When Concubine Dai Jiashu heard the emperor coming, she hurriedly pulled the palace maid beside her and asked: "Dexterous, quickly help this little lord to see,"

and asked

with anticipation: "How is it?"

Dexterously looked at the crying breathless Brother Qi, as a mother-in-law, Concubine Dai Jiashu was actually concerned about her clothes and jewelry?

Dexterously thinking that Lord Dai Jia had saved their whole family and arranged errands for her father and brother, she could only patiently persuade: "Little master, don't care about clothes and jewelry, you should quickly cry out now!

Seeing that Princess Dai Jia dared to take off her hairpin, she thought that the emperor would come later, but her careful preparation was ruined!

Damn slaves, my father also said that the dexterous family is doing things for the Dai Jia clan, which can be believed.

As long as the emperor spoils her again, he will definitely be able to give birth to a healthy little brother!

Just when Concubine Dai Jiashu angrily squeezed her dexterous hand, Kangxi and Mu Yao came in.

As soon as Kangxi entered the inner room, he saw Concubine Dai Jiashu pinching the palace maid next to her with a fierce face, and the breath of Brother Qi's crying was weak.

I thought that the palace maid didn't care to cause Brother Seven to get sick, but what did he hear?For

a few hairpins?!Brother Qi'a was not as important as a few broken hairpins of her Dai Jia Wuyun?!

Belch...... Ah..." Before

he finished speaking, he was grabbed by the angry Kangxi by the neck.

Mu Yao watched Concubine Dai Jiashu's face gradually turn purple, her eyes turned up to reveal the whites of her eyes, she couldn't breathe, and she spit out her tongue and sucked air desperately.

Afraid that Kangxi would lose his hand and kill Concubine Dai Jiashu, he quickly reached out to pull Kangxi's hand.

Kangxi saw Mu Yao coming to pull him, worried that it would scare Mu Yao and the child, so he let go of his hand and let Concubine Dai Jiashu fall to the ground.

Kangxi, who was still puzzled, turned around and gave Concubine Dai Jiashu another kick, directly kicking Concubine Dai Jiashu and vomiting blood.

Seeing this, Liang Jiugong hurriedly asked the little eunuch to carry Concubine Dai Jiashu out.

Kangxi looked at it for a week and found that there was no

imperial doctor! Kangxi's eyes were bright, and his clear voice suppressed anger: "What about the imperial doctor?! Let Brother Seven cry here?! Are you all dead?" Mu

Yao also twitched at the corner of her eyes, she didn't expect that Concubine Dai Jiashu was so stupid, she didn't even know to invite the imperial doctor.

Mu Yao looked at Brother Qi, whose breath was gradually weakening, and secretly asked: "Hairball, is Brother Qiu still saved?"


Yao was

taken aback, the original Seventh Brother didn't have this problem! Mu Yao couldn't imagine what would happen if Kangxi knew the news of Brother Seven's stupidity

! A crippled and stupid prince, I am afraid that a little natural disaster and man-made disaster will be blamed on him in the future, right?!

Thinking of this, Mu Yao couldn't help but pray for Brother Seven, or stutter!

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