The next day, Teitan Elementary School

Ayumi: "Conan, are you okay? Why do you walk so strangely today?"

Mitsuohiko: "I feel like a baby who has just learned to walk. Conan, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"It's okay, thank you for your concern. I just... accidentally fell on the way here. It's okay."

Faced with the concern of Ayumi and Mitsuhiko, Conan quickly forced a smile and waved his hands to show that he was fine, but the pain from his buttocks had already made him grit his teeth.

[Xiaolan is really something. Can't she be a little more measured when she hits? If she uses a little more strength, I can take a leave of absence from class today! 】

That's right. After being entertained by Xiaolan's waist drum last night, even Conan, who is a wolf, was a little overwhelmed. At least until now, he dared not sit down.

To make matters worse, Teitan Elementary School has a very strange rule, that is, the seats will be rearranged every Monday, and it's not the kind of changing seats, but the kind of changing by pushing the table!

You can imagine how broken Conan, who was injured, was.

Just when Conan wanted to push his desk and chair, Yuantai jumped out directly, and then smiled silly and said: "Since Conan, you are not feeling well, let me help you, I am a famous strongman in Teitan Elementary School!"

Without waiting for Conan to respond, Yuantai rolled up his sleeves and started working. After a while, Conan's desk and chair were pushed to the designated position.

"The action of the Junior Detective Team was a great success!"


The three little ones happily high-fived each other to celebrate, as if they had completed some amazing task.

Looking at the three little ones' happy faces, Conan's mouth corners unconsciously showed a curve, after all, these three little classmates are really good.

After nearly twenty minutes of busy work, the seat change was finally completed, but at this moment all the students in the classroom found a key problem!

That is, Conan has no deskmate!

"Teacher! Conan is too lonely! I apply to sit next to Conan!"

"Me too!"

Almost all the female students in the class raised their hands in unison, and Ayumi, who was the former deskmate, was even more excited and stood up and raised her hands.

Teacher Kobayashi on the podium saw the female students' enthusiastic behavior, and while the corners of his mouth twitched, he couldn't help but sweat, but soon he returned to the teacher's attitude and comforted them.

"The teacher is really happy to see all the students so helpful, but regarding the deskmate of Edogawa, the teacher has actually made arrangements. Now, please warmly welcome the new transfer student. Please come in."

As soon as Teacher Kobayashi finished speaking, Xiao Ai, carrying a children's schoolbag, walked straight to the podium.

"My name is Huiyuan Ai, please give me your guidance."

【Nani! 】

Seeing Xiao Ai on the podium, Conan was so surprised that his glasses almost fell off, and Xiao Ai, who noticed Conan's surprised look, smiled meaningfully.


After pulling Ai to the end of the corridor, Conan asked excitedly: "Hey! Why are you here?"

"Ah~ Since even you can come here to attend classes, then I have no problem at all."

Looking at Conan's excited face, Ai smiled and hugged her shoulders and explained: "The principal of Teitan Elementary School and Dr. Agasa happened to be good friends during school days, so I was able to successfully enroll and transfer to your class."

"That's not what I'm asking! I'm asking why you come to this elementary school course? With your level of knowledge, there should be no need to do such unnecessary things, right? Isn't it better to stay at home and be honest?"

"Ah~ Detective, do you want to lock me in a cage like a canary? I'm so sorry to disappoint you, I'm not that obedient."

Ai walked to the window with her hands behind her back, and then looked up at the blue sky and white clouds outside.

"Staying indoors all the time reminds me of my time in the organization. It's so depressing that it makes me feel suffocated."

After hearing these two simple sentences, Conan felt mixed emotions. After hesitating for a moment, he walked to Ai.

"I'll give you a heads up. Kids these days are very smart. Just be careful not to be tricked by them."

"Hmph~ You talk like an adult.

Like this. "

Conan said unconvincedly: "My actual age will be a real adult in a month. Do you think I am an adult? And by the way, how old are you this year...hiss!"

"Ah~ It seems that you don't know, Mr. Detective, that age is the biggest secret for women. It is quite rude to ask so casually~"

While explaining with a smile, Xiao Ai stepped on Conan's instep and stomped hard, then retracted it.

Conan grimaced in pain, but he couldn't shout directly. He could only squat down and stroke the stepped foot hard to relieve the pain.

"You are so taboo about age, could it be that you are already eighty this year~"

"Ah~ You guessed it right. I just celebrated my eightieth birthday some time ago." Xiao Ai smiled lightly and continued to talk along with Conan's words.

Conan showed his half-moon eyes and complained helplessly: "Hey, you don't even blush when you tell lies, right? Miss Mingmei is only in her twenties this year. Who would believe you, as her younger sister, if you say you are eighty? "

"What does it matter? No matter what the actual age is, we are all first-grade elementary school students now, aren't we?"

Ai turned around gracefully and leaned against the wall, then smiled at Conan and said, "I won't tease you anymore. I am actually eighteen years older than you. If you want to call me sister, I can accept it with reluctance."

"Hey, hey! You feel uncomfortable if you don't take advantage of me for a while, right?" Faced with Ai's taking advantage of her again, Xiao Ke expressed strong dissatisfaction.

"Ah~ Did I say anything wrong, little brother Edogawa Conan."

Ignoring Conan's protest, Ai directly put her hands behind her back and set foot on the road back to the classroom like a proud peacock, leaving Conan alone in anger.

"What a bad-tempered woman!"

School time

"Thank God, another boring day went smoothly. ”

On the way home from school, Conan moved his stiff body. He didn't know if it was his illusion. He always felt that a day of classes in school was more tiring than fighting and solving cases, but why did other children have nothing to worry about?

"Ah~ I didn't expect that our omnipotent great detective would worry about elementary school courses. I really found some incredible information. "

Seeing Conan's tired face, Xiao Ai immediately teased again: "And your relationship with the opposite sex is really better than I expected, great detective. On the first day of school, I successfully received the hateful eyes of all the female classmates in the class. You can't say that you are a hentai who is interested in little girls~"

"Hehe~ Say whatever you want, as long as you are happy. "

After several rounds of verbal battles, Conan completely realized that he was no match for this big sister in terms of verbal skills, so he decisively hung up the banner of no battle and admitted his weakness, no matter what she said, he just didn't talk back.

And seeing that Conan didn't talk back, Xiao Ai immediately curled her lips in boredom, and then walked side by side with Conan in silence.

"Ding Lili!"

Just then, a phone ring broke the silence. Conan hurriedly took Faiz's mobile phone out of his pocket, and then put it to his ear after answering it.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Hi Kudo, I haven't seen you for a long time. Did you miss me~"


Hearing the hearty male voice coming from the phone, Conan was stunned, and at the same time, he was thinking in his heart what this colleague from Osaka wanted to see him about? Could it be that there was a case?

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