For points that have suddenly reached five digits and are still improving. Rosen suddenly had a bold idea in his mind!!

It seems that I will become the one who responds to requests in the chat group in the future!!

It's just that for him, to help other group members understand stronger techniques, in addition to the points in the chat group, Rosen can also draw on the wisdom of the group members themselves.

The Great Dao cannot be achieved by simply practicing hard. Sometimes, a flash of inspiration is better than years of hard work!!

Rosen's understanding is incredible. What he lacks now is more flashes of inspiration. And this kind of inspiration will not be lacking even in the lower world. Especially the members of the chat group, each one is regarded as the destiny of their own world.

For Rosen, helping group members understand and improve the skills can not only earn a large amount of points, but also enhance his prestige in the chat group, and allow him to draw on the wisdom of the group members. It's all in one fell swoop.

Sword Demon:"Martial arts golden elixir, celestial beings on land? Unexpectedly, I once actually sat in a well and looked at the sky, unaware of the vastness of the sky. It turns out that martial arts actually has such incredible power!! Achievements in martial arts can also be like immortals and Buddhas!"

Female Lord of the World:"Martial Arts Golden Pill, Land Celestial Being? What kind of realm is this?"

Sword Demon:"Senior Luo Sen, a scholar of Heavenly Beings. Unfathomable. In this Liangyi Sword Code, Martial Arts Golden Pill is the great master On top of that, condense the true meaning of one's own martial arts, implement the true energy of one's own martial arts, in order to reach the realm of Dharma and Yuanling, condense the three talents of essence, energy and spirit into the immortal golden elixir!! Once achieved, the lifespan will be eight hundred. And the land gods, as the name suggests, It is a state of being invincible in the human world, just like a heavenly being coming to the world!!"

Huanhua was really shocked. You know, in her world, although martial arts has the legend of Shattering the Void. But even for a great master, his longevity is only slightly longer than that of ordinary people. How could it be that at this moment, the Liangyi Sword Code obtained by the sword demon Dugu Qiubai could actually create an immortal golden elixir and have a lifespan of eight hundred years.

How long is eight hundred years? Counting through the past and present, even the longest Zong Zhou in Guo Zuo only stopped at 790 years. It is rare to serve in all dynasties, even in Guozuo for more than three hundred years.

And a warrior can live longer than the dynasty? Just sit back and watch the world change?

Can Shattered Void reach such a state? Huanwan didn't know, after all, Shattered Void was already a mythical legend now. But thinking about it is not enough. Otherwise, over the course of thousands of years, would it be true that none of the warriors would want to stay after reaching the Shattered Void realm?

Although in my heart, I was shocked that the Liangyi Sword Canon that Rosen pointed at had such a terrible achievement. But Huanwan used to say a few words of ridicule.

The heroine of the world:"Senior Sword Demon has repeatedly declared that he cannot defeat his desires. So, with the Liangyi Sword Code taught by Senior Luo Sen, I am afraid that now I can achieve the golden elixir of martial arts in an instant, right?"

Regarding Dugu Qiubai. To put it bluntly, Huanwan's words were like a slap in the face.

In fact, he previously boasted that he had reached the ultimate level of swordsmanship. But after seeing the Liangyi Sword Canon taught by Rosen, I realized that my highest level was actually the level between a master and a grand master in the sword canon. Not to mention the golden elixir for achieving martial arts.

Even if he had this idea before, it would be impossible to realize it. Because his world can only hold the strongest at the Grand Master level.

That is to say, now that the world has absorbed the Tao taught by Rosen and begun to upgrade, Dugu Qiubai has a vague feeling that before the world's upgrade is completed, it is impossible to achieve the golden elixir of martial arts.

You can't raise a real dragon by diving. Even though he already possesses a martial arts inheritance that reaches directly to the gods on land, the world itself is like a shallow pool of water, giving him no room to move around at all.

Only when the world has been upgraded to a certain level can it be able to accommodate the emergence of powerful martial arts and golden elixirs.

Sword Demon:"I've made you laugh. I once sat in a well and looked at the sky. Now I know that the martial arts is boundless, the heaven's way is infinite, and the great road is boundless! Thank you Lord of Yin and Yang, Senior Rosen, for teaching me!!"

Nine-tailed Demon Fox:"Liang Yi Sword" Classics is indeed a powerful inheritance. It can directly reach the realm of martial arts and land gods. Even in my world, the land gods are probably enough to look down on the human world. The only ones who can compete with the land gods are those in the sky. Gods and Buddhas!"

The heroine Tianxia:"Senior Su, did you also read the Liangyi Sword Manual uploaded by Senior Luosen?"

Nine-tailed Demon Fox:"Yes! What? Didn't you read it?"

Huanhan's face It suddenly changed. When Rosen had just uploaded it successfully, she had also thought about seeing how mysterious this swordsmanship technique was after being modified by great powers from other worlds.

However, the chat group actually reminded her that she was not eligible to download it!!

The Master of the Chinese Pavilion:"I'm ashamed to say that I've also read this Liangyi Sword Manual. It's really wonderful!!"

Now Huanwan was even more unwilling to accept it.

The sword demon Dugu Qiubai, the Nine-tailed Demon Fox Suda, and the Chinese Pavilion Master Wuming have all read the Liangyi Sword Manual. Doesn't that mean that in the chat group, I am the only one who is not qualified to read this sword manual?

Could it be that my own world is different from the sword demon Dugu Qiufei? So what does it mean to laugh at the other person before? A clown?

After understanding the truth, Hanhan almost shut herself down.

The heroine of the world:"By the way. Have you tried the sign-in function? Wu'er seems to be unlucky. She only got ninety-eight points!! Where are Senior Wuming and Senior Su?"

In the chat group, who is not wise? A knowledgeable person?

Naturally, everyone noticed Huanwan's obvious change of topic. However, no one meant to expose this.

After all, such terrifying creations can span the heavens. Joining it, you can intrigue and cynicize. But everyone has a tacit understanding of maintaining an attitude of fighting without breaking.

Nine-tailed Demon Fox:"Ashamed. I also signed in, but I didn't expect that I only got 66 points, which is not as good as Miss Huanhan!!" The

Chinese Pavilion Master:"Senior Su and Miss Huanhan are really lucky. I only got fifty points."

I saw the crowd in the group was turning upside down so quickly. Discuss the reward of sign-in points. Rosen glanced at his points.

Not bad, although not as good as Huanhan's ninety-eight points. But it is slightly stronger than the nine-tailed demon fox Suda. Suda was sixty-six, and he was sixty-nine.

However, Rosen's points are constantly increasing with the upgrade of Dugu Qiubai World. Whether it is sixty-nine or sixty-six points, even a hundred points, it is just the icing on the cake.

The heroine of the world:"Senior Sword Demon? Haven't you signed in yet?"

Master of the Chinese Pavilion:"Brother Dugu became a demon by practicing swordsmanship. Now that I have inherited the Liangyi Sword Classic from Senior Rosen, I am afraid that I have already become addicted to it.!"

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