[Mission: Escort Tian Sisi back to Fairview Villa safely. 】

[Reward: ???].

The system tasks are all prompted, does Jiang Lan have a choice?

Naturally, it was accepted.

Although he was a little speechless for the two women at the moment, he suddenly felt really fragrant when he saw the reward for the task he had just completed.

[Temporary Mission: Kill or defeat the hidden villain Yue Huanshan in the big shot.] (Completed)].

[Task Reward: Bai Hong's Palm Power is Complete!].

Straight and straightforward, Bai Hong's palm power.

It turned out to be this miraculous skill!

When it comes to the Carefree School, most people will first think of the Northern Shengong that can absorb the internal force of others, or the extremely ethereal Ling Bo Weibu, or the life and death charm, Tianshan Folding Plum Hand, Xiao Wuxiang Gong, etc.

But many people ignore a magical skill of the free school.

That is the power of Bai Hong's palm.

Compared with Wu Yazi and Tianshan Tong Grandma among the Three Elders, Li Qiushui does have a very low sense of existence, so that when mentioning this, most people think that the other party is too beautiful, and her little Wuxianggong who can imitate other people's mastery.

As for Bai Hong's palm power, this kung fu is rarely mentioned.

But Jiang Lan knew very well in his heart that this white rainbow palm power was a real set of supreme palm techniques.

Although Bai Hong's palm power is similar to Ouyang Feng's "Spirit Snake Fist", its effect is not known to be higher than that of the Spirit Snake Fist.

The biggest feature of this set of palm techniques is that it can split the palm in the air, and the force is straight and straightforward, which seems to be facing the enemy head-on, but in fact, the direction of the palm force is uncertain, making it extremely difficult for the opponent to detect.

In the original work, Li Qiushui's left palm was slapped, and the power of his right palm was around, and the power of his left palm directly bypassed the Xuzhu monk and went straight to Tianshan Tong's grandmother.

It's like an arrow that goes out, it should be straight under normal circumstances, but suddenly it turns around, which is outrageous.

This shows how weird this kung fu is.

At this moment, Jiang Lan's wedding dress is really full of energy, and the comprehension speed of Bai Hong's palm power is extremely fast.

Just in the blink of an eye, he felt as if he had Xi practiced the "Baihong Palm Power" for countless years, and he kept the various techniques of this set of palm techniques in mind, and gradually digested them until he completely integrated them to reach the realm of perfection and magic.

What made Jiang Lan happy was that even the internal force in his body seemed to have improved, and it was a little stronger than before.

I didn't expect there to be an extra bonus.

It's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

"Senior Brother Jiang is so happy, do you think you can finally be alone with Miss Tian?" Du Yunyao frowned slightly, looked at Jiang Lan, who had been smiling constantly, and immediately regretted the decision just now.

Hearing this, Tian Sisi's little face suddenly blushed a little, but Jiang Lan didn't want to talk to the other party, and gave Du Yunyao a look for her to understand.

Tian Sisi?

Stop it.

I am not hungry.

Besides, even if he is looking for a woman, he is also looking for Invite Yue, Yin Susu and the like.

By the way, it seems that the current Invite Yue, Yin Susu is still a yellow flower girl.

Yin Susu has not yet obtained the dragon slaying knife, and Yulang Jiang Feng has not yet bowed to Yan Nantian.


It's just getting started.

Jiang Lan pressed the throbbing in his heart slightly, and he arrived in front of Yue Huanshan's corpse in a few steps.

"This thief is ruthless, but Senior Brother Jiang calls him Yue Daxia, do you know him, Senior Brother?"

Du Yunyao and Tian Sisi also followed curiously, and asked suspiciously.

Jiang Lan squatted down as if he hadn't heard it, and reached out to touch Yue Huanshan's corpse.

"A dignified martial arts celebrity, do you bring such a little money when you go out?" he looked at the five one hundred taels of silver tickets he had just obtained by touching the corpse in his hand, and immediately couldn't help but complain.

"Poor ghost. "

Yue Huanshan's corpse had nothing but a few silver tickets and a few darts hidden weapons.

The "Heavenly Silkworm Demon Skill" he was thinking about didn't even see a ghost.

Jiang Lan lowered his head and sighed, and took the silver ticket into his arms very casually and naturally, which made the eyes of the two girls widen.

Especially Tian Sisi.

In her heart, Jiang Lan is a young hero in the martial arts, how can she do such a despicable thing as touching a corpse?

Du Yunyao, on the other hand, felt that she still knew too little about Senior Brother Jiang, such as the scene in front of her, which she would never have guessed.

At this moment, the air is extremely quiet.

Jiang Lan also noticed the abnormality of the second daughter, and after coughing lightly, he directly changed the topic.

"I'm asking you a question. "

Sure enough, this trick really worked, and the two girls looked at him a little unexplained for a while.

"Jiang Gongzi, please ask, but if you think about it, you will know everything. "


"Say?" Du Yunyao was still waiting for Jiang Lan to ask a question, but she didn't expect the other party to only say to ask one question, and then there was no follow-up, for a straight-tempered person like her, this kind of talk is really annoying.

Jiang Lan stared down at Yue Huanshan's corpse and asked in a calm tone.

"You feel... What kind of person is the big man?".

The air was extremely quiet, and Du Yunyao and Tian Sisi were completely confused.

To be honest, no matter how much the two girls want to break their heads, Jiang Lan will ask such an unrelated question.

They originally thought that Jiang Lan should ask about the right path of the Demon Sect, the Demon Skill Harming People, and so on.

On this kind of occasion, asking such a puzzling question would make anyone confused.

Du Yunyao: "Miss Tian was born in a famous family, Tian Erye of Splendid Villa makes friends all over the world, most of the guests and friends are dignitaries, martial arts celebrities, and there is no white ding, you should be the most vocal, right?"

Tian Sisi: "Du Dart Head grew up in the Longmen Dart Bureau since he was a child, and the multi-armed bear Du Dajin predecessor is a Shaolin lay disciple, well-informed, darts in black and white, must have seen many great characters, or you to answer." "

Du Yunyao: "No, no, no, it is Miss Tian who has the most right to speak." "

Tian Sisi: "No, no, it's not right, it's only appropriate for the dart head to answer." "

Miss Tian replied first. "

"Don't shirk the head of the dart. "




Jiang Lan seemed to feel that above his head, a group of crows were quacking and flying by.

It's obviously a very simple question, this can be blamed and disputed, and no one wants to suffer?

Women, you are so complicated.

Jiang Lan said expressionlessly: "I'll ask, you answer." "

"Okay Jiang Gongzi. "

"Senior brother, you say. "

Jiang Lan: "Miss Tian, do you think Chu Liuxiang is a big shot?"

Tian Sisi blinked his big eyes, and then nodded seriously, "Chu Liuxiang is extremely light, resourceful, and has a wide range of friends, and everyone in the rivers and lakes respectfully calls him Xiangshuai, so he is naturally a big man." "

"Then are you a big shot?" Jiang Lan asked again.

Although Tian Sisi was a little reluctant to answer, he shook his head in frustration after hesitating for a moment.

"I'm just a female streamer, and I know how to do a few hands and three-legged cats, if I don't have a father, not to mention whether others will look at me a few more times, I'm afraid Jiang Gongzi and Du Darthead won't appear here at this moment. "

"So, I'm not a big guy. "

Jiang Lan was a little surprised, but he didn't expect this young lady to be quite self-aware.

"Oh, is the second master of Ling Zuntian a big shot?"

Tian Sisi looked at Jiang Lan carefully for a moment, not understanding what the other party meant by asking these questions.

"Although there may be an element of boasting when it comes out of my mouth, my father has a wide range of friends on weekdays, is helpful, and people in the rivers and lakes love him, and they all respect my father as a Zhongyuan Mengwei, and even Chu Xiangshuai is also a frequent visitor to my house and is my father's best friend, so my father is at least half a big man. "

Jiang Lan nodded, and the other party's answer was very modest.

"Then what if it's your father and Chu Xiangshuai's mutual friends?"

"Is it a big deal?".

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