After helping everyone break through.

Lin Fan took out the floating island and placed it above Lingxiao City. He also moved the modern luxury villa to the center of the floating island.

At this time, Zhao Min was a little absent-minded in the modern luxury villa in the center of the floating island.

Since the complete fall of the Yuan Dynasty, he has never heard from his father, King Ruyang, which makes him very worried.

Worried about his father, King Ruyang, his brother Wang Baobao, and his mother.

He also told Lin Fan about this matter, and Lin Fan also sent Jinyiwei to find news about the people in Ruyang Palace.

But it has been almost ten days, and Jinyiwei has not sent back any news.

"Sister Zhao Min, Sister Zhao Min, there is news, there is news."

Jianning ran in with a letter.

Zhao Min saw this and quickly took it and opened it to read.

This is a letter for help. It was not sent back by the Jinyiwei, but was sent to Lingxiao City by someone sent by Ruyang King. It happened that the messenger was bumped by Jianning, so this scene happened.

The content of the letter is very simple, telling what happened during this period.

The people in Ruyang Palace were very lucky. Before the Pangu zombies broke through Dadu, his father led the 300,000 troops of Ruyang Palace to escape from Dadu.

They are currently in Xixia. Originally, they were going to cross Xixia and come to Daxia to seek refuge with Zhao Min and Lin Fan, but they were slow and were eventually trapped in Xixia. Now they are surrounded by millions of Pangu zombies and can't break out at all, so there is this letter for help.

"No, I want to save my father. My father and others are in danger."

After reading the letter, Zhao Min left this sentence and couldn't wait to fly to Xixia on the sword.

That's right, Lin Fan also passed on the sword-riding technique.

Looking at Zhao Min flying away, Jian Ning knew that he had gotten into trouble. If Sister Zhao Min came back safely, it would be fine. If Sister Zhao Min had any problems, Lin Fan would definitely be angry with him.

After all, the letter was from him to Sister Zhao Min.

"What should I do? What should I do? Otherwise, I will go and get Sister Zhao Min back. No, no, I can't catch up with her at all with my strength at the Jindan stage."

"By the way, tell my husband."

"Yes, yes, tell my husband."

Jian Ning finally remembered Lin Fan, so she hurried to find Lin Fan.

"What did you say? You said Zhao Min went out alone?"

"Yes, husband, go and get Sister Zhao Min back."

Jian Ning said anxiously.

"Don't worry, tell me clearly first, what did he do when he ran out, and where did he go?"

Lin Fan first comforted her, and then asked.

"Oh, yes, yes, sir, this is what happened. I was a little bored today, so I wanted to sneak out of the palace to play. Who knew that I met someone at the palace gate who claimed to be from the Ruyang Palace. He gave me a letter and asked me to give the letter to Sister Zhao Min, and you will know everything that happened afterwards."

Jianning finished speaking in one breath.

"Where is the letter? Is it still there? Let me see it?"

Lin Fan asked.

"The letter was taken away by Sister Zhao Min, but I know the content on it."

"Then why don't you tell me quickly."

"Don't be mean to me, let me think about it."

"By the way, this is what the letter says."

Then Jianning repeated the content of the letter for help to Lin Fan.

"According to you, Minmin should have gone to Xixia!?"

Lin Fan guessed.

"Yeah, yeah, that must be the case."

Jianning quickly agreed.

"You are really, you should have given me the letter first."

Lin Fan gently blamed.

"I, I, I forgot that!" Seeing Jianning's pitiful look, Lin Fan couldn't bear to blame him anymore, so he spoke. "Forget it, forget it, it's useless to blame you, so you stay in the palace and don't run around, I'll go find the person." "Okay, go quickly." Jianning nodded hurriedly. "Fengxian, let's go." "Yes, Your Majesty." The next moment, Lin Fan stepped on the Nine Dragon Sword, and Lu Bu stepped on the Fang Tian Huaji, and flew into the air and rushed to Xixia, while 800 heavy armored cavalry and 12,000 ninth-level Qi Refining cultivators were taken into the small world by Lin Fan. After all, their cultivation was still a little low, and the speed of flying was slow, so it was better to take them directly into the small world and take them away, and summon them when they were needed. In the Xixia Imperial City, Xiaoyaozi sat in the first seat in the palace. On his left sat the Xixia Queen Mother Li Qingluo, and on his right sat Zhao Min's father, Prince Ruyang.

"Master, what should we do now? Nearly a million blood-sucking monsters outside have surrounded the Imperial City."

The Queen Mother of Xixia looked at Xiaoyaozi and said.

"Yeah, I don't know if the messenger I sent out has made it out. If he has, we still have hope. My son-in-law will definitely send a large army to rescue us."

King Ruyang sighed and said.

Hearing King Ruyang's words, the entire hall instantly fell into silence.

There is no way. Although there are nearly one million troops in the city now, including King Ruyang's army, the strength of those blood-sucking monsters is not comparable to that of ordinary armies.

In the past month, 500,000 to 600,000 soldiers have been bitten to death by those blood-sucking monsters rushing up the city wall.

If it weren't for the solidity of the city and the strength of Xiaoyaozi, the land immortal, the imperial city of Xixia would have been lost long ago.

"Don't be discouraged, there will always be a way."

"And with our current situation, we can still hold on for another two months. The top priority is to defend the city."

The white-haired and white-bearded Xiaoyaozi said.

"Master, what about two months later? Once the imperial city is broken, the people of Xixia will be slaughtered by those monsters and become their blood food!"

Li Qiushui, the Queen Mother of Xixia, said worriedly.

"Master, there is nothing I can do. If I can't find a solution in these two months, I can only rely on God's will."

After hearing Xiaoyaozi's words, King Ruyang sighed and said.

"Alas, I hope my son-in-law can receive my letter for help and come to rescue him."

Just as King Ruyang finished speaking, a sudden roar came from outside the city to the Xixia Imperial Palace.

"Old thing, why don't you come out and die quickly."

"That red-eyed monster is here again!"

Hearing the sound, several people stood up at the same time and looked towards the outside of the city.

While standing up, Xiaoyaozi said with a deep look in his eyes.

"Master, you have fought several battles with that red-eyed monster, and they were all inconclusive. Why is he here again?"

Li Qiushui said.

"Master, I don't know, but I have a bad feeling that this time it won't be that simple!" Xiaoyaozi said. "Is it possible that there are other red-eyed monsters coming to our Xixia Imperial City?" King Ruyang guessed. "It's not impossible. It's been several days since he fought with me last time. He didn't make any moves during these days. It's possible that he is waiting for other red-eyed monsters to reinforce him, so your guess is not completely unreasonable." Xiaoyaozi said. "What should we do? Master, you are the only land immortal here. As long as there are two red-eyed monsters to hold you back, we can't defend the Imperial City with our strength!" Li Qiushui said worriedly.

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