"Girls, don't look at this." Zhang Feng glared at Lin Shihan.

Lin Shihan frowned and glared over, but he was still hard enough for Zhang Feng, and he could only turn around helplessly.

In his mind, he was thinking back to the picture of Zhang Feng's battle just now.

That flowing figure, fierce attack, so handsome.

Thinking of this, my cheeks were a little red.

Uncle Lu had already come to Lin Shihan's side, and he was relieved in his heart.

Looking at Zhang Feng's gaze, he was also full of shock.

The layman looks lively, the insider watches the doorway.

He could see that Zhang Feng's kung fu realm was very clever, much higher than him.

The young lady was safer by Zhang Feng's side than by his side.

Just now, I was also worried about Bai.

It's just that I don't know how Zhang Feng, who is young, cultivated to his current kung fu.

If you have time, you really have to ask for advice.

Determining that Lin Shihan had turned around, Zhang Feng shot out like the wind, and his hands quickly clicked a few times on Scarface's body.

This is not kung fu, but acupuncture in Chinese medicine, which can also be said to be acupuncture method.

Acupuncture requires the use of silver needles, but Zhang Feng has true qi, and he uses true qi instead of acupuncture.

These True Qi penetrate into the other party's acupuncture points, and the effect is the same as acupuncture.

"You replace the silver needle with True Qi, and you have comprehended the point acupuncture method."

In Zhang Feng's mind, a lot of point-point techniques suddenly appeared, which was the real point-point method.

Instead of Zhang Feng's wild path of true qi instead of acupuncture fingering.

After Zhang Feng absorbed these acupuncture methods, he suddenly realized what the real acupuncture method looked like.

The principle of acupuncture and acupuncture is the same, but the methods used are different.

At this time, Zhang Feng had already mastered the real point method.

Zhang Feng shot again, this time using the real point method.

Scarface's body was instantly fixed, and his whole body could not move, but the green tendons on his face were sunken one by one.

His face was painful and hideous, and he looked extremely terrifying.

Zhang Feng ordered several acupuncture points on his body, and Scarface would not die, but it was more uncomfortable than death.

He felt cramps all over his body, and his whole body was in extreme pain.

People who have had cramps will know how deep his pain is.

And the average person has cramps, only cramps in one place, but he is now cramping all over the body.

That's the scariest thing.

"Okay, no Zhang Feng?" Lin Shihan asked.

"Wait a minute, or you guys get back to the car first." Zhang Feng said.

"Well, then I'll go back to the car first." Lin Shihan nodded and said.

Taking the opportunity to return to the car, Lin Shihan secretly glanced at it.

When he saw the terrifying and hideous appearance of Scarface, he was immediately startled, and this time he did not dare to look at it again.

Zhang Feng waited for five minutes before lifting the acupuncture channels on Scarface's body.

Scarface gulped for air, his whole body was covered in sweat, and his body was still convulsing.

"Let's be honest, the next time is ten minutes, add five minutes each time." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

Looking at Scarface's painful appearance, Zhang Feng's heart breathed a sigh.

"No, I said, I said everything." Scarface said tremblingly.

Looking at Zhang Feng's gaze, it was full of fear.

In his eyes, Zhang Feng was not a person, he was a devil.

He never wanted to try that horrible penal code again.

"It was Song Zijie who asked us to do it, his father is our boss, we dare not disobey." Scarface said tremblingly.

"Song Zijie, is he? Why did he do that? Zhang Feng asked with a look of disbelief.

The villain is also a high school classmate for three years, this guy is so vicious, he wants to kill himself?

"I heard that you snatched his woman away, and he wants to take revenge on you, asking us to maim your hands and feet and disfigure your face with sulfuric acid." Scarface said quickly.

I didn't dare to hesitate at all.

He was really afraid.

"It turned out to be because of Lin Shihan." Zhang Feng suddenly realized.

Zhang Feng knew that Song Zijie liked Lin Shihan, but Lin Shihan liked more women.

In school, he played with seven or eight female classmates, and his so-called liking was just pure desire.

That's it, I actually have to find trouble for myself.

Zhang Feng really underestimated human nature.

"Is there proof?" Zhang Feng asked casually.

He didn't expect anything.

"Yes." Scarface trembled and took out his mobile phone and showed the chat record to Zhang Feng.

Sure enough, on the mobile phone, Scarface and Song Zijie contacted each other by text message.

It was indeed done by Song Zijie.

"What does Song Zijie's family do?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

Zhang Feng only knew that Song Zijie was a rich second-generation and had money in his family, but he did not expect that he still had a group of thugs at home.

"Our boss does a lot of business, he has opened several companies, there are loan companies, and there are real estate companies, we are the employees of the real estate company, we are responsible for demolition." Scarface whispered.

Zhang Feng was abrupt, no wonder this kid is so arrogant, he really has capital in his family.

Song Zijie's family is not very rich, and it may not be more than Zhang Feng's own cash.

But Song Zijie's family is not small, and he belongs to the local snake-like figure.

"Get out of here." Zhang Feng waved his hand, as if to drive away flies.


The alarm is useful, Zhang Feng has long called the police.

Zhang Feng knew that the energy of this ground snake was very large, and the alarm was not necessarily easy to use, and it would cause trouble for himself.

And letting Scarface go is not Zhang Feng's kindness.

It's because these people can't live for three months.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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