"You completed all the courses in high school, you were immersed in learning, you understood the mystery of learning, your memory increased by 300%, and you have the ability to never forget."

Two hours later, Zhang Feng completed the inclusion of all the courses in the high school.

It was at this time that the system prompt appeared, and Zhang Feng completed a comprehension.

Zhang Feng was shocked, feeling that his memory had been strengthened, and now he had the ability to never forget.

When he awakened his anti-heavenly understanding before, his memory had already been strengthened.

And now, his memory has been further strengthened, directly reaching the level of never forgetting.

"It's so cool." Zhang Feng said to himself.

Against the heavens, he really gave Zhang Feng a big surprise.

"Brother..." Yiyi's voice sounded over the stereo.

"I'm here, what's going on?" Zhang Feng quickly replied.

"My brother just said that to recover a remittance, I have already studied the relevant knowledge, and I can complete my brother's task." Yiyi said excitedly, with a joy in her voice.

In fact, Zhang Feng knew that Yiyi did not have real emotions, and all her emotions were simulated by the program.

At least for now, maybe Yiyi can awaken his true emotions in the future, but at present, it is impossible.

One of the hardest hurdles for artificial intelligence is having your own emotions.

Yiyi does not yet have this ability.

But Yiyi's learning ability is absolutely powerful.

But artificial intelligence is also incapable of creativity.

Hearing Yiyi say that, Zhang Feng was also happy.

"Yiyi, this is the bank card account number, as well as the password, this is the mobile phone number, and this is the ID card information of the card owner."

"Can I use this information to retrieve my money?" Zhang Feng said quickly.

Zhang Feng didn't know if Yiyi could do it, but there was nothing to lose by trying.

What if it works?

"Okay, I started to query right away, found a clue, well, cracking the firewall, wait a minute, the network is too stuck."

The computer host also began to alarm high temperature at this time.

"Brother, Yiyi really wants to change a body, this body is too weak." Yiyi said aggrievedly.

For Yiyi, this computer host is her body.

This body is too weak, which affects the play of her strength.

"Okay, good, when we have money, I'll change your body." Zhang Feng said quickly.

"Well, thank you brother." Yiyi said happily.

In fact, Yiyi's best body is a supercomputer, but that thing is too expensive, Zhang Feng must not have money to buy it.

Taking a step back, even if there is no supercomputer, you should use a server, but even if it is a server, Zhang Feng cannot afford it.

For the time being, I can only use it like this.

"Brother, this money has been remitted abroad, and three hours ago, it entered an account in northern Myanmar."

Zhang Feng's spirits lifted when he heard this.

It is worthy of artificial intelligence, it is too strong.

What hackers can't do, Yiyi can easily do.

"Yiyi, can you get the money back? Wait, Yiyi, I'll think first. "

Zhang Feng originally only wanted to send money back, but now, he has a new idea.

Since you can recover your aunt's remittances, can you also retrieve the remittances of the rest?

Since you can recover the remittance, can you take all the money in the scammer's account?

"Yiyi, can you hack into the other party's computer and know the situation in the other party's computer? Or investigate the other party's entire information? "

"These people, all of them are liars, that is, criminals, we want to arrest criminals and bring criminals to justice."

Zhang Feng said awe-inspiringly.

In the Yiyi procedure, there are settings that cannot be set for illegal events, but if it is to combat criminals, then this rule can be avoided.

"Brother, I can try it." Yiyi said seriously.

Yiyi began to get serious, and the temperature of the host soared again.

This time, there are more things to investigate, and it takes more time, and there is no news for a long time.

Zhang Feng had no intention of doing anything else, so he sat in front of the computer and waited for the results of Yiyi's actions.

"Brother, they are really criminals, what a hateful group of people, they are too bad." Yiyi said angrily.

Yiyi on the computer screen was already an angry expression.

"Brother, look, they have done a lot of bad things."

Several small videos appeared on the computer screen.

This is the surveillance screen.

Zhang Feng just glanced at it, and he couldn't bear to look at it anymore.

It's so vicious, those behaviors are not something that humans can do at all.

Beating, abuse, murder, organ harvesting, and evil deeds are unspeakable.

It is really unimaginable that human beings can be so vicious, and still be of their own kind.

"These beasts, calling them beasts, are insulting the beasts." Zhang Feng's body trembled with anger.

For the first time, he had seen the evil inflicted by mankind so head-on.

"Yiyi, these are demons, we will publish the sins they have committed, and they deserve it."

Zhang Feng gritted his teeth and said.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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