Chapter Eighty-Five: Breaking Through?.

Chapter 85 about to break through?

“Look, don’t you understand this truth?”

Qiu Fengtong also laughed when he saw that he had some understanding: “If the group with more people beats the group with fewer people into serious injuries during the first fight, then there will be no later things?” Even if they will be retaliated against afterwards, the other party is also uncomfortable, and they are not a loss. ”

“Isn’t that the same situation we are now? I killed both of them, if I let him go because that Daoist begged for mercy, can you guarantee that after he goes back, he won’t find someone to take revenge?” ”


Shi Potian was speechless, he hadn’t thought about it.

“So, little stone, this is also the second lesson I taught you, walking in the rivers and lakes can not cause trouble, but once someone provokes us, then you must not leave the consequences…” Of course, I don’t want you to die every time you encounter something, but before you do something, you must consider all aspects, and you must not leave yourself with consequences. ”


Shi Potian nodded as if he understood something, although he still didn’t understand it very well, but he had obviously remembered Qiu Fengtong’s words in his heart.

“Well, let’s go.”

Qiu Fengtong didn’t say anything, Shi Potian is too simple, even if he tells him the big reason, he can’t understand, just need him to remember his words, and when he understands things in the future, he experiences more things, and this truth will naturally be understood.



As soon as they arrived in town, the two heard a cheerful barking of a dog.

“Ah Huang!”

Shi Potian cheered and ran forward, and a yellow earth dog ran out of the corner and rushed into Shi Potian’s arms. Qiu Fengtong followed and asked, “Is this what you said about Ah Huang?” ”

Looking at this ugly earth dog, Qiu Fengtong sighed in his heart, this is the first divine dog in the Golden Book, and the first dog with true qi.

Shi Potian said: “That’s right, this is A Huang, my mother doesn’t like to talk, and Ah Huang has grown up with me since I was a child.” ”

Qiu Fengtong urged: “Okay, since the dog has also been found, then hurry up.” ”

Shi Potian was just about to get up, and suddenly asked, “Oh… But Master, how do we bring Ah Huang? ”

You must know that the two only rode a horse, and there was such a big place on the back of the horse, and if you brought Ah Huang, there would be no place.


Qiu Fengtong found a sack, took out a hole, put Ah Huang in the sack, exposed his head, and then hung it next to the horse’s belly, this dog is indeed human, let Qiu Fengtong toss, and did not resist at all.

“This method is good, I didn’t even think of it.”

Shi Potian saw that the matter was solved, and he immediately became happy.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Qiu Fengtong lightly knocked on the horse’s belly, raised the reins, and the horse neighed and galloped away.

An hour later, the two returned to Houjianji with a dog, but he did not stop this time, because the people of Phoenix Villa had already left, and he could go directly to Bianliang City.

And Houjianji is only twelve miles away from Bianliang City, and if you are fast, you will arrive in twenty minutes at most.

Fifteen minutes later, Qiu Fengtong saw the east gate of Bianliang City, paid the entrance fee, and the two entered Bianliang City with a dog.

“It’s so lively.”

Bianliang City is also worthy of being the city of the imperial capital, although it has been in decline for many years, but after all, it has its own heritage, and its prosperity and liveliness are naturally not comparable to other cities.

There are many shops on the street, the streets are full of traffic, street vendors, a variety of goods, strange goods, everything, bustling crowds, rubbing shoulders, endless streams, what a prosperous picture.

Such a prosperous city, can be said to see Shi Shaotian eyes, he grew up in the mountains since childhood, after going down the mountain, he was mostly in the wilderness, and he never even entered the county seat a few times, how could he have ever seen such a prosperous scene as Bianliang?

I just hate to grow two eyes, and I have to look at the prosperity that I have never seen before.

However, Qiu Fengtong is not strange, he has seen more lively and prosperous cities in later generations, and he naturally does not look at the prosperity of Bianliang, at most, he is curious about ancient winds.

But since Shi Potian wanted to see it, Qiu Fengtong naturally would not let him down, so he simply slowed down, and when the two arrived at the agreed inn, it was already dark.

Tianlai Inn is the inn where Phoenix Villa stays, and it is also one of the largest inns in Bianliang City.

Because the flower family chose to hold a large-scale auction in Bianliang City, it attracted many people, and the already lively Bianliang City also poured in more people and became more lively.


Therefore, even if they have already booked a room as soon as they get the invitation, they still only grab a few upper rooms, which can only be used for the upper floors of the villa, and as for the others, they can only live in Chase Shop.

“Young Master, you’re back.”

The guy waiting for Qiu Fengtong at the door, saw Qiu Fengtong, skillfully took the reins, and said: “The young lady seems to have encountered something, let you go to her immediately after you return.” ”

“I see.”

Qiu Fengtong nodded to show that he knew, handed Shi Potian over to another guy for him to arrange, and he entered the inn and went upstairs.

“What happened?”

Coming to Tianzi No. 1 room, Qiu Fengtong saw Xiaomeng who was meditating. Xiaomeng opened her eyes and said, “I’m going to break through.” ”


Qiu Fengtong was stunned, just now he thought a lot, what kind of letter from the master, what has a child, or simply Bei Yuzi is seriously injured and is about to hang, etc., everything may have been thought of, but he didn’t expect that it was about to break through.

But think about it, Xiaomeng has been trapped at the peak of the grandmaster for a long time, and she is already on the verge of breaking through at any time, and it is normal to break through at this time.

After thinking about this, Qiu Fengtong immediately concentrated his attention: “I understand, then break through, with me here, no one dares to disturb you, by the way, how long will it take for you to break through?” ”

Rao is Xiaomeng’s state of mind, and he is a little speechless at this time, but looking at Qiu Fengtong’s ignorant appearance, he can only patiently explain: “When the grandmaster breaks through the grandmaster, the movement will be very large, and many exercises will be uncontrolled, so the breakthrough needs to be in a place where there is no one.” ”

“Blame me, I see.”

Qiu Fengtong slapped his brain, not everyone is themselves, silent when they break through, and not all exercises are so strange as [Body Nourishing Exercises].

On the contrary, most martial arts will have a lot of movement when they break through, the higher the realm, the greater the movement, if the supreme grandmaster breaks through to the transcendent realm, it will even cause celestial changes, revealing all kinds of visions, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a god under the mortal.

Compared with these exercises, [Body Nourishing Exercise] is an abnormal kind of exercise.

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