vermilion Bird Mountain looked at the Lord of the North Sea and shouted word by word.

As soon as his body moved, he erupted with terrifying quasi-reincarnation pressure and headed towards Beihai Zhidao to suppress it.


The Lord of the North Sea also unleashed the terrifying pressure of the Great Emperor.

Although he is in the quasi-reincarnation state.

But its combat power is much more terrifying than that of an ordinary Martial Artist in the quasi-reincarnation realm.

The two fought fiercely together.

A huge war broke out again.

The power of the battle between two quasi-reincarnation realm powerhouses was terrifying.

And because this is a life-and-death fight between two powerful men in the quasi-reincarnation realm, a lot of things are involved.

In this space, all kinds of terrifying energies are constantly born and destroyed, and it is full of signs of chaos.

And some buildings in Beihai were directly destroyed.

This place has completely become a restricted area.


Vermilion Bird quickly stood in front of his mother.

"Vermilion Bird, run away!!!"

The master of Vermilion Bird Hall looked at 843 Vermilion Bird and said with a solemn expression.

He directly gave his Spirit Treasure to Vermilion Bird.

With this Supreme Grade Spirit Treasure.

Vermilion Bird will have a chance to leave here.


The battle between the Lord of the North Sea and the ancestor of Vermilion Bird Mountain became increasingly fierce.

Waves of monstrous energy exploded.

The surrounding space all collapsed and twisted.

This imperial city was beaten to pieces and shattered into pieces.

"This guy is really powerful!!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the Lord of Beihai and muttered secretly.

Boom boom boom——

The two men fought fiercely with dozens of moves.

In the end, the ancestor of Vermilion Bird Mountain was bombarded to the point of vomiting blood. .

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