On the morning of the second day, after saying goodbye to the old village chief, Lin Fan took Duoduo Xiaomei, Lu Bu and 800 heavy armored cavalry and left the village.

His purpose this time was to enter Changbai Mountain again.

The specific purpose was to summon the giant city rewarded by the system, as well as the 100,000 sword and shield soldiers, 100,000 light cavalry, and four German-equipped infantry divisions.

As for why the German-equipped infantry division was not summoned together? Lin Fan said that of course it was kept by his side as a trump card.

After all, he was going to the territory of the Qing Dynasty this time. In case of any accidents, with this German-equipped infantry division, Lin Fan would always feel more at ease.

In addition, when he set out to find the treasure of the Qing Dynasty dragon vein last time, Lin Fan once discovered a valley at the entrance of Changbai Mountain, more than 100 kilometers away from the village.

The area of ​​the valley is about 50 to 60 kilometers, which is just suitable for Lin Fan to summon the giant city rewarded by the system.

The most important thing is that the giant city is summoned in that valley, which is very concealed, and there is basically no need to worry about being discovered! .

The Fire Kirin carried Lin Fan, Duoduo, and Xiaomei in front, and Lu Bu and 800 heavy armored cavalry followed closely behind.

Finally, when it was almost dark, the group arrived at the valley.

Looking at such a large valley, Lin Fan did not hesitate and directly opened the summon.

The next moment, a mist suddenly rose in the valley, and soon the mist covered the entire valley.

After more than ten minutes, the mist began to dissipate.

When the mist completely dissipated, a huge city appeared in front of Lin Fan and his group.

Looking at this huge city, even Lu Bu, who had seen the prosperity of Luoyang City, was amazed.

Because Luoyang City is simply incomparable to this huge city.

Whether it is the height of the city wall, the area, or the various buildings built with reinforced concrete, they are not comparable to Luoyang City! .

"Sir, this city is too big!" Lu Bu sighed.

"It's OK. This will be our home from now on."

Lin Fan said calmly.

After all, he traveled from 2023. He had seen all kinds of prosperous cities.

"Let's go in."

Lin Fan patted the Fire Kirin and led the way to the giant city.

At the same time, he began to summon the army rewarded by the system.

There is a military camp not far from each gate in the city. There are four military camps for four gates.

Lin Fan first summoned a German-equipped infantry division in each military camp, and then he split the 100,000 sword and shield soldiers and 100,000 light cavalry into 25,000 sword and shield soldiers and 25,000 light cavalry for each military camp.

In this way, each military camp has a German-equipped infantry division, 25,000 sword and shield soldiers, and 25,000 light cavalry, a total of more than 64,000 people.

In addition, the food and grass rewarded by the system were evenly distributed by Lin Fan and summoned to the warehouses of the four military camps.

After all, once the army is summoned, it also needs to eat.

After thinking about it, Lin Fan issued two orders to the commanders of the four German-equipped divisions through the system.

Lin Fan's first order was to appoint the commanders of the four German-equipped divisions as the supreme commanders of the four military camps, responsible for commanding more than 64,000 troops in their respective military camps.

Lin Fan's second order was to let their four military camps take over the defense of a city wall, and each military camp was responsible for a city gate.

After everything was done, Lin Fan and his party had already arrived in front of the moat of the east gate of the giant city.

The next moment, a click-click-click sound was heard, and a huge steel suspension bridge was lowered, and at the same time, the city gate made of pure steel was slowly opened.

The German-equipped Second Division was responsible for this city wall, and the commander's name was Zhang Fei.

That's right, this Zhang Fei is Zhang Fei Zhang Yide in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

As for whether he is capable enough, how he became the commander of the German-equipped Second Division, and whether he has the ability to command the German-equipped Division, you have to ask the system.

Lin Fan said he didn't know much! .

In addition, the commander of the German-equipped First Division is Guan Yu, the commander of the German-equipped Third Division is Zhao Yun, the commander of the German-equipped Fourth Division is Ma Chao, and the commander of the German-equipped Fifth Division is Huang Zhong.

The system is also ruthless enough, directly killing the Five Tiger Generals under Liu Bei! .

Liu Bei in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms cried and fainted in the toilet.

Soon the drawbridge was lowered, the city gate was completely opened, and then Zhang Fei walked out with a dozen people.

When he came to Lin Fan, he saw Zhang Fei and the dozen people behind him kneeling on one knee and saluted.

"Zhang Fei Zhang Yide, the commander of the Second Division of the German-equipped Infantry Division, greets the lord."

"We greet the lord."

"Well, everyone get up."

"By the way, you don't need to call me lord in the future, call me Gong"Yes, sir." Zhang Fei and the dozen people behind him replied at the same time, and then stood up. Looking at Zhang Fei in front of him, Lin Fan said to the system in his heart. "System, open Zhang Fei's personal panel." "Okay host." The system agreed. The next moment, a light screen that only Lin Fan could see appeared in front of Lin Fan. "System summons character: Zhang Fei Zhang Yide." Gender: Male. Current age: 29. Innate weapon, Zhangba Snake Spear. Current cultivation: Grandmaster mid-stage. Current identity: Commander of the host's army. Although the information provided by the system is pitifully small, Lin Fan can also learn from it that the martial arts values ​​of several division commanders are probably in the Grandmaster mid-stage. After all, Lu Bu is also Only the late Grandmaster.

After bidding farewell to Zhang Fei, Lin Fan and his party went directly to the City Lord's Mansion in the middle of the city.

Along the way, Lin Fan found that the configuration of this huge city was very complete. Not to mention that the greening on both sides of the road was well done, there were even shops. As for how you know, didn't you see that the street lights on both sides of the road were on! ? .

After entering the City Lord's Mansion, Lin Fan found that there was an empty space in the middle of the City Lord's Mansion, which seemed very strange, so he asked the system.

"System, what's going on? Did you cut corners? Why is there an empty space here! ? ? "

"Host, have you forgotten the luxury villa opened in the novice gift package? This empty space is the location reserved by this system for the luxury villa."

The system said.

"So that's the case. System, you are still thoughtful! . "

After praising the system, Lin Fan summoned the luxurious villa from the novice gift package to the open space in the middle of the city lord's mansion.

Before entering the villa with Xiao Duoduo in his arms, Lin Fan turned to Lu Bu and said.

"Fengxian, you divide the 800 heavy armored cavalry into four teams, three of which have 200 people each, and take eight-hour shifts to guard the inner city and the city lord's mansion."

"The last team will be led by you personally, and you will be on standby at any time. In two days, I will go to the capital of the Qing Dynasty."

"Yes, sir, I will arrange it now! ."

Lu Bu left to arrange what Lin Fan ordered.

"By the way, hurry up and come over for dinner later. We will have hot pot tonight."

Lin Fan shouted at Lu Bu's back as he left.

"Got it."

Lu Bu replied.

Then he quickened his pace. Although Lu Bu didn't know what hot pot was, Lu Bu knew that the things made by his lord were definitely not wrong!

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