The Master of the Chinese Pavilion:"Why does Brother Dugu's swordsmanship always give people a feeling of incompleteness? However, Brother Dugu's two major sword techniques, the sharp sword and the soft sword, seem to have something new. In terms of skills, it can be said that We have gone quite deep!!"

Nine-tailed Demon Fox:"Is that just that? It seems that, Mr. Wuming, your world seems to be stronger than the world of Dugu Qiubai!! Mr. Dugu's knowledge of swordsmanship, itself It's not incomplete. It's just that... he has reached the limit that his own world can accommodate!! @lord of yin and yang, I wonder what the senior thinks? Is the little demon right?"

Lord of yin and yang:"A very innovative way of swordsmanship Enlightenment."

The heroine Tianxia:"Is it just that? Wen'er also feels that Mr. Dugu's kendo insights are quite new. It's seems to be exactly what Mr. Wuming said!"

Seeing the kendo insights she uploaded, she was so unbearable.. Dugu Qiubai was not discouraged at all, and was even full of high morale.

It is true that Dugu Qiufei has been lonely and embarrassed for too long. But through the members of the chat group, he realized in an instant that he was just a toddler in kendo!! The door to kendo has not really been opened yet.

Lord of Yin and Yang:"In those powerful worlds, Dugu Qiubei's swordsmanship may indeed have a lot of flaws. But in an inferior world, he was able to reach this point with his own talents. Dugu Qiubei has surpassed so many I'm dead!"

In Rosen's view, perhaps Dugu Qiubai has indeed reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship in his own world.

It's just that his world is just an inferior world after all. In those powerful worlds, there are countless living beings.

If we say that the ratio of strong people being born is ten thousand to one, then for every ten thousand people, there will be one person with qualifications and understanding that surpasses the other nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine people, and has the status of a true strong person.

Among ten thousand people with the appearance of a strong man, only one can make another breakthrough and reach a higher realm.

After two screenings, it would take a full 100 million people to give birth to one.

Of course, this screening method is indeed not reasonable. Many conditions were not considered. Simply rely on mathematical methods to select by analogy.

But once the base becomes larger, it becomes huge. So in other worlds, even sword demons like Dugu Qiubai must be in the minority.

In the world that Dugu Qiubai lives in, with his qualifications, judging by the base numbers at that time, he would only be screened two or three times at most.

But just in the ancient wilderness where Rosen was, demon clans, witch clans, and all kinds of monks were transformed. It is far more than the level of infinity and large numbers.

Although there is still a limit, it is impossible to reach infinity.

But immeasurable is ten to the sixty-eighth power. And a large number is ten to the power of seventy-two. It is conceivable that there are many lives in the ancient world that have opened their own spiritual intelligence.

In addition, there are almost very few of these beings who have never practiced. Even a newly born life will have innate abilities in its blood. At this level, one can only imagine what kind of terrifying existence the prehistoric world would breed.

From a basic point of view, the prehistoric world is not on the same level as the world of the group members.

Even in the prehistoric world, a miscellaneous fish with newly awakened intelligence, placed in the world of the group members, might be the kind of apocalyptic monster that can destroy the world.

In ancient times, no monk would even look at such a miscellaneous fish for a moment.

The prehistoric era was not just about the huge base of creatures. The screening conditions are enough to make people despair.

Even if Rosen hadn't personally investigated it, he could be sure that only one mysterious immortal could be born out of millions of immortals.

It takes millions of mysterious immortals to give birth to a golden immortal. From here, it is enough for people to understand why in the ancient land, there is a Daluo Golden Immortal above the Golden Immortal, and there is a quasi-sage above the Daluo Golden Immortal.

However, under the sect of Chanjiao Yuanshi Tianzun, the Twelve Golden Immortals Society became famous.

His talent for seeking defeat alone is truly unique in his world. But in ancient times, with a talent like his, I'm afraid it would be mediocre at best. Being able to become an immortal is already a blessing.

If before seeing the kendo uploaded by Dugu Qiubei, Rosen would probably still have some filter of past life impressions of Dugu Qiubei, then now, Rosen has a clear understanding of Dugu Qiubei. Know.

While others were evaluating and discussing the pros and cons of Dugu Qiubei's swordsmanship.

Rosen, on the other hand, began to use his own extraordinary understanding and Dugu Qiufei's swordsmanship as the basis to understand a new way to achieve enlightenment with the sword.

【You have observed the poor understanding of swordsmanship, and with your unparalleled understanding, you have understood the secret method of using the body as a sword. 】

Frowning, Rosen was obviously dissatisfied with this sword-based technique.

After all, if this method of using the body as a sword is practiced to the extreme, by then the practitioner will be considered a divine sword with spirit? Or do you mean turning your body into a sword?

Wouldn't this become a crooked way for people to cultivate themselves into magic weapons?


In Rosen's view, letting a monk cultivate himself into a magic weapon is a road of no return.

This is not what he wants!!

Directly abandoning those inappropriate and imaginative dead ends in Dugu Qiubei's swordsmanship, Rosen focused on following his own understanding. Rediscover a secret method of swordsmanship that suits his heart

【You don't like the art of using the sword as a body, thinking it is a dead end. With your incredible understanding, you have rediscovered the new secret method of swordsmanship according to your own understanding, and the sword creates two rites!! ]

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Rosen finally nodded with some satisfaction as he felt the secret method he had rediscovered in his mind.

Although the upper limit of this secret method is not high, in the prehistoric times, even if it was practiced to the extreme, it would only just cross the gate of the immortal path.

In other worlds, this is definitely a rare and supreme secret method.

This secret method is based on the sword, and its upper limit is just barely beyond the gate of the immortal way. If it is exhausted, it will only stop at the level of the method, and cannot reach the level of the Tao in Rosen's perception. At most it can be regarded as a secret art of swordsmanship.

But in the world of the ownership group, including the nine-tailed demon fox Suda, they are all regarded as the type of supreme sword canon.

Rosen actually didn't put much thought into this secret technique.

It was just that when this secret technique was practiced to the extreme, reaching the level of swordsmanship, Rosen became a little interested.

【You have comprehended the two rituals of swordsmanship, and based on this, you have gained the understanding of two distinct martial arts, but they are of the same origin, with different paths leading to the same goal, and both of them can be cultivated to the realm of earthly immortals. One sword creates the world; one sword breaks all laws! 】

According to his own understanding, Rosen can kill two birds with one stone this time. With his attainments in the yin and yang, he split the sword-sheng liangyi into two.

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