Even though Rosen and the Golden-winged Dapeng had a relationship now, they were both conceived in eggshells.

But he and Feng Zhong are of the same lineage, but the cause and effect are extremely weak. This is also the reason why Rosen is confident that he can easily cut off the cause and effect between himself and Fengzhong with the help of secret techniques.

The innate yin and yang energy was the trump card he left to himself.

After all, the Golden-winged Dapeng has not yet been born. Who knows what the world outside the eggshell is like? What is certain is that it must be before Journey to the West and Conferred Gods.

The peacock, whose mother is the same as the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle, shines brightly among the gods.

No matter how useless the golden-winged roc eagle is, it refines the innate yin and yang qi outside the body to create a nondescript yin and yang gas bottle. At best, it's just a lack of brains. Rather than lack of qualifications.

You know, the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle is a phoenix species!!

No matter what, the time of birth was definitely before becoming a god. But now, it's still egg white and egg yolk. Rosen could only prepare for the worst. Pull out the eggshell and guess in the most sinister direction.

Although the secret method that Rosen understood has the power to cut off and transfer cause and effect. But no matter what, he is not strong enough now. There is not even an image of the original body yet.

Thanks to his incredible understanding, Rosen was able to transfer the cause and effect of the Phoenix seed to Dapeng as if he were blessed. It itself is doing subtraction and seeking emptiness. Although it is like a bird breaking out of its shell. But it has nothing to do with the Phoenix lineage.

During the first tribulation of the Long Han Dynasty, the phoenix was the leader of birds. But in the ancient land, not all birds are like phoenixes.

Not to mention anything else, the three-legged golden crow born on the sun star must have nothing to do with the phoenix. Not to mention, among the Three Purities, there is a Winged Immortal who is also a golden-winged roc eagle under the leadership of Tongtian Cult.

It can be said that even if Rosen transforms into a golden-winged roc eagle in a crude way, as long as there is no cause and effect with the Phoenix lineage, then there is no chance that he will be inexplicably related to the Yin Shang in the future among the gods.

No one would believe that Rosen would be Kong Xuan's younger brother.

The golden-winged roc eagle has a powerful foundation. If it wants to transform, it needs countless years of gestation with the vitality of heaven and earth.

But Rosen, after cutting off the cause and effect, lost this foundation. But he is also no longer shackled by the Phoenix lineage.

Because there is no reference, Rosen does not know what level his own strength has reached. But he abandoned his phoenix heritage and transformed himself into a malnourished little eagle in the shortest possible time.

As soon as he took shape, Rosen couldn't wait to peck open the eggshell and get out of the small hole.

As for leaving such a hole, the time for the golden-winged roc eagle to gestate will be increased again. This has nothing to do with Rosen.

Even in Rosen's view, this is a good thing. After all, if you don't take form so early, you won't be involved in those horrific catastrophes in the future.

Even if one day the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle comes to your door, you still have to say thank you to yourself!

As soon as he got out of the eggshell, Rosen felt that the aggrieved feeling before was gone, and the surging vitality of heaven and earth poured into his body like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea.

Rosen's strength skyrocketed in a way that was visible to the naked eye.

The body shape continues to expand. In the blink of an eye, the weak chick transformed into a powerful golden-winged roc eagle.

The golden feathers seemed to be carved from luxurious metal. Just a slight flap of the wings would create a strong wind.

Even without the magic power brought by the Yin and Yang Qi Jue, Rosen's powerful physical body alone is enough to let Rosen run rampant.

Rosen is not a real beast after all. Even if he transforms into a golden-winged roc eagle, he is more accustomed to human appearance.

【You understand the mystery of the creation of heaven and earth, understand the structure of your own body, recall all the past lives, and understand the art of change that allows you to transform between the human body and the body! 】

Visible to the naked eye, Rosen's body feathers gradually faded away, and a handsome young man wearing black, white, and gold Taoist robes replaced the majestic golden-winged roc eagle.

Because there is no inheritance, Rosen can only transform himself between the form of the golden-winged roc eagle and the human Tao body. Even so, even though he returned to his human form, Rosen still felt the long-lost excitement.

Especially because deep in the consciousness, it has an unforgettable impact on one's own human form. The art of change that Rosen realized at this moment can only transform between the golden-winged roc eagle and human beings. But this transformation is like a real art of change. Rather than just a visual effect.

Finally cultivating himself from a ball of egg liquid to what he is now, Rosen was so excited that his eyes almost turned red.

He has been practicing for a long time. God knows how long he has been oppressed by the golden-winged roc in the eggshell.

Thanks to Rosen's golden finger, it not only improved his understanding, but also had the effect of restraining his mind, allowing him to be immersed in cultivation before. Otherwise, Rosen couldn't believe whether he could survive it.

Although he successfully transformed into a human form, the cautious Rosen did not rush into the wilderness.

Except for that hand, he doesn't know what level he is at now, and how powerful his magical power is to manipulate the innate yin and yang. He doesn't even know what level his own strength is.

If you leave rashly, who knows if you will bump into some powerful person and be slapped to death with a backhand, without even a chance to escape!

With an incredible understanding at his side, Rosen's top priority now is to develop himself first, preferably to develop some powerful magical powers.

The golden-winged roc eagle is a phoenix species, with a strong body.

Now that he does not lack the vitality of heaven and earth, Rosen can fully understand the powerful physical body of the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle, allowing himself to master several powerful fighting techniques.

In Rosen's view, if the Golden-winged Dapeng has its own two magical powers, it has great prospects for development.

With the ability to fly 90,000 miles away with just one flap of his wings, he could easily catch up with Sun Wukong's somersault cloud.

After deducing it again, it may not be possible to reach the level of golden light.

In addition to flying, the golden-winged roc eagle's claws are also quite powerful. When catching someone, it can change with the body shape of the captured person. It can be said to be the ultimate in capturing skills. It's like practicing the magical rope that binds the immortal.

This is just the instinct of the golden-winged roc eagle.

The sharp beak and even the golden feathers are comparable to the innate fine gold, and they can almost all develop unique magical powers.

Once you develop all your instincts, you will have magical powers.

So even if he doesn't use his trump card, which seems to be the innate yin and yang, Rosen has almost no shortcomings.

In terms of flight techniques, even the simplest flying techniques can reach the level of flapping wings for ninety thousand miles. Once caught, the opponent will be unable to escape.

The innate fine gold is like a feather, which can also be turned into a powerful means of group attack. The beak of an eagle is even better than that of a peacock. In addition, it comes from the same origin as the peacock, and even the Tathagata can swallow it in one bite.

Once successful, it can be said to be powerful in all aspects!

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