After Wu Yan finished talking about the past and current situation of several people sent by Xiaoyao, he felt that the originally somewhat low atmosphere in the Star Picking Building became warm again.

The experience of the three elders of Xiaoyao had ups and downs, and everyone could not have imagined that a sect of immortal cultivation would fall to this point. The

three elders of Xiaoyao were all seriously injured!

“Hiss~ I really couldn’t imagine that such a powerful getaway faction would actually end up in such a field!”

“The old monster Ding Chunqiu is so famous, I didn’t expect to be an apprentice without a cliff! Killing the master to seduce the master and the mother, heaven does not tolerate it!

“Ding Chunqiu’s Great Method of Transformation is so powerful, it turns out that it is only a part of the North Hades Divine Skill, and the North Hades Divine Skill is a part of the Changchun Immortal Gong, and the Immortal Cultivation Technique is really strong!”

“Yes, I almost went to the Great Song to find the Xiaoyao faction, and now it seems that there is no need to go.”

“But this cliffless is too scumbag, right? Junior sister and junior sister all like him, if he wants both, won’t there be so much?

“If you really don’t like to refuse directly, you can do it, but you accept Li Qiushui but ignore her.”

“I’m curious now, why Wuyazi doesn’t feel Li Qiushui, but is obsessed with carving her jade statue?”

“Shock! Daqin Luowang actually made a move, and also seriously injured Wu Xingyun and Li Qiushui!

“No wonder Mr. Wu said that the three elders of Xiaoyao are average in strength among the great masters, and Luowang can seriously injure the three elders of Xiaoyao when fighting in exotic countries, and their strength is unfathomable!”

In the box on the sixth floor, the face of Yueyue Mercy Star was once again filled with anger.

“Xiaoyaozi is shameless, his apprentice apprentice Sun is also all the way, if I meet him, he will be killed!”

The purpose of the Shifting Flower Palace is to kill all the world’s negative people, and this cliffless is enough to meet the standard.

Of course, what Ding Chunqiu did made him labeled as a must-kill.

Luna and the others who had returned to the private room were very entangled.

The good news is that there is finally a clue to Wuyazi, and Wu Xingyun and the two were seriously injured by them before, although they escaped by luck, but they have entered the encirclement of Luo Net, and they are still confident to catch it.

As long as you find three people and get their exercises, you can restore the Immortal Skill of Changchun.

The bad news is that Changchun Immortal Skill also seems to be a very testing qualification, and the First Emperor may not be able to cultivate.

“I don’t know if there are other immortal cultivation exercises with relatively low qualification requirements…”

Although his heart was curious, because Wu Yan ignored the series of inquiries just now, the moon god was also worried about provoking him, so he could only think of asking again next time.

“Dare to ask sir, why is Wuyazi obsessed with a jade statue and disdainful of Li Qiushui?”

Lu Xiaofeng thought left and right and still had no answer, so he could only ask Wu Yan.

As soon as the folding fan was displayed, Wu Yan spoke lightly,

“Of course, there is only one reason, the jade statue is not Li Qiushui, and the other person who loves Wuyazi is Li Canghai, Li Qiushui’s sister!”

As soon as the words came out, everyone suddenly realized. Yes, Li

Canghai is Li Qiushui’s sister, and the two naturally look similar.

“It turns out that Wuyazi loves Li Canghai, but Li Canghai has been taken away by Xiaoyaozi, and he can only carve a jade statue to miss it!”

“Then what’s going on with Li Qiushui? Since Wuyazi didn’t like Li Qiushui, he married her and had a daughter.

“This is not simple, Wuyazi took Li Qiushui as a stand-in for Li Canghai.”

Lu Xiaofeng shook his head, but he didn’t expect the truth to be like this. Although he is amorous, he is also dedicated, like is like,

dislike is not like, Wuyazi this behavior he also looks down on.

On the high platform, Wu Yan planned to withdraw.

Originally, he was going to comment on a few more immortals today.

But I didn’t expect to insert many topics on the way to the storytelling, and a lot has already been said.

Carefully calculated, he said a chapter of the immortal realm today, talking about the goddess Lannuo shattering the void, Xiao Chen and Zhao Lin’er followed into the immortal realm, and mentioned the next storytelling overture, which led to the great horror of Dragon Island and the dead city.

Later, he roughly commented on the realms of Shenzhou and the Immortal Realm, as well as the comparison of the combat power of the two sides.

After commenting on the tenth Xiaoyaozi of the Immortal, in addition to introducing his life deeds, he also briefly commented on the bloody plot between the three elders of Xiaoyao.

The discussion of the combat power of the three people generally led to the proposal of many people to comment on the list of the great masters of the two imperial dynasties of the Great Song and the Ming Dynasty.

Wu Yan felt that there was already a lot of content in the book today, and they still needed to be allowed to digest it.

Of course, the most important thing is that the number of people who came to listen to the book today still did not reach Wu Yan’s imagination.

There were not enough people, and the speed at which he gained popularity was greatly limited.

Although the theory of immortality caused a sensation, most people did not believe it.

And the time is too short, such as the Great Han and Sui and other remote imperial dynasties do not even know that he is such a person.

I believe that the spread of today’s storytelling content will definitely attract more people to listen to the book, and the harvest of the next storytelling will probably be beyond imagination!

At present, the most important thing is to hurry back and transform the gains of this storytelling into strength!

Wu Yan folded the fan with his right hand, clasped his hands together and said in a fist.

“Well, thank you for coming all the way to listen to my storytelling, this storytelling will end here, and the next storytelling will start in five days!”

After that, he was ready to leave.

Seeing that Wu Yan was leaving, the others naturally did not want to.

It is rare to have such an interesting storytelling, and it has exposed many anecdotes, and I am listening to it fascinated, where is I willing to let Wu Yan leave.

“Mr. Wu, don’t, just talk about it!” “If you have to wait

for the next story, you have to wait another five days, this is too difficult, sir will say something!”

“Yes, even if you don’t tell Mr. Shu, you can just tell some secrets of the world!”

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