Before Su Yan talked about the method of immortality, he also drank a cup of hot tea according to the custom.

Shi Potian was also clever, and immediately got up to pour water for Su Yan to serve tea.

It was not until Su Yan drank a few sips of hot tea before he slowly spoke, “What was counted before was the Tai Xuan Sutra left by the Qinglian Sword Immortal Li Bai. ”

“Today, let’s take stock of the new method of immortality, and the method of immortality that is counted this time is the method of immortality, one of the four strange books of the Great Sui!”

The warriors of the rivers and lakes also listened attentively and carefully at this time.

Don’t dare to desert the slightest, they are already used to it, even if they can’t obtain this method of immortality, but it does not hinder everyone’s curiosity about this method of immortality.

People are curious, and they are also very curious at this time.

Everyone did not dare to make the slightest sound, for fear of disturbing Su Yan’s storytelling, and the entire Drunken Immortal Building only had Su Yan’s voice.

“This immortal secret is a treasure book to the family, and it was once rumored to have been written in oracle bone script by Guang Chengzi, the master of the ancient Yellow Emperor.”

“This technique is very special, different from all the sects in the world, and it can even be said to be the opposite!”

At this point, everyone was very puzzled.

A warrior asked at this time: “Mr. Su, what is different about this immortal recipe?” ”

“Why is it contrary to all sects?”

Su Yan said with a smile: “This immortal cultivation is extremely harsh, first of all, the cultivator cannot have the slightest internal strength, and secondly, the cultivator needs to cultivate unintentionally, and cannot do it intentionally!” ”

“Huh? Can’t have the slightest internal force? If you want to cultivate the Immortal Technique, wouldn’t it be necessary to abolish martial arts, or someone who had never practiced martial arts before? ”

“But this must be done without intention of cultivation, how can this be cultivated?”

Everyone was even more puzzled at this time, and they didn’t expect that cultivating this immortal life technique would require the slightest bit of internal strength.

You must know that as long as you are a person who practices martial arts, internal force will be generated in the body, and if you want to achieve no internal force, you can only abandon martial arts.

Or maybe people who have never practiced martial arts can do it without the slightest bit of internal strength.

Su Yan continued at this time: “If this immortal life technique is obtained by those present, it will naturally be impossible to cultivate, because those who practice martial arts already have internal strength in their bodies. ”

“If you practice the Immortal Technique, the two skills will collide with it, so you cannot practice this Immortal Technique.”

“Moreover, people who practice martial arts simply cannot cultivate unintentionally, even if ordinary people learn this immortal technique, it is difficult to cultivate.”

“If you get this book, you will know the extraordinary features of this book, and you will be able to practice with skill, and thus you will not be able to practice.”

Hearing Su Yan’s story, everyone couldn’t help but sigh that there were such miraculous exercises in this world.

“This immortal life technique is truly divine, it requires the cultivator to have no internal strength, and it also needs to be unable to practice deliberately, who can do this?”

“Yes, this immortal secret is worthy of the four strange books, and it is so strange.”

“No wonder this immortal recipe has disappeared in the rivers and lakes for so many years, I guess it’s because this cultivation method is too difficult, that’s why it was lost, right?”

Everyone was also talking about it, each of these four strange books was the existence of the land immortals who could righteously.

This method of cultivation really shocked them.

At this time, everyone also guessed that it might be too difficult to cultivate, so it was lost.

After hearing this, Su Yan shook his head and said, “This is not the reason why this immortal technique has been lost, although this cultivation condition is somewhat difficult, but it is not that no one can do it. ”

“Those who can practice this technique in the world, not to mention much, will definitely not reach the point of being lost.”

“So why was this lost?” The crowd asked again.

Su Yan continued: “This immortal technique is completely different from traditional exercises, this immortal method is to absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth through the trick, and to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth first, it is necessary to penetrate the two bridges of heaven and earth, and finally after cultivation, feed back to yourself. ”

“Cultivating this immortal technique is no longer an internal force in the body, but innate true qi, which is why people with internal strength in the body cannot practice this immortal recipe.”

All of a sudden, everyone’s eyes widened!

“This… The Immortal Technique is actually the innate True Qi of cultivation? Absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth?! ”

“This is simply bizarre, if so, wouldn’t it be possible to ascend in the day and become an immortal?”

“This is the supreme method practiced by immortals, right?”

Everyone was shocked, in their opinion, cultivation absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, this was simply immortal cultivation!

My heart was shocked!

At this time, I also understood the real reason why people with internal strength in their bodies could not cultivate this immortal life technique!

Before everyone could react from the shock, Su Yan continued to speak: “The real reason why these methods have been lost is because of this innate true qi!” ”

Everyone was puzzled again, why is this?!

Su Yan said lightly: “Because on the way to cultivate this innate true qi, the cultivator will appear in a state that is very similar to going crazy!” ”

“After ordinary people see such a state, they think that this is going crazy, and then they dare not continue to practice.”

“Although this immortal secret has been passed down from generation to generation, after it is passed on to future generations, no one dares to cultivate, mainly because some people have a prejudice against this immortal secret, and after cultivation, they find that it is inappropriate, so they are not passed on to future generations.”

“But in fact, as long as you pass this level, you can live forever after Dacheng, and even ascend to the immortal realm!”

When everyone heard this, they were shocked in their hearts, and they did not expect that this cultivation immortal technique would appear in such a state like going crazy.

After Dacheng, he can even soar to the immortal realm!

“I suddenly remembered that this method of immortal life has appeared in the territory of the Great Sui, and it seems that Lian Yu Culture is also looking for this method!” Suddenly, at this time, a warrior said.

However, in fact, not only Yu Culture and knowing the reality of this immortal secret, even Cihang Jingzhaihe, and the people of the Six Paths of the Demon Gate have heard that this strange book of the Immortal Secret has appeared!

Su Yan said at this time: “This elixir has indeed appeared, and it has already been found. ”

As soon as these words came out, the crowd was shocked, this elixir has already been found?

“Mr. Su dares to ask who is this immortal secret at this time?!” At this time, Shifei Xuan suddenly asked.

Su Yan glanced at Shifei Xuan and said slowly: “This Immortal Technique Technique is in the hands of Yangzhou Double Dragon at this time!” ”

Hearing that this immortal life secret was in the hands of Yangzhou Shuanglong, at this time, all the heroes also passed the news back to the sect.

Although they can’t practice such god-level exercises, it doesn’t mean that other people in the sect who haven’t practiced martial arts can’t also cultivate.

They now have no doubt that what Su Yan said is false!

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