The moon is full of stars, and the moon is full of stars.


Hearing the sudden sound, Officer Chamu turned around and saw Conan appeared behind him at some point, and the lenses of his glasses reflected white light.

"It turned out to be you, little brother. I'm not interested in watching the moon, but I'm a little tired and want to be lazy. I didn't expect you to find out."

Officer Chamu responded with a smile, and then came to Conan and handed the dark night star to Conan.

"Thank Mrs. Suzuki on behalf of all the police officers, but pearls are precious things that don't match us police officers, so please help me return them to Mrs. Suzuki."

After explaining these words, Officer Chamu got up and left.

"Kaito Kidd is just as rumored. He will return the stolen jewelry in an unexpected way. I didn't expect that I would have the honor to see it with my own eyes."

After these words came out, Officer Chamu, who was originally walking out, stopped in his tracks, and then looked back. He saw Conan imitating him and aiming the dark star at the moon.

"What do you mean, kid? Are you trying to say that this dark night star pearl is real? How is that possible~"

Hearing this, Conan immediately sneered: "Humph, if it's not real, how could it be in your hands, Xiaolan!"


There was only a sound of breaking wind, and the next moment Xiaolan directly kicked [Officer Chamu] with a high kick!

Facing the aggressive Xiaolan, [Officer Chamu]'s face suddenly changed! Then he quickly jumped back with force to distance himself from Xiaolan.

"Don't move."

Just as [Officer Chaki] fell, Conan's immature but extremely mature voice sounded behind him, and then [Officer Chaki] felt something like a gun against his waist.

"Is it the dangerous toy from last time? You are really brave, little detective. What if you shoot me through and accidentally hurt the beautiful lady in front of me~"

After realizing his situation, [Officer Chaki] did not make any extreme moves, but instead raised his hands very cooperatively, and then uttered the soft and magnetic voice of Kaito Kid.

Conan's mouth curled up slightly, and he explained: "Don't worry, I have adjusted the output frequency in advance. At most, you will be slightly injured, and you will not accidentally hurt others. After all, although you are annoying, you are not a vicious criminal, so I will not go too far."

Kaito Kid tilted his head slightly: "Thank you for your mercy, little detective. If I have a chance, I will repay you for this favor."

"Don't bother. Now you just need to go to jail obediently, which is the greatest reward for me."

As soon as the voice fell, Conan winked at Xiaolan, who nodded in understanding, and then came to Kaito Kid.

Conan: "I have heard that Kaito Kid's disguise is superb. From eighteen years ago to now, no one has seen your true face. Now let's see who you, the magician under the moonlight, are."

As Conan's last word fell, Xiaolan immediately reached out to the disguise mask on Kaito Kid's face.

"But is it really okay? Aren't you two worried about what the real Officer Chaki is like?"


As soon as these words came out, Xiaolan stopped moving her hands, and Conan hurriedly asked, "What did you do to Officer Chaki!"

"Nothing, I just let him be alone with the most terrifying creature on earth, and the location is on this ship, so you should hurry to find him."

At the moment when the last word fell, several small black balls suddenly appeared out of thin air between Kaito Kid's fingers, and then his fingers pinched hard! Billowing smoke instantly rose from the spot!

"Cough cough!"

Xiaolan and Conan were choked and coughed violently. When the smoke dissipated, Kaito Kid disappeared as expected.

"Damn it! He still ran away!" Conan waved his fist angrily.

"Shinichi, let's go find Officer Chaki first. We don't know what the most terrifying creature on earth that Kaito Kidd mentioned is."

Seeing Xiaolan looking worried, Conan comforted her: "Don't worry, Xiaolan. This ship is only this big. We can find Officer Chaki if we look carefully.

. "

Xiao Lan nodded repeatedly: "Okay, let's act quickly!"

Afterwards, with the help of Conan's super sense of smell, he finally found Officer Chaki who was sleeping soundly with a tuna half a person tall in the back kitchen food warehouse.

"Hey, the most terrifying creature on earth? That's it?"

Dragging the tuna out of Officer Chaki's arms, Conan couldn't help but show his half-moon eyes and complain in his heart.

[Stinky thief, you really don't tell the truth, what kind of terrifying creature is this.]

At the same time in the sea, Kaito Kidd was seen removing all his equipment and swimming in the sea.

"Hiss! The sea water is too cold, my hands and feet can't move!"

"Master Kaito! I'm here!"

"Grandpa Terai! I'm here! ”

A speedboat came riding the wind and waves, and then the old man Terai Huang Zhisuke who was driving the boat pulled Kaito Kid... or now it should be Kuroba Kaito onto the speedboat, and handed him a dry bath towel.

"Master Kaito, please use it. The sea is very cold in the middle of the night. If you are not careful, you will catch a cold."

"Thank you, Grandpa Terai."

Take the dry bath towel from Grandpa Terai, Kuroba Kaito began to wipe his body, and while Grandpa Terai was driving the boat, he asked his young master.

"Master Kaito, how did you get this time?"

"Don't mention it. It's just an ordinary black pearl with a certain age. It's not a Pandora gem at all. I wasted so much effort. "

While wiping his body, Kuroba Kaito muttered and complained about the suffering he had endured during this period. Then, after changing into clean clothes, he stood up and looked in the direction of the Sally Beth.

The next moment, a smile of interest appeared on Kuroba Kaito's face, which was almost identical to Kudo Shinichi's.

[You made me so embarrassed. I will remember you, little detective. Next time, I will let you see the real power of Kaito Kid!]


Just when Kuroba Kaito swore in his heart, suddenly a sea fish more than three pounds long broke out of the sea, and then fell into Kuroba Kaito's hands, and the dark dead fish eyes just happened to look at Kuroba Kaito.

The next moment, Kuroba Kaito's face instantly became extremely ugly.

"Fish! Ah! Start the boat quickly! Quickly!"

"Master, don't panic! I am here with Terai Huangzhisuke! No fish can hurt you! "

Just like that, with the shouts of the old and the young, the small yacht on the sea began to get lively.

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