The people of Daming Wudang left with Fu Yushu’s body.

A pale pink figure walked cheerfully and came to Qin Song.

Sun Xiaohong tilted her head, her delicate face full of doubts: “Gongzi Zhuang Master, how do you know Fu Yushu’s plot to kill his master?” ”

Qin Song touched her tied hair and said with a smile: “Fu Yushu told me in a dream.” ”

Sun Xiaohong was incredulous, pulling Qin Song’s arm and pouting coquettishly: “How is it possible?” The owner is bad, don’t tell the truth, it must be some clue you found. ”

Li Xunhuan coughed and cast envious eyes.

He saw Sun Xiaohong like before!

Such a cheerful, bright, delicate and lovely woman is the love of Li Xunhuan’s heart.

“Xiao Li, you like Sun Xiaohong very much, don’t you?”

Qin Song glanced at it.

Li Xunhuan, who was pale, suddenly turned red and didn’t know how to answer.

“She is now my handmaiden, and if you show her affection, you need my consent.”

Qin Song was not vain, holding his chest with both hands, and said with a smile: “Many people scold you Li Xunhuan, give your cousin Lin Shiyin to Long Xiaoyun, and also give your own family estate to Long Xiaoyun.”

Saying that Long Xiaoyun knelt down to you, your heart softened.

In fact, deep in your heart, you don’t feel that the gentle and elegant Lin Shiyin is your happy wife.

The woman you really like is like Sun Xiaohong.

But this makes you bear the moral shackles, you fantasize that you like Lin Shiyin, feel indebted to her, so you have not been able to let go, living in pain. ”

All the martial arts people were stunned!

This is the truth that Xiao Li Feidao sent Lin Shiyin?

Sun Xiaohong rubbed her face with both hands and glared in disgust.

Previously, Li Xunhuan gave her a good impression.

In particular, Lin Shiyin and Li Yuan were relinquished, showing his broad-mindedness and righteousness towards his friends.

However, this is just Li Xunhuan escaping Lin Shiyin, who he doesn’t really like?

“Is that so?”

Li Xunhuan coughed in pain.

Ask yourself, he doesn’t want to believe it!

Deep down, he never thought about whether he liked Lin Shiyin or not.

Because, there is no moral doubt about it.

But now that he thinks about himself, he really doesn’t like the feeling of staying with Lin Shiyin.

On the contrary, with a lively and bright girl like Sun Xiaohong, she is very happy and comfortable!

[You revealed Li Xunhuan’s inner world and gained 2,000 rivers and lakes experience. 】

Qin Song patted Li Xunhuan on the shoulder in an old-fashioned manner: “Bitter drama can win people’s favor and make you have a moral aura, but you lost the first half of your life, don’t move yourself anymore, be that moral great.” ”

Li Xunhuan was like being struck by lightning.

He has always lived in self-touch.

Destroy the great self-consciousness of sacrificing himself and fulfilling the great self-consciousness of the “good brother” Long Xiaoyun, what is left of him?

Lost in his soul and staggering back to the Tianji Tower, Li Xunhuan sat on the stone steps, drank bitter wine, and only felt that life was boring.

Seeing Sun Xiaohong’s face that had lost interest in this uncle, an imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of Qin Song’s mouth.

Ye Gucheng glanced at the experts present.

In front of the crowd, challenge the master of Xiaoyao Villa, and the other party will definitely not refuse.

The location must be chosen at the top of the Forbidden Dynasty of the Daming Dynasty.

“Lord Qin Zhuang, I admire the kendo of Guishan Villa very much.

The Falling Xia Fairy had previously defeated Sikong Changfeng, and now he had killed Fu Yushu, worthy of the title of Sword Immortal. ”

After Ye Gucheng complimented, he revealed his intention: “Ask Sword Xiaoyao Mountain Villa, can you fight with the Lord of Qin Zhuang at the peak of the Daming Forbidden Palace?” ”

Qin Song waved his hand: “I don’t like to compete with people, you have to find someone from Xiaoyao Villa, winter clothes can compete with you with swords, but the location is in Xueyue City, otherwise don’t play.” ”

What is the purpose of Ye Gucheng’s covenant battle at the top of the Forbidden City of Daming Imperial City?

Qin Song could think of it with his ass.

Sure enough, Ye Gucheng’s face changed, and he immediately made an appointment to fight Ximen Chuixue.

Unexpectedly, Ximen was not interested in engaging him, but said to Qin Song: “Xiaoyao Mountain Villa’s sword technique is excellent, I have the intention to challenge one.” If you win, allow me to take Sun Xiuqing out of the villa. ”

Qin Song said lightly: “Li Hanyi will try it with you.” ”

“Okay, the location is in the Snow Moon Martial Field.” Ximen Chuixue rarely showed an excited smile.

He looked for Sun Xiuqing.

A gentle and elegant figure came with Li Hanyi.

Ximen Chuixue looked at Sun Xiuqing, and the ice sculpture zombie face actually melted, indescribably gentle.

“Lord, the Outer Heavenly Demon Sect is less than a thousand miles away from Snow Moon City. If you compare swords with Ximen Chuixue, it is suitable for quick battle, how about tomorrow? Li Hanyi said.

“You decide for yourself.” Qin Song turned around and returned to Xiaoyao Villa.

Suddenly, Ye Gucheng spoke: “The owner stays, Ye Gucheng looks forward to discussing the sword with you!” ”

Qin Song stopped, turned his head and said suspiciously: “Don’t compare swords with me, you can ask Li Hanyi if you have itchy hands.” ”

Ye Gucheng nodded slightly.

If you can defeat Li Hanyi and make a name for yourself in Beili, you can find Zhao Yuzhen, Nu Sword Immortal and others to fight the peak of the Forbidden Purple.

Anyway, you must pull a kendo master to the Daming Forbidden City to compete with the sword.

“City Lord Li, Ximen Chuixue challenges you, can you give you a few thin noodles and discuss the sword with me?

Only win and lose, until the point is reached. ”

Ye Gucheng witnessed Li Hanyi’s defeat of Baili Dongjun, and it was indeed a bit itchy.

“Okay! The two major sword gods of Daming launched a challenge, and the winter clothes were honored! Li Hanyi gladly engaged.

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