A corrupt empire is bound to breed a group of people who rebel against it.

This is an immutable truth.

The same is true of the Shenwu Empire.

The decaying and dark palace has long aroused the wrath of the heavens and people in the empire, and there are many people who spontaneously rise up from this.

Among these people, the killer group called Night Raid is the most hated representative of the bureaucracy of the Shenwu Empire.

Because they assassinated bureaucracy

At this time, it was underground in a bookstore in the capital of the Shenwu Empire.

The backbone of the night raid is here.

They were holding an ad hoc meeting.

The organizer is none other than its leader, Najestan.

“Guys, after the summary of intelligence from many parties, it can basically be determined that there is a mysterious force lurking in the depths of the Death Forest, and the death of Sheila is likely to involve this force.”

Naje Shitan’s words made the expressions of everyone present change.

“So what’s the boss’s plan?”

“I plan to send members to contact this force.”

“This… Can I ask why? ”

“Of course.”

Najeshitan hugged her arms and said

“As we all know, although there are already many rebel forces in the empire, most of the strength is too weak to be strong, and under the continuous killing of the empire’s army, the number of these rebel forces has been less than half than before.”

“The chance of overthrowing the empire will only become more and more slim if it continues like this, in order to win a greater chance, we need to rely on external forces, and my temporary target is this mysterious force in the Forest of Death.”

“It can be concluded that Lulucy, who previously blew up the Minister’s House, should have joined this mysterious force, and from this point this mysterious force has an innate hatred with the Minister, and this death of Sheila has pushed the two to complete opposites.”

“But at this moment, the empire does not dare to send a large army to surround and suppress the other party, indicating that the other party should have the strength to make the empire fearful, on this basis, if we can win the support of this mysterious force, then the overthrow of the empire is just around the corner!”

Najestan’s in-depth analysis was recognized by the entire Night Raid regiment, but there were still people who wondered

“If there really is this force, then there is also an angelic race involved behind it, if we approach each other rashly, will it be dangerous?”

“What of the things we have done since the establishment of the night raid are not dangerous?”

Naje Shitan’s crisp response caused the person who opened his mouth to shut up.

Then Najeshtan’s gaze swept over the group and said:

“To be honest, this is actually a gamble, but I think it is a worthwhile gamble, and I hope to completely overthrow the decaying empire than the risks I may face!”

“Night raid is for this!”

Listening to Najestan’s words, the faces of all the members of the Night Raid group showed hatred for the empire.

They then unanimously approved the operation.

Najeshtan also immediately made corresponding preparations for this….


Rhode didn’t know how much the outside world was changing because of him at this time, and he was now standing in front of the bamboo shoot warrior in front of the farm, holding the sunlight produced by the previous sunflower in his hand.

“Go you!”

Rhode expected to throw sunlight on the bamboo shoot warrior.

He expects another scene similar to Blackie’s upgrade.

But unfortunately, after absorbing the sunlight, the bamboo shoot warrior only changed its appearance, its color became darker, its limbs became slightly thicker, and its size grew a little taller.

Other than that, everything remains as it is.

This made Rhode feel a little helpless.

“It seems that this upgrade and evolution still can’t be achieved overnight.”

He comforted himself.

In fact, he also understood in his heart that the difficulty between level six to level seven and level seven to level eight could be the same?

It’s just an inevitable little fantasy.

“I really want to know how much sunlight I need to throw to upgrade, if only there was a progress bar for the upgrade.”

With Rhode’s low muttering, the bamboo shoot warrior in front of him suddenly popped up an information box.

[Current Evolution Sunshine: 1/200].

Hey, there’s a progress bar!

Rhode was pleasantly surprised, and the system could always shock him inadvertently.

But at the same time, he was tired of the long progress bar.

It takes 200 rays of sunlight for the bamboo shoot warrior to upgrade to level seven, which is 200 days, which is really a long time.

But if you think about it, Lulucy and they have been stuck at level seven for decades, so these 200 days are nothing.

But if he could, Rhodes still wanted something that could be accelerated.


After ending his brief thoughts, Rhode returned to his room and picked up the tablet and turned on the farm’s resident system.

There are twenty-four more angels on the farm, and the basic information still needs to be checked.


Today at noon the female ticket went to dinner with my sister, is it the noon single time!!! Unfortunately, I want to code!!!

Ask for flowers, ask for tickets, ask for tips

Qingming reading ceremony! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)

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