"Sir, we found a manor five or six kilometers away from the capital, and the owner of the manor is also looking for a buyer, but the price he offered is a bit high."

"How high?"

Lin Fan asked.

"He wants 15,000 taels of silver before he is willing to sell the manor to us."

"Let's go and take a look: just listening to you, I don't know if the manor is worth 15,000 taels of silver."

Lin Fan said.

"Yes, sir."

Soon the group set off again, and soon they arrived at a manor.

Sitting on the Fire Kirin, looking at the manor in front of him with good decoration and a large area, Lin Fan said.

"It's a nice yard, but 15,000 taels is too exaggerated, 10,000 taels is about right."

After Lin Fan finished speaking, a wealthy middle-aged man walked out of the manor.

When he saw the Fire Kirin where Lin Fan was sitting, his originally arrogant face immediately changed to an expression, even a little flattering.

After all, how could someone who can ride a fire unicorn out for a stroll be an ordinary person?

In the final analysis, he didn't dare to make enemies with Lin Fan.

"Are you the owner of this manor?"

Lin Fan asked when he saw the person coming out of the manor.

"Yes, it's me."

"Your manor is not worth 15,000 taels, how about selling it to me for 10,000 taels?"

"Haha, you are right, my manor is indeed not worth 15,000 taels."

"How about this, if you are willing to pay 10,000 taels to buy my manor, I will sell it to you for 10,000 taels, just as a good relationship with you."

The wealthy middle-aged man smiled flatteringly and said in a tone of being at a great loss.

In fact, he still made a little profit, but not much.

"Give me the money first."

"Yes, sir."

The next moment, Lu Bu handed 100 taels of gold to the wealthy middle-aged man.

After receiving the gold from Lv Bu, the wealthy middle-aged man also handed the deed of the manor to Lv Bu.

"Sir, since the money and goods have been settled, I will take my leave."

At this point, Lin Fan and his party settled down in this manor.

But since it was still early, Lin Fan decided to go into the city for a stroll.

He did it as he thought, leaving 180 heavily armored cavalrymen to guard the manor.

Lin Fan took Duoduo and Xiaomei, as well as Lv Bu and 20 heavily armored cavalrymen to the capital.

However, this time Lin Fan did not ride the Fire Kirin, but left the Fire Kirin in the manor.

After all, the mythical beast of the Fire Kirin is quite eye-catching, and Lin Fan does not want to be treated as a monkey.

Arriving at the city gate, Lin Fan, who was sitting in the carriage holding Duoduo, accidentally caught a glimpse of a familiar figure.

After a closer look, Lin Fan recognized the identity of the man.

That man was none other than Wei Xiaobao, the protagonist of The Deer and the Cauldron.

After instructing Lu Bu to take good care of Duoduo.

Lin Fan jumped off the carriage and followed Wei Xiaobao, wanting to confirm where the plot had developed.

"Brother Lu Bu, where is the young master going? Didn't you agree to take the young lady into the city for a stroll?"

Xiaomei asked.

Xiao Duoduo also blinked and looked at Lu Bu, waiting for Lu Bu's answer.

"Don't ask me, I don't know either. The young master just told me to take good care of Miss Duoduo, and then he left directly. As for where he went, I don't know!?."

Lin Fan followed Wei Xiaobao all the way, and soon the two arrived at the gate of the palace.

Seeing this, Lin Fan didn't know where the plot had developed.

It is obvious that the plot has developed to the part where Tiandihui sent Wei Xiaobao to sneak into the palace.

"But, should I get involved?"

For example, blocking Hai Dafu so that he can't get to the cleansing room in time.

Lin Fan thought to himself.

After all, if the plot continues to develop normally, it won't be long before Princess Jianning will be captured by Wei Xiaobao.

It's obvious that this is what Lin Fan doesn't want to see.

He took another look at Wei Xiaobao, who had been carried into the palace by two eunuchs because he was in the wrong line.

Lin Fan found an empty alley, changed out of the Qilin suit he was wearing, put on the clothes he wore in the Fuwei Escort Agency, and then walked to the registration office at the entrance of the palace.

After all, it was still broad daylight, and this was the only way to enter the palace.

Lin Fan ran all the way and soon arrived at the entrance of the palace.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing?"

An eunuch stopped Lin Fan and asked.

"This eunuch, I'm here to register too."

While speaking, Lin Fan took out a tael of silver and stuffed it into the little eunuch's hand.

The little eunuch first weighed the silver in his hand, then smiled and said."You are smart, go over there, they are recruiting servants. If you go in through my door today, you will be incomplete."

After hearing what the eunuch said, Lin Fan thought about it and felt that it was not impossible! ? .

Anyway, as long as he entered the palace, he would not be able to find Wei Xiaobao with his strength.

But there were too many people queuing on the other side, and Lin Fan did not want to queue, so he stuffed another tael of silver to the eunuch in front of him.

"Eunuch, please help me, there are too many people over there, if you go to queue, you may not get a turn tonight!"

"Don't worry, I will take care of this little thing, but you have to pay for the money you need to arrange it."

"Of course."

After saying that, Lin Fan took out another tael of silver, handed it to the eunuch in front of him, and said.

The eunuch took the silver handed over by Lin Fan, and then found another eunuch who was recruiting servants next to him.

He said something to the other eunuch, and then waved to Lin Fan.

Seeing the eunuch waving to him, Lin Fan hurried over.

"What's your name?"

The eunuch who was recruiting chores asked.

"My name is Lin Xiaofan."

"Where do you live?"

The eunuch asked Lin Fan a few more questions. Seeing that Lin Fan answered fluently, he did not continue to pester him, and then asked someone to take Lin Fan into the palace.

After all, he also had a share of the silver that Lin Fan took out.

At the same time, there were more than a dozen other people who entered the palace with him.

The next moment, Lin Fan took advantage of everyone's inattention and left the team and hid himself.

After those people walked away, Lin Fan came out again.

In order to find Hai Dafu as soon as possible, Lin Fan used the same trick again, found a eunuch and handed him a tael of silver, and asked the eunuch to take him to find Hai Dafu.

Seeing the young eunuch hesitated, Lin Fan spoke.

"Don't worry, eunuch. I know Eunuch Hai very well. If I don't know Eunuch Hai well, I wouldn't dare ask you to take me to see Eunuch Hai. Don't you think so?"

Hearing Lin Fan's words, the young eunuch thought about it and felt that what Lin Fan said made sense, so he spoke.

"Okay, I'll trust you once. Come with me. I'll take you to see Eunuch Hai."

The young eunuch walked in front, and Lin Fan hurriedly followed. Soon after, the two came to a yard.

This yard was exactly where Hai Dafu lived.

After being informed, Lin Fan was taken into the yard.

"You said that you know me and want to see me."

Seeing Lin Fan, Hai Dafu asked.

Hearing Hai Dafu's question, Lin Fan was not panicked at all. First of all, he had already thought of the words, and Hai Dafu's strength could not threaten him at all.

"Eunuch Hai, can you ask the irrelevant people to leave for a while?" Lin Fan said. After hearing Lin Fan's words, Hai Dafu winked at the eunuch next to him, and the eunuch withdrew. "Speak, there are only two of us here now." "Pass on the old emperor's order, Hai Dafu, accept the order." "Where are you from, kid?" Hai Dafu asked tentatively. "I'm from Qingliang Temple. The old emperor is also very dissatisfied with you. The matter he asked you to investigate has not been investigated clearly yet, so he asked me to come and continue the investigation on your behalf. In addition, the old emperor has ordered you to assist me." "Your servant accepts the order." After hearing what Lin Fan said, Hai Dafu no longer had any doubts and knelt down to accept the order.

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