"Fellow Daoist, please forgive me. Before coming to Kunlun Mountain, my three sisters and I had already discussed with our brother Zhao Gongming that we would become disciples of Shangqing Tongtian Sect. Therefore, my three sisters and I can only disappoint you and refuse your invitation."

Yunxiao said.

After saying that, he also glanced at the man next to him. That man was none other than their sworn brother Zhao Gongming.

Seeing Yunxiao's actions, Lin Fan finally noticed Zhao Gongming standing next to the three Xiaos.

"Well, this is Zhao Gongming, the future God of Wealth in Heaven after the Conferred God Calamity."

Looking at the middle-aged man standing next to the three Xiaos, who looked to be in his thirties, Lin Fan thought to himself.

"Fellow Daoist, I, Zhao Gongming, have a clue."

Seeing Lin Fan looking at him, Zhao Gongming bowed and said.

"I, Lin Fan, meet you, fellow Daoist."

Lin Fan returned the bow.

"I don't know why you invited my three sisters to join you in Yuqing Yuanshi's sect when you have never met them before?" Zhao Gongming asked. At this time, Cihang had also come over. Hearing Zhao Gongming's question, she also looked at Lin Fan, wanting to know why Lin Fan chose to become a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun instead of the other two. Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Lin Fan thought for a while and then answered. "First of all, I invited the Three Heavens Fairies because I felt that I had a connection with them and wanted to become a fellow disciple with them." "Secondly, of course, I felt that it was better to become a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun than to become a disciple of Shangqing Tongtian. Otherwise, I could also choose to become a disciple of Shangqing Tongtian with the Three Heavens Fairies." Lin Fan said. "Oh, what do you mean, fellow Daoist? Why do you think it's better to be a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun than Shangqing Tongtian?"

Hearing Lin Fan's words, Zhao Gongming became interested and asked again.

Cihang, the three girls of Sanxiao also looked at Lin Fan in confusion, waiting for his answer? .

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Lin Fan spoke.

"Speaking of this, we have to talk about the teachings of the Three Pure Ones. Let's not talk about Yuanshi Tianzun first. Let me tell you about Taiqing Laozi and Shangqing Tongtian first."

"First, let's talk about Taiqing Laozi. You should know that Taiqing Laozi practices the way of inaction, so he naturally won't accept too many disciples. According to my estimation, Taiqing Laozi will probably only accept one disciple to pass on his Taiqing lineage."

"So it's not impossible to be a disciple of Taiqing Laozi, but the hope is very slim."

"Next, let's talk about Shangqing Tongtian. Shangqing Tongtian practices the way of swordsmanship , the sword art is about fighting against the heaven and the earth, and Tongtian's ambition is to seek a glimmer of hope for all living things in the world. As the saying goes, one of the forty-nine ways of heaven is gone, and this is the reason. Therefore, the sword art practiced by Shangqing Tongtian can also be explained as the way against heaven. "

"In a word, if Shangqing Tongtian did not have the legacy of Pangu, and if he did not have the merits of Pangu in his body, he would have been wiped out by the way of heaven. "

"And in order to seek a glimmer of hope for all living things in the world, Shangqing Tongtian's disciples are naturally the more the better, which means that his Disciples will be the most among the Three Pure Ones, but is it really a good thing to have more disciples? . ”

“After all, there are all kinds of birds in a big forest. Once there are too many disciples, troubles will naturally come to the door. At that time, who of his disciples can stay out of it? This is one reason. ”

“In addition, with so many disciples, there must be some who will ruin their luck and merits. The prehistoric world pays great attention to luck and merits, as well as cause and effect. However, Shangqing Tongtian does not have a treasure to suppress luck. Once the luck of the sect is lost, those disciples will not know how to restrain themselves. , the next thing to be ruined is the Pangu luck on Tongtian. When the Pangu luck on Tongtian is completely lost, the future fate of the sect established by Tongtian can be imagined! . "

"By then, there is no need for Tiandao to take action. The cause and effect of her disciples can make the sect established by Tongtian disappear. Even if Tongtian becomes a saint, it will be useless. After all, there are more than one person in the prehistoric world who can become a saint. This is the second reason. "

"Daoyou Zhao Gongming, Sanxiao Fairy, after listening to my explanation, do you still want to become Tongtian's disciples? . "

Lin Fan asked.

"Is Daoyou exaggerating a little? . "

After listening to Lin Fan's words, Bixiao, the youngest of the three Xiaos, said with some disbelief.

"Little sister, don't be rude. Daoyou Lin Fan told us these things for our own good."

Yunxiao said.

After speaking, he thought about it and spoke again.

"And what Fellow Daoist Lin Fan said may not be untrue. The destruction of the ancient dragon, phoenix and unicorn tribes was due to the corruption of merits and virtues, which led to the war among the three tribes and ultimately their demise."

After Yun Xiao finished speaking, another crisp female voiceA voice came.

"What the elder sister said makes sense. It is not easy to practice. Even if there is a slight risk, we must avoid it. What's more, what fellow Daoist Lin Fan said is likely to come true. We have to be on guard."

Qiong Xiao, who had been silent, also spoke up.

Zhao Gongming and Cihang, after listening to Lin Fan's analysis, nodded frequently, indicating that Lin Fan's analysis was very reasonable.

At this time, on the top of the mountain, the Three Pure Ones who had been paying attention to Lin Fan also heard what Lin Fan had just said.

"Third brother, did you hear that? I didn't expect that a small cultivator in the God Transformation Realm could see things more clearly than you! But you have been stubborn and you accept any living being as your disciple, even without caring about their qualifications and conduct."

"Third brother, it's not that my second brother doesn't allow you to accept disciples, but is it really a good thing to have more disciples? Can those horned people you accept really promote the sect? Just like what the kid below said, once the merits of the Father God left in your body are completely lost, your fate will definitely not be any better than what the kid just said!?"

Yuan Shi seized the opportunity and persuaded him again.

To be honest, as Tong Tian's second brother, Yuan Shi really worried about him, but he didn't know how to express himself, and finally ended up with a brotherly feud! .

"Tongtian, my second brother is right. You should be very careful when you recruit disciples in the future. You can't just accept all kinds of creatures. The disciples you recruit should not have extraordinary talents, but at least have good character."

Laozi, who had closed his eyes to rest, also opened his eyes and looked at Tongtian and said.

"Brother, stop trying to persuade me."

Tongtian was unmoved and said.

"I think my brother should know that those who practice swordsmanship should not give up halfway. They should do what they have decided to do and should not retreat. Once they have the idea of ​​retreating in their hearts, their peace of mind will be lacking. At that time, my swordsmanship will not be able to make any progress."

Tongtian said.

"Alas, since you don't listen to my advice, forget it. I hope you won't regret it in the future!"

Laozi sighed and said.


Yuanshi shouted unwillingly. After all, Tongtian was his third brother. He didn't want to see Tongtian go astray and regret it in the future.

"No need to say anything more, second brother. The path was chosen by third brother himself. We can't interfere too much. As for what kind of consequences he will bear in the future, it depends on God's will!"

Laozi saw that Yuanshi wanted to say something, so he stopped Yuanshi.

After saying that, he looked up at Lin Fan, and he also had the idea of ​​accepting Lin Fan as his disciple. After all, Lin Fan's vision is ahead of the times. He will become a great man in the future and be worthy of being his disciple! ! ! .

It's a pity that Lin Fan didn't seem to have the idea of ​​becoming his disciple! .

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