Back to Xingyu's side, after Zhu Shi and Yu Shilang broke through a place that seemed to be a dead end, they came to a mansion that looked quite luxurious.

"Over here please"!

After entering the mansion, Zhu Shi also took Xingyu to the deepest cellar of the mansion, which was transformed into a very suitable for people's lives.

This is also because they are ghosts, and it is most suitable for them to live here when they cannot bask in the sun.

"Please sit, although I know that you already know me, but first introduce yourself, I am Zhu Shi, this is Yu Shilang, I don't know the name of Mr."

"And how much does Sir know about us?"

After Xingyu sat down, Zhu Shi also sat cross-kneeled, and said with a kind face.

Even in the face of Xingyu who suddenly came to the door, there was not much guard and fear.

"I'm Long Xingyu, just call me Xingyu, as for what I know about you, it's generally clear"!

"For example, you have no grudge with Onitsuji, your general actions so far, and what you are studying"!

Listening to Zhu Shi's words, Long Xingyu also said casually.

However, these simple words made Zhu Shi's calm heart no less than throwing a depth bomb, making his heart become turbulent.

Without him, because the current Xingyu looks like a teenager, and Xingyu is obviously not a ghost, it is impossible to fake his real age.

But Xingyu at this age can know that he and Ghost Mai Tsuji have a grudge for hundreds of years!

If this wasn't a lie, it made her understand why Xingyu knew this.

After all, apart from her two parties, Ghost Mai Tsuji Wushen, it is basically impossible for outsiders to know too much.

And her actions over the years are the clearest only to her and Yu Shilang.

And she and Xingyu also met for the first time, and it was impossible for Yu Shilang to tell Xingyu about herself, so where did Xingyu know.

"Miss Zhu Shi doesn't need to be so excited, I can know that these naturally have my methods and means, and I know more things!"

"I can even see the future of Miss Suzusei and Onimatsuji without showing up"!

Looking at Zhu Shi's excited appearance, Xingyu always maintained a calm smile and said.

"The future of me and Oni Mai Tsuji"?

Hearing this, Zhu Shi's breathing couldn't help but become rapid.

"Yes, in the future, you researched the transformation potion through the blood of the twelve ghost moons, and then let Oni Mai Tsuji take it in the final battle"!

"But even the power of Ghost Mai Tsuji, who has become a human, is far beyond your imagination, and it can decompose the potion through its own ability!"

"Of course, in the end, you sacrificed, and the ghost killing team also paid a huge price, completely dragging Ghost Mai Tsuji to dawn"!

"Under the light of the sun, it is also ushering in the end"!

Looking at Zhu Shi's appearance, Xingyu also casually told the final result of the original work.

And hearing that he died, Zhu Shi did not have much sadness and pain, but heard that the ghost dance Tsuji would be eliminated, which made him extremely excited and happy.

"Mr. Xingyu, what you said is true"? Thinking of this, Zhu Shi also asked again.

"If it were a normal development, it would be like this, but now, the future has become confusing"!

Looking at Zhu Shi, who was eager to verify it, Xingyu also slowly spoke.

"What, how so"!

Seeing Xingyu shaking his head, Zhu Shi also felt that his spiritual qi seemed to be drained.

"Enough, you fellow, less gibberish and pretending"!

At this time, Yu Shilang on the side finally couldn't bear it, so he rushed towards Xingyu, wanting to teach Xingyu an unforgettable lesson.


Looking at the impulsive Yu Shilang, Zhu Shi also shouted instinctively.

However, in the face of Yu Shilang's sudden outburst, Xingyu's movements were even more rapid, his right hand was directly extended, and then he pinched Yu Shilang's neck accurately.

Immediately afterwards, he directly pressed Yu Shilang into the distant wall, and Xingyu himself still sat in place without moving.

"You... Your hands, you are not human"?

Looking at Xingyu like this, Zhu Shi also showed a stunned and shocked look.

Originally smelling the breath coming from Xingyu's body, she didn't notice anything unusual at all, but now the changes in Xingyu's body are no longer something that ordinary humans can do.

At least the one who can do this in Zhu Shi's impression, in addition to Ghost Mai Tsuji is not miserable, only ghosts who have mastered some special blood ghost arts can do it.

"I never said that I am an ordinary human Oh, introduce yourself again, my name is Long Xingyu, you can also call me a perfect creature"!

Looking at Zhu Shi's shocked appearance, Xingyu also said with a light smile.

"Perfect creature"?

Listening to Xingyu's words, Zhu Shi was first dazed, and then he also thought of a certain possibility, that is, the existence that Ghost Mai Tsuji Wuxi had been pursuing.

"There is no need to compare me with the inferior existence of Oni Mai Tsuji Wushen, even if the potion he uses is perfect, he can only become a pseudo-perfect creature at most!"

As if seeing through Zhu Shi's inner thoughts, Xingyu also said with a hint of displeasure.

"Sorry"! Hearing Xingyu's words, Zhu Shi also instinctively apologized.

"That, can you please let go of Yu Shilang first, I apologize for him for you"!

Later, Zhu Shi also saw Yu Shilang who was struggling on the side.

However, in the face of Xingyu's arm restraint, Yu Shilang's struggle was all useless, and his sharp claws could not even break Xingyu's skin.

"This is the first and last time, next time I will kill him directly"!

Hearing Zhu Shi's words, Xingyu also let go of Yu Shilang and warned with an indifferent expression.

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