The 10,000 black spots that hit the zombie army were nothing but 10,000 75mm shells fired by Zhang Fei's artillery.

The next moment, 10,000 shells were detonated, shrapnel flew everywhere, flames shot up into the sky, loud noises came out, and the earth was shaking.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

These 10,000 shells detonated in the zombie army, directly killing and maiming 70,000 to 80,000 fifth-generation zombies. As for the third and fourth-generation zombies above the fifth-generation zombies, although the 75mm mountain cannon can also cause damage to them, it is still unlikely to kill them with one shot, unless multiple shells hit at the same time, and hit the vital parts, but this is enough.

After all, the third and fourth-generation zombies are only a minority, and the real main force of the zombie army is the fifth-generation zombies.

In addition, when the shells fell, Zhang Fei had already brought his ten Jindan peak monks and three thousand Qi Refining ninth-level peak monks to arrive.

"We are here to see the Queen. Please forgive us for being late in escorting the emperor."

"No need to be polite. Fortunately, General Zhang came in time, otherwise I would have to die here today."

Zhao Min said thankfully.

"Don't worry, Queen. With me here, no one can threaten your safety."

"Okay, then I'll leave this to General Zhang."

"Yes, Queen."

Zhang Fei agreed.

Zhao Min nodded, then flew into the air on her sword and headed for the Xixia Imperial City.

She was going to find her father, Prince Ruyang, and check on Xiaoyaozi's injuries.

After Zhao Min left, Zhang Fei took out his walkie-talkie and ordered.

"Artillery Corps, extend the artillery fire for me to kill them."

At the rear artillery position, 10,000 75mm mountain cannons were neatly arranged.

The commander of the artillery corps, receiving Zhang Fei's order, immediately opened his mouth and shouted.

"The general has ordered that the artillery fire be extended."

"Fire and blow up those blood-sucking monsters for me."

"Yes, Commander."

The flag-talker next to him received the order and shouted while waving the flag in his hand.

"Fire, fire, fire............."

The next moment, another 10,000 shells were fired from the muzzles of 10,000 75mm mountain cannons.

After another round of artillery fire, the three red-eyed first-generation zombie kings finally reacted from their shock.

Without caring to continue to be surprised, the leading zombie king opened his mouth and ordered the fifth-ranked zombie king.

"Hurry up and withdraw all the fifth-generation zombies under your command. Their zombie tools can't withstand this level of artillery attack."

"Damn, how can they have artillery? Before, they had communication equipment similar to big mobile phones, and now even artillery has come out, and it seems that the scale is not small."

The fifth-ranked zombie king said angrily.

"Don't hesitate, the low-level zombies under your command will all be blown to death."

Hearing this, the fifth-ranked zombie king did not dare to hesitate any longer and roared to the sky.

Hearing this roar, the fifth-generation zombies began to retreat desperately as if they had received some orders.

Only zombies above the fourth generation were left on the battlefield.

On the other side, Lin Fan, who had already rushed to the sky above the battlefield, saw this and waved his hand to summon all 800 heavy armored cavalry and 12,000 peak ninth-level Qi Refining monks.

The next moment, Lin Fan opened his mouth and gave an order.

"Fengxian, you take people to block the retreat of the fleeing zombies. Remember not to let any zombie go."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Soon Lu Bu took people to block the retreat of the fleeing zombies.

On the battlefield below, Zhang Fei, who was enjoying killing zombies, saw that the zombies covered by artillery fire for several rounds were about to run away, and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Hey, hey, hey, why are they all running away? I, Old Zhang, haven't had enough killing yet!"

"Bold, arrogant."

Hearing Zhang Fei's words, the three red-eyed zombie kings shouted.

"Hahaha, how could I forget about you? Since those little characters have all run away, I, Old Zhang, will start with you."

The next moment, the Zhangba Snake Spear in Zhang Fei's hand shone brightly. As Zhang Fei exerted force on his feet, the ground under his feet exploded. Zhang Fei instantly soared into the air and killed the three red-eyed zombie kings directly.

"You are looking for death."

After shouting, the three red-eyed zombie kings joined forces to kill Zhang Fei.

But what they didn't expect was that the three first-generation red-eyed zombie kings joined forces, but they were not the opponent of Zhang Fei alone.

Zhang Fei swept the 10-foot snake spear in his hand, knocking a red-eyed zombie king away, and sent him flying thousands of meters. He retracted the snake spear to accumulate power. After the power reached a certain level, Zhang Fei threw the snake spear directly, aiming at the red-eyed zombie king that had just been knocked away.

The snake spear was extremely fast, and instantly caught up with the flying red-eyed zombie king, piercing his body and crushing him.Injured.

At this time, the other two red-eyed zombie kings had also come to Zhang Fei, one of them bit Zhang Fei's neck, and the other punched Zhang Fei's chest.

"Fuck, you are a dog, you actually want to bite your grandpa Zhang Fei."

He complained.

Zhang Fei, who had no weapon, was not panicked at all, and did not take the two zombie kings seriously at all.

The next moment, Zhang Fei opened the True Source Shield to block the punch that hit his chest, and then he also punched out, punching the zombie king who wanted to bite him away.

"Bah, you still want to bite your grandpa Zhang with this little strength."

Zhang Fei retracted his fist and complained again.

With a thought, the Zhangba Snake Spear returned to his hand.

Waving the Zhangba Snake Spear again, Zhang Fei fought one against three, suppressing the three red-eyed zombie kings and beating them without any temper.

"I thought you were so powerful, but it turns out you are just a bunch of trash."

Zhang Fei said as he fought, just a chatterbox.

On the other side, there were two second-generation zombies that had entered the city, dozens of third-generation zombies, thousands of fourth-generation zombies, and tens of thousands of fifth-generation zombies that had not been able to evacuate in time because they had entered the city.

Under the siege of ten Jindan-stage monks and 3,000 peak-level Qi-refining monks, there were only two second-generation zombies left, and they were still struggling with a dozen third-generation zombies.

The Queen Mother of Xixia, Prince Ruyang, Wang Baobao and his party, as well as the martial artists and soldiers of Xixia standing on the city wall were all stunned after seeing this scene.

Everyone opened their mouths wide, with expressions of surprise on their faces.

They never thought that the zombie blood-sucking monsters that had just forced them into a desperate situation would be so vulnerable under the siege of ten Jindan-stage monks and 3,000 peak-level Qi-refining monks.

"Queen, the army of Daxia is too strong. Those blood-sucking monsters are no match for us. I don't know whether our neighbor is so powerful, is it good or bad for Xixia!?" A Xixia general sighed. "Shut up. Others saved us, and you speculate about them like this? If your words are spread, it will put Xixia in a difficult situation." Li Qiushui scolded. "I know I am wrong. I am just worried about Xixia!" Hearing Li Qiushui's words, the general quickly admitted his mistake and explained. "Humph, remember not to say such words again." Li Qiushui left after saying this. He ignored the outspoken general and went to check on his master Xiaoyaozi's injuries. The battle in the air continued. The three zombies were no match for Zhang Fei. After hundreds of rounds, Zhang Fei finally had enough fun. Next, he was going to be serious.

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