A high-end villa in Kyoto.

Ze Yueji looked at the data report in his hand, and he could no longer happily eat hot pot and sing.

Now the wind direction in the market has reversed greatly, “Love Cycle” has become fragrant, and “Love Like Fire” has been described as a dancer who is not interesting after playing a few times.

Especially the catch-up situation of “Love Cycle”, he was even more frightened to watch.

Two days ago, if someone told him that “Love Cycle” could surpass him, he might die laughing on the spot.

But at the moment, if it weren’t for the gap that “Love Like Fire” opened up at the beginning, it would really be possible for “Love Cycle” to surpass it?

Thinking that the huge amount of resources he invested might be lost, Ze Yueji suddenly felt dizzy… Of course, it is also possible that the kidneys are deficient.

And just now, news came from his subordinates.

Strawberry Entertainment released a dynamic there, this time to directly release three songs, and judging from the name, it is likely to be a series of songs with tandem.

Looking at the attitude shown by the other party, he actually thought of putting pressure on them when the follow-up to “Love is Fire” was weak.

Ze Yue stopped being angry and angry for a while.

Posting three songs in a row is really bold!

He is a dignified Karasuma entertainment with countless resources, how could he have been bullied like this?

However, as soon as he thought of the combat power of “Love Cycle”, Ze Yue couldn’t help but giggle in his heart.

These three new songs by Strawberry Entertainment are again written and composed by Lord Amaterasu.

Judging by the reaction of the market, he had to admit … This guy’s level seems to be slightly higher than Buchuan-sensei.

Where did this strawberry entertainment poach talent?

This mysterious composer undoubtedly turned into a dark cloud hanging over the heart of Zeetsu.

If his next three songs, the quality is not inferior to “Love Cycle”… They, perhaps, will really lose?


Thinking of the consequences of failure, he suddenly felt a little out of breath.

Even just in case, Sawakoshi felt that he needed to strike again.

Fortunately, the company did not release all the album tracks at the first time, otherwise it would be really difficult to operate at this time.

Thinking of this, Ze Yue turned around.

As the creator of “Love Like Fire”, Buchuan Neku is naturally also very concerned about his new songs.

However, judging from his furrowed brows and the clothes he wore, the big guy was obviously very dissatisfied with the current result.

Akane Mikawa on the side also looked at the data on the network, and for a moment did not know whether to be sad or happy, at least… No need to suffer.

“Director, Karasuma’s level of public relations today is worrying…”

Buchuan Neku said with a look of questioning sin.

As the Taishan Beidou in the composition industry, he naturally does not think that his music cannot beat an unknown newcomer.

He has also heard of “Love Cycle”, and his work as a newcomer is very good, but he feels that it is not as good as “Love Like Fire”, and the huge gap opened that day is the best evidence.

After learning about the time of Miss Waste Firewood, he smoothly blamed the company’s operation for the problem.

“Yes, I’m really sorry, Bukawa-sensei, Karasuma is putting things in order now.”

Ze Yue is fully exerting the spirit of craftsmanship at this moment, that is a fart does not dare to release.

After all, now he relies on the big guy in front of him to turn over.

When Zeyue was counted, his subordinates sent a message at this time.

Karasuma Entertainment needs to send the news of the next new song!

Ze Yueji became more and more anxious.

Strawberry Entertainment was the first to make a move, releasing three songs in a row.

They Karasuma Entertainment must not only release one song, otherwise wouldn’t it be a sign of weakness?

Unless you can crush each other three songs with one song.

But how is that possible, Amaterasu is not a vegetarian, the other party is menacing at first sight, and only the big guy of Buchuan Neku has the ability to match.

“That, Bukawa-sensei, let’s see if you can strike again…”

Ze Yueji finally couldn’t help but say.

“Let’s find another master, this incident has already had a lot of impact on me.”

Buchuan Neku stroked the beard on his chin, looking like he wanted to stay out of the matter.

A semi-retired old den like him has enjoyed almost everything he should enjoy, and he still values reputation more.

The end against an idol is already reluctant, seeing that Karasuma has signs of losing, where may the water be muddy.

Now draw, even if you lose, after all, “Love Like Fire” was completely crushed at the beginning, people will definitely think that other songs have lowered the overall quality, and even say that he is old and strong, and his majesty is not diminished.

What’s the matter with meddling in again, it’s good to win, isn’t it self-smashing the signboard if you lose?

He is still very shrewd.

Ze Yue stopped looking at Buchuan Neku’s decisive attitude, and everyone was stupid.

Two days ago, everyone was still happy with the threesome, and when something happened to your mother, you turned your face and didn’t recognize people, right?

“Master Buchuan, please, can you help me?”

Fortunately, this is Akane Mikawa suddenly hugging Master Buchuan from behind, and I saw pleading with pity.

“This Xiao Qian, it’s not that I don’t help, the main thing is that there is not enough time at the moment, and I am afraid that the quality of the songs I created temporarily will be worrying.”

Treating the beautiful singer behind him, Buchuan Neku’s tone unconsciously slowed down a lot.

Well, after going deep and simple, there are still some feelings in it.

In particular, it is rare for a woman like Akane Miyakawa to serve people.

In the past few days, Buchuan Neku somewhat understood Zeyue’s willingness to hold her.

“It’s okay, Buchuan-sensei, we can hide the identity of the composer first, and see the situation to decide whether to release it or not.” Ze Yueji’s eyes lit up as if he saw hope.

“That, I’ll consider it.”

Buchuan Neku still did not directly agree.

For a well-known composer like him, many people can guess the author based on style, and the risk is still not small.

Seeing Buchuan Neku’s ambiguous attitude, Ze Yue, who became more and more anxious, immediately gritted his teeth and revealed a rather reluctant smile: “That, Suwen Buchuan-sensei has a penchant for taking unusual paths, you see…”

“Ahem, what kind of person is spreading these news privately and damaging the reputation of the old man.”

Buchuan Neku coughed twice and said seemingly seriously.

But his small eyes fell uncontrollably on Akane Mikawa next to him, and excitement flashed.

Seeing this, Ze Yue suddenly breathed a slight sigh of relief.

After seeing Akane Mikawa, she felt inexplicably cold in her heart.

After finishing the force, she seems to… I’m going to suffer again.

After a dark deal.

Sawakoshi finally got Buchuan Neku’s permission, and immediately called his subordinates to release the new song.

The new songs they released this time are the original inventory, and they are also arranged and created by industry experts, all of which are boutiques.

Even if it is not as good as that Amaterasu, it should not be much inferior.

And in order to fight back against Strawberry Entertainment, he directly sent five songs this time!

The quality is not enough, the quantity comes together!

Now with Mr. Bukawa’s works in the background, Sawa-etsu has become comfortable again, thinking that this album battle, victory will definitely belong to Karasuma Entertainment!

So, in the long-awaited gaze.

Strawberry and Karasuma released the album at the same time!

PS: Thank you for the tips of Cold Moon Surviving and the monthly passes of friends and friends

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