The sword was so sharp that it was almost too sharp.

"Ha! Ha!"



The spear is faster than ten steps away, and the sword is faster than two steps!

Under Conan's continuous slashing, the crossbow in the hands of the flying fish Orphino was completely useless, and he didn't even have the strength to parry, and was completely in a passive state of being beaten.



Putting the Faiz blade on the neck of the flying fish Orphino, Conan used all his strength to swipe it downward! Immediately, most of the body of the flying fish Orphino burst into fierce sparks, and the whole person lay directly on the stage floor dying.

"This is for Takagi. You killed a good policeman who was loyal to his duty. You have to pay for it!"

Putting the Faiz blade against the throat of Feiyu Ophieno, Conan then inserted the command memory into the groove of the Faiz blade to charge it.


"Exceed Charge"

With the sound of the charging completion prompt, the blade of Faiz suddenly glowed red! At this moment, Feiyu Ophieno has already stepped half a foot into the gate of hell!


Looking at the Faiz blade pointing directly at his throat, Feiyu Ophieno's eyes were obviously filled with fear. At this critical moment, Feiyu Ophieno suddenly noticed that the crossbow in his hand was facing the audience~

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Without any hesitation, Feiyu Ophieno immediately pulled the trigger at the audience! At once, several sharp arrows shot at the audience with the sound of breaking wind!

[Oh no! 】

Seeing the crossbow arrows shooting at the audience at lightning speed, Conan flashed in front of the audience at the fastest speed without thinking.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"


Swinging Faiz's sharp blade, most of the crossbow arrows were shot down, but there was still a crossbow arrow that avoided the sweep of Faiz's sharp blade and hit Conan's breastplate directly!

The moment he was hit, Conan's chest suddenly sparked and fell to the ground, while Flying Fish Ophiino seized this opportunity and quickly got up and evacuated at the fastest speed.

"Hey! Are you okay? Is it serious?"

At this time, Yumi Miyamoto finally squeezed back to the first row. As a result, when she saw Faiz fall down after being shot, Yumi Miyamoto hurriedly climbed onto the stage to ask.

"Cheer up! I'll call an ambulance for you!"

"No need..."

Gritting his teeth and rejecting Yumi Miyamoto's kindness, Conan then reached out and grabbed the crossbow in front of his chest, and then pulled it out with a ruthless heart! The tearing pain instantly swept through his brain!

But even if it hurts, Conan can't shout out. After all, in the eyes of the audience, this is a stage play. If he shouts out, it will definitely cause chaos, and the situation will definitely be unimaginable!

"Friend, are you okay? Is it serious?"

Just as Conan gritted his teeth to adapt to the pain, his second uncle, who had been standing by and watching the game for a long time, hurried over to help Conan up, and whispered: "That should be a real arrow just now, right? Are you okay now?"

Faced with Gao Yanchenger's concern, Conan said quietly but firmly: "I'm fine, I'll leave it to you later."


Gao Yanchenger nodded, and then quietly made a gesture to the female host hiding in the corner. The latter understood and quickly picked up the microphone to narrate with a lively voice.

"Everyone! Our hero was injured just now. Now please give warm applause and cheers to replenish the power of our Kamen Ultraman! Come on!"

"Someone, bring my flashlight to replenish the energy of Kamen Ultraman!"

"Baga! Are you a spy sent from next door? Kamen Ultraman doesn't need light!"

"Do the surgery! I became a surgeon now because I have a special liking for Kamen Ultraman's transformation surgery!"

Well, maybe compared to the light of Sonotani next door, the cheering on Kamen Ultraman is a little strange, but it is still well-intentioned.

In this way, Conan was helped off the stage by Yumi Miyamoto amid cheers, and the next stage performance was handed over to the second uncle and others to carry out according to the original script. After all, they are professionals in this area.

"Think about it again! You are a rare talent! Joining Toei will be of great benefit to you! You will definitely become a rising star in the special effects industry, and there will definitely be many beautiful female stars to work with you."

Assisted by Yumi Miyamoto to leave through the back door, Mingui screenwriter still persuaded Conan to stay.

He became Toei's exclusive actor.

But at this moment, Conan was immersed in the self-blame for letting the flying fish Ophieno escape, so he did not respond to Min Gui's persuasion, but the hot-tempered police officer Miyamoto Yumi could not bear it anymore, and she stopped and turned around to spray.

"You old man are so unreasonable! It's time to care about your little thing! He won't agree! Go back quickly!"

Min Gui: "Miss, I'm asking for this gentleman's opinion. You don't seem to be qualified to answer for him, right?"

"Why not! He... He is my boyfriend! I don't agree if I say no!"

After saying this, Miyamoto Yumi's face was immediately covered with blushes, and then she carried Conan to the patrol car at almost a trot, and then drove away at the fastest speed.

"Oh~ What a pity! I thought the protagonist of the next movie could be decided, but now I have to find another one..."

Mingui screenwriter hugged his arms and sighed for a while, and suddenly an apple fell from the tree above his head, and hit Mingui's head exactly in the middle. The next moment, Mingui screenwriter fell to the ground and couldn't get up again.

The next day, Toei Company issued a temporary emergency notice. Due to force majeure, Mingui screenwriter stopped writing for the next Kamen Ultraman, and all related writing work will be handed over to Aunt Kobayashi Jingzi.

Let's get back to the point

At this moment, in the patrol car, Yumi Miyamoto was still quite unhappy about what happened just now, mumbling: "That hateful old man! He actually made me say that kind of thing! I'll find someone to write hundreds of complaint letters to him later!"

After a few complaints to calm her anger, Yumi Miyamoto glanced at Faiz, who was silent in the back seat of the car, and then tentatively suggested: "If you feel short of breath, you can take off your helmet. I promise not to look at your face."

Conan had no reaction.


Seeing Faiz's reaction, Yumi Miyamoto pouted a little unhappily, but then continued to drive aimlessly.

Just when the atmosphere in the patrol car was dead silent, Faiz's phone suddenly rang, and Conan mechanically turned on Faiz's phone and put it to his ear.

"It's me... It's normal that the sound is not right. I used some tricks. How's the situation over there? Nani! I'll be there right away!"

After quickly hanging up the phone, Conan hurriedly shouted: "Stop the car!"


Turning the steering wheel hard, Yumi Miyamoto parked the car steadily on the side of the road, and the Pegasus also came to the patrol car.

Without saying a word, Conan pushed the door open, and then boarded the Pegasus at the fastest speed and drove away.

Looking at Faiz's back leaving quickly, Yumi Miyamoto pouted and lay on the steering wheel and muttered: "Are you so anxious? At least say thank you. I left my post to help..."

While complaining quietly, Yumi Miyamoto got out of the car to close the door, but the moment her hand touched the door, the door of the rear car fell to the ground with a bang.

Looking at the car door that was shaking slightly on the ground, Yumi Miyamoto's expression suddenly began to freeze visibly.

"Damn it! I worked for nothing this month! I lost money!"

At the same time, on the other side, the flying fish Orpheus, who had stepped into the gates of hell twice and a half, climbed up the river bank and was now panting weakly. After all, if it weren't for this guy's quick thinking, he would have been killed on the stage by Conan.

"Thank you for your hard work. Would you like a bottle of champagne~"


Hearing the sudden charming voice, the flying fish Orpheus hurriedly looked up, and saw Vermouth looking down at him like a queen, with a bottle of champagne in her hand.


"It seems that you don't like drinking, but it doesn't matter, save it for the road, cheers~"

A slight arc appeared at the corner of her mouth, and the next moment Belmode transformed into a lobster Orphino, and then a cold light flashed without saying a word!


Flying fish Orphino may never understand until death, obviously the same Orphino, why this fellow wanted to kill her without saying a word, and she seemed to have never known her.

"I won't allow anyone to hurt my lovely baby, so you have to pay a small price, just use your life to apologize~"

Witnessing the flying fish Orphino being wrapped in blue flames, Belmode instantly turned back to human form, then took out a pocket camera and took several photos before turning around and leaving.

And not long after Belmode left, the lobster Orphino was wrapped in blue flames.

The flying fish Ophio turned into ashes and floated down the wind.

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