Mu Yao thought a little weakly, the hot air balloon won't be the story she told them yesterday, right?

Where did the current artificial work make enough power system!

Mu Yao had a headache, fortunately it was not made, otherwise it would really fly into the sky, in case of encountering some ancient tree or something, it is estimated that it can be hung!

Mu Yao couldn't help but regret that she told them the story of the hot air balloon, and did not describe it when their little brothers asked how to do

it, but Mu Yao was also glad that she didn't clarify the specific requirements for making a hot air balloon, just fooled them casually, otherwise if there is really someone who can make it

, she is afraid that she will be angry to death

! Thinking of this, Mu Yao reluctantly got up from the recliner, "Go! Go to the Qianqing Palace to see how the two brats are,"

Mu Yao asked Honghe with some uncertainty: "Will the emperor really let them kneel?" Honghe

said helplessly: "Niangniang, really! The fifth brother and the sixth brother have been kneeling for almost a quarter of an hour!" Mu

Yao pouted, how long is a quarter of an hour?

Because she didn't want to waste points, she drank one tube for three days! But this matter is only known by Mu Yao and Mao Qiu, so

on the surface, Yin Qi and Yin Zuo are just two particularly naughty children!

Liang Jiugong leaned over to the desk, "Emperor, Princess Shugui is here!"

Kangxi squinted at Liang Jiugong, Yinren was stopped by himself, but he didn't expect that there was another Liang Jiugong! Liang Jiugong's

waist bent lower and lower, and he resisted the urge to wipe his sweat, he naturally knew that the emperor was dissatisfied, but he couldn't help it!

At that time, the emperor and Concubine Shu will start together, it is better to let the emperor punish and punish

! Fortunately, Kangxi has no intention of calculating, after all, he also knows such a big thing, how can Yin Qi and Yin Zuo's little eunuch also have to go back to report the letter! Kangxi

: "Quickly invite Shuguifei in!"

The prince is still quite curious about Mu Yao, after all, the existing concubines in the harem are only Mu Yao willing to let her children contact him!

Yin Zuo is strong, weak look, he glanced at it and decided to have less

contact! The unhealthy child in this palace is an irregular time bomb

! So for Mu Yao, who can let himself contact Yin Qi and Yin Zuo, it can be said that the favorability soared with the increasing closeness of Yin Qi and Yin

Zuo! As soon as Mu Yao came in, he saw his two stupid sons kneeling on the ground and looking at him with tears in their eyes, Mu Yao took a deep breath,

"Concubine to the emperor to ask for peace!"

Before he could squat down, he was supported by Kangxi, who ran over.

Kangxi was very flustered in his heart, what was going on! Isn't it just that he hadn't seen Yao'er for five or six days, why is his stomach so big

! Kangxi thought of the dream Mu Yao had told him before, could it really come true? Kangxi was a little flustered! It was really difficult to do now! Mu Yao

looked at Kangxi suspiciously, what was he doing?

That is, Mu Yao does not know what Kangxi is thinking, if he knows, he will definitely take the opportunity to play!"

"Emperor, let Yin Qi and Yin Zuo get up! What do people who are only four years old understand now?"

Kangxi: "....." Kangxi was still immersed in the surprise that the dream came true, and did not hear what Mu Yao was saying at all, Mu Yao looked at

Kangxi without speaking thinking that Kangxi

was still angry, so he said softly again: "Emperor, you just let the two of them get up, or you punish them for copying books! They hate copying books the most!" Kangxi

was still expressionless,

Mu Yao: "..."

Mu Yao was completely angry! What do you mean

! Mu Yao directly punched Kangxi's shoulder, and walked away for her without speaking!

No wonder Concubine Shugui was willing to let Yin Qi and Yin Zuo stay with him, didn't she expect it?

Yes, after seeing Mu Yao beating Kangxi, Yin Ren thought that Mu Yao was purely too uh.... After all, she even dares to fight Huang Amma, it can be seen that there are not too many rules and thoughts

! Kangxi was finally woken up by Mu Yao's punch, Kangxi looked at Mu Yao with an unfathomable expression, and couldn't help shouting in his heart, compared to your triplets! Yin Qi and Yin Zuo are just trivial things!

Kangxi sighed, "Let them get up!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked to the carved chair and sat down

Mu Yao looked at Kangxi's slightly vicissitudes back with some hesitation, she didn't understand what happened to Kangxi, looking at Yin Qi and Yin Zuo who were helped up and immediately came to her to sell well

, Mu Yao really couldn't give any good face! If she is not pregnant and uncomfortable now, she must take wicker to smoke them and let them know why the flowers are so red!

Mu Yao saw that Mu Yao was already holding back his anger and did not settle accounts with them, and they went directly to their good second brother for comfort

! Mu Yao saw that Yin Ren was much calmer, and had the heart to thank him for helping discipline Yin Qi and Yin Zuo, and was worried that he would be considered to please the prince, so he had to smile and nod his head.

Yin Ren was also a little happy to see Mu Yao's response, after all, although he liked Yin Qi and Yin Zuo's two younger brothers, but his uncle Suo Etu always told him that Concubine Shugui was a big enemy, Yin Qi and Yin Zuo were close to him just because he was the prince

, and now seeing Mu Yao so peaceful and not coming up, he thinks he has won over his uncle!

Kangxi, who was sitting away from everyone, saw that Mu Yao had been paying attention to others, and was very dissatisfied, so he couldn't help but put the teacup heavily on the table to express his dissatisfaction.

Who expected that Mu Yao was also very unhappy now, and directly threw a roll

of his eyes, Mu Yao forced himself to resist the idea of wanting yin and yang weirdness, and tried to make his tone sound normal: "Emperor, but the concubine provoked you again?" When

Kangxi heard Mu Yao's words, the corners of his mouth twitched, look!

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