Comrade, Your Ingredients Are Too Complicated

Chapter 452 You came to the wrong set. You are here to attack.

The raging fire caused by the first wave of high-explosive bombs and napalm bombs had just begun to dance in the wind, and the second wave of attacks came down from low altitude with a sharp whistle.

Facing the tidal bombing launched by the Second and Third Air Divisions, the Japanese and puppet troops all wailed like defeated dogs.

The sticky and burn-resistant flames not only destroyed their carefully selected bunkers, but also shattered the fighting spirit and confidence of these people.

"Your Majesty, those damn Eighth Route Army actually dropped napalm bombs again!"

"Major, don't be dazed at this critical moment, where should we go next?"

"Think of a solution quickly, this forest can't hold out for long! The bomb is about to fall on your head. Don't you often say that no one knows how to fight the Republic of China better than you?"

Napalm bombs are an efficient and "humane" lethal weapon.

Since the Eighth Route Army Air Force was equipped with it, the Japanese headquarters has specially popularized relevant knowledge to various divisions of the army in order to reduce the casualties of grassroots soldiers in the front-line combat units as much as possible.

Unfortunately, understanding does not mean being able to deal with it.

Under the devastating blow of many tactical squadrons of the Air Force, regardless of ammunition loss and results, bombing first and then burning, even if Okamura Ningji brought his guards to the scene in person, he would end up dying on the spot.


Seeing that their chief was still stunned, most of the Japanese simply threw away their weapons and started running wildly.

At this moment, they were just a group of rabbits being chased by hunters. What locusts and the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere have all become illusory slogans that have been left behind.


In this world, who can outrun the attack formation composed of hundreds of fighter planes?

Even the French infantry in 1940 sitting in the eight-wheeled Panhard EBR 105 could not escape the current group carpet bombing. What's more, the Japanese soldiers who marched on their legs were destined to become ashes in this torrent of metal and flames.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The air force's actions continued.

Soldiers who had never really been on the battlefield might have learned about the terrible power of bombers that could tear through the sky from military textbooks or the mouths of recruits' instructors.

However, that was not a scene seen with their own eyes after all.

The explosions in the forest ahead, which were almost without gaps and without dead angles of firepower, caused great psychological and physiological pressure on the Japanese soldiers of the Manchurian Youth League.

There was still a distance of one or two kilometers, but every time a bomb fell to the ground, they would have the illusion of being swept by the torrent of death.



Just as many Japanese soldiers desperately ran to the back, trying to escape the forest before the bombs fell on their heads. The person at the front of the queue suddenly screamed, and then the whole person fell down in pain.

This abrupt scene shocked a group of students and stopped involuntarily.

After a moment, the Japanese soldiers looked back. They saw their own Major Nobuyuki Ando holding a Type 38 rifle with a ferocious face, staring at them with a fierce look.

"Did I give the order to retreat? Who gave you the courage to leave the battlefield without authorization?"

"Those who escape from the battlefield and disrupt our army's morale will be killed!"


As soon as these words came out, the soldiers beside Nobuyuki Ando seemed to have activated the underlying code. They subconsciously raised their weapons and pointed the black muzzles at their former colleagues.

Seeing this, the old Japanese soldier nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, he was like a gambler who had lost 90% of his wealth, fantasizing about using the last remaining capital to fight for a future.

"To be honest, I made a bad decision in this battle. I'm sorry that my mistake put everyone in a desperate situation that cannot be reversed."

"But you all saw the current situation. It is impossible to escape from the forest in time with just two legs. Instead of exposing your back to the Republic of China troops like a coward, it is better to take up arms and fight the enemy to the death."

"No matter what the outcome is, at least your family in China will not have to face the contempt and ridicule of neighbors and fellow villagers when they receive the notice of your death."

In the first half of 1942, the Japanese army and navy had not yet been deeply trapped in the two-way quagmire of the Pacific battlefield, and the individual quality and combat will of each unit naturally had not begun to decline.

Especially for a unit like the Manchurian and Mongolian Youth League, which is purely composed of young immigrants.

Maybe the combat effectiveness of this group of soldiers is not good enough, and they often make some low-level mistakes on the battlefield. But in terms of the degree of brainwashing and the fanaticism of militarism, even the most elite Type A division is not their opponent.

When Ando Shinji mentioned the honor of soldiers, distant families and the spirit of craftsmanship, a set of smooth three-company immediately confused the young Japanese soldiers.

In addition, because he had already established his prestige, the fear and confusion on the faces of the Japanese soldiers gradually disappeared, replaced by the enthusiasm of giving it a try and being loyal to Tianhuang.

There is no way, young people are easy to fool.

What's more, they are a group of beasts who have been brainwashed since childhood, and it is natural for them to be "burned" for no reason.

"Good! Very energetic! I didn't misjudge you!"

The mutiny did not happen, and the situation returned to normal again. Ando Shinji breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

However, the current crisis has not been resolved yet. He first threw the Sanba Gai in his hand to the guards on the side, and then pulled out a Luger P08 from his waist.


After the almost imperceptible gunshot, a small leader of the puppet army who tried to escape in the chaos fell straight to the ground. Immediately afterwards, the old devil stood on a stone and ordered in a hysterical voice:

"Everyone! Prepare to be loyal to His Majesty Tian Locust! Bring all the Imperial Alliance troops, and together we will pass through the sea of ​​fire and launch the final charge against the Eighth Route Army armored forces."

"If those Republic of China people are disobedient, use bayonets and muzzles to make them change direction."

"Signal Corps, send a farewell telegram to First Commander Dohashi and Lieutenant General Tokumatsu Shigeta. Tell the two generals that we have not disgraced the Japanese army and are about to charge to the enemy to the death!"



Twenty minutes later, the Second and Third Air Divisions completely ended their support mission. Hundreds of fighter planes turned around in the air in northern Henan and began to return along a predetermined route.

Looking at the forest covered in flames, Captain Gao couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

There was no way, the scene in front of him was so spectacular that even a veteran who had climbed through the snowy mountains and walked to the grassland was still frightened.

"This level of destructive power is truly the trump card of our Eighth Route Army. Presumably all the Japs lurking in the forest were burned into fertilizer."

"Pass my order. Troops at all levels remain on alert. Let's continue moving forward when the fire is less intense."

"Armored Reconnaissance Company, you need to ensure absolute security within a ten-kilometer radius. Once enemy troops arrive from the south or southeast for reinforcements, I want to receive the information as soon as possible. Let's go!"


Just when Commander Gao was taking charge of the overall situation and delivering orders to the troops at all levels, the portable communicator on his waist suddenly rang.

Through the channel band, he immediately realized that the forward observation post must have important information to report, so he answered the communication without hesitation.

Sure enough, the moment the connection was connected, a suppressed laughing voice transmitted back the latest situation on the front line.

"Captain, the Japs in the forest ahead have rushed out. I have determined the number of people. Counting the puppet troops, there are a total of forty-seven. This number is currently decreasing."

"The opponent has no artillery cover and no tactics at all. It should be the enemy's onboard charge."

Hearing this, Captain Gao immediately had a question mark on his face.

It is not difficult to understand why Benzi launched a charge on the plain. If he couldn't beat him, he would just go on board. This was not the first time he had seen this kind of thing. But why the number of people continues to decrease is a puzzling question.

We are several kilometers away from the forest, and the only things that can cause damage at present are howitzers and self-propelled artillery, but there is no sound of firing from the beginning to the end.

Full of questions, Captain Gao drove directly to the front line.

After just one glance, he showed an extremely pleased smile like the soldiers.

I saw dozens of Japanese and puppet soldiers whose clothes were set alight and on fire, launching a suicidal charge towards their forward positions.

Well, this suicide must still be in progress.

The reason why the opponent continues to reduce its numbers is clear at a glance, because people keep falling on the way forward. Or maybe some puppet soldiers tried to change places to die, but were shot directly by the supervising team in the rear with light and heavy machine guns.

If Huang He were present, he would most likely have watched a movie.

But it was not Stalingrad that Lao Maozi took, but the French troops approaching the city. After all, whoever comes to supervise the team must be praised for their accuracy.

After a while, the considerate Captain Gao issued the latest order.

"Coordinates XXX, XXX. Artillery company, use your 105 howitzers to fire one round and kill the enemy's supervising team. Don't worry about the charging Japanese and puppet troops. Anyway, they will not be able to touch our position until they die."

"It seems that the weather in May is still not warm enough."

"Since some people feel cold, let them burn for a while. I am really a considerate and good person." (End of Chapter)

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