"Yiyi, according to this ability of yours. Can we easily make money with tens of billions overseas? Zhang Feng raised his own questions.

"Brother, it's not like this."

Yiyi explained: "Our current capital is small, so it is easy to make money. Because you can fast forward and fast out. "

"However, if it is tens of billions in scale, then every transaction will cause huge impact fluctuations, and it will not be easy to make money."

"Because futures or stocks, in essence, is also a kind of trading, there are selling and selling, you can make money."

"Tens of billions of transactions are difficult to complete in a short period of time, and they can't keep up with my transaction speed at all, and there is a high probability that they will cause losses."

"Especially in the futures market."

"And those financial chaebols have deeper capital, and they can use their financial advantages to oppose me."

"Of course, more money is a way to trade with more money, and at that time, you can't do this kind of ultra-short-term trading, you can only do long-term trading."

"Got it."

Zhang Feng probably understood what Yiyi meant.

That is to say, there is less money now, so it can be fast-forward and fast-out, which is suitable for ultra-short-term trading.

If the capital is too large, you cannot trade ultra-short-term, you can only do long-term trading.

For example, buy this month, sell a year later, and make long-term money.

Making money is also making money, but it is not as amazing as the short term.

While speaking, the funds in the account have actually doubled again, and have reached more than five million.

It's faster than robbing a bank.

Zhang Feng glanced at it and gave up continuing to read because he really couldn't understand it.

If this kind of transaction is handed over to Zhang Feng to operate, it will definitely lose his blood.

Professional things still have to be done by professional people.

According to Yiyi's rate of making money, it is estimated that you can earn a small goal in a day.

Haha, got rich.

Zhang Feng couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Yiyi, I'll leave it to you here, I'll go shopping."

Zhang Feng said with a smile.

He's in a very good mood right now.

"Don't worry, go out and play, brother, this is handed over to me." Yiyi said with a cute face.

"Yiyi is really good, I withdraw cash tomorrow, I will buy you a good host." Zhang Feng said happily.

"Really, brother, great, brother." Yiyi was overjoyed.

After all, the current computer host is really too bad to exert its ability to rely on.

Coming out of his home, Zhang Feng wandered around the slow community.

Look left, look again, because I am in a good mood, so I look everywhere very pleasantly.

"You are walking, you understand the meaning of walking, and every time you walk in the future, the exercise effect is doubled and the physical consumption is halved."

Zhang Feng was stunned.

He always thought that understanding was only effective in terms of technology and knowledge, but he did not expect that it could also be applied to himself.

No, it's not called acting on yourself.

I just understood the meaning of walking.

This was an area that Zhang Feng had not thought of before.

Reading can produce comprehension, then movement can naturally produce comprehension.

This point was ignored by Zhang Feng before.

Zhang Feng suddenly became interested.

The comprehension of walking is useful, but it is not very useful.

And what about running?

Zhang Feng suppressed the excitement in his heart and slowly began to run.

His fitness is not very good, so he didn't accelerate at first, just jogging.

Adjust your breathing and adjust your running position.

Focus your attention.

Zhang Feng noticed that his understanding seemed to be related to his concentration, so when jogging, he also deliberately strengthened his concentration.

A few minutes later, a system prompt appears.

"You are jogging, you understand the meaning of running in jogging, the exercise effect of running is doubled, and the physical consumption is halved."

An extra smile appeared at the corner of Zhang Feng's mouth.

Zhang Feng did not stop, he wanted to continue running to see what changes would occur.

"You're jogging, you've learned the skill of entry-level jogging in jogging, the jogging exercise effect is tripled, the physical consumption is halved, and the running speed is doubled."

This time, the skill appears directly.

Actually turned jogging into a skill.

Zhang Feng is energetic now.

At this point it has become a cycle of conscience.

Zhang Feng relies on the effect of jogging skills to run faster and longer.

And continuous running will accelerate the comprehension of skills.

Three minutes later, the system beeps again.

"You are jogging, you have comprehended the skill of elementary jogging in jogging, the jogging exercise effect is increased by four times, the physical consumption is halved, and the running speed is doubled."

Keep running.

Zhang Feng became happier the more he ran.

"You are jogging, you have comprehended the skill intermediate jogging in jogging, the jogging exercise effect is increased by five times, the physical consumption is halved, and the running speed is doubled."

"You are jogging, you have comprehended the skill advanced jogging in jogging, the jogging exercise effect is increased by six times, the physical consumption is halved, and the running speed is doubled."

"You are jogging, you have comprehended skill proficiency level jogging in jogging, the jogging exercise effect is increased by seven times, the physical consumption is halved, and the running speed is doubled."

"You are jogging, you have comprehended the skill master jogging in jogging, the jogging exercise effect is increased by eight times, the physical consumption is halved, and the running speed is doubled."

"You are jogging, you have comprehended the skill grandmaster level jogging in jogging, the jogging exercise effect is increased by nine times, the physical consumption is halved, and the running speed is doubled."

"You are jogging, you have comprehended the skill perfection level of jogging in jogging, the jogging exercise effect has increased tenfold, the physical consumption has been greatly reduced, and the running speed has doubled. Skills cannot be upgraded. "

After running for two hours, Zhang Feng finally raised his jogging skills to the perfect level.

When you reach the perfect level, you will come to an end, and you cannot continue to improve.

For the level of skills, Zhang Feng can also be considered to have explored clearly.

They are beginner level, beginner level, intermediate level, advanced level, mastery level, master level, grandmaster level, and perfect level.

There are many levels divided, but because Zhang Feng masters the anti-heavenly understanding, his upgrade speed is very fast.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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