Xiaolan immediately invited everyone into the house.

At this moment, the pigeons in the house saw a few people outside the door, fluttered their wings in fright, and spilled a few feathers.

After seeing this pigeon, Nishino Naoto was shocked, covered his mouth and nose and ran straight out of the room.

This scene was deeply imprinted in Conan's mind.


Soon after, Yuan Zi also brought Pu Siqinglan over.

There was even a special way for afternoon tea to be brought into the room.

Everyone sat around for a tea party.

When they learned that Pu Siqinglan was from Huaxia, Xiaolan and several people excitedly asked about the pronunciation of their names.

——"Your Chinese name is 'Mao Lilan'

, the pronunciation of the word Lan is the same Oh~" "Wow, this pronunciation is so cute" After repeating her Chinese name with Pu Siqinglan, Xiao Lan smiled happily and felt that this pronunciation

was very cute.

After hearing Xiaolan's Huaxia name, Yuanzi couldn't wait to ask about his Huaxia name.

"What about me, what about me?"

"Your Chinese name is 'Suzuki meatballs'."


After hearing this pronunciation, Sonoko covered his head and read it along.

"Suzuki meatballs?" , why doesn't it sound cute....

At this time, Long Ye on the side really couldn't bear it, covering his stomach and laughing wantonly.

Seeing Long Ye smiling so happily, Yuan Zi couldn't help but clench his fists: "Long Ye! Tell me, what are you laughing at?!

In the doubtful gaze of everyone, Long Ye said fluently in Chinese: "Suzuki Yuanzi, it should be read like this~"

After hearing this extremely standard Chinese language, Pu Siqinglan's face immediately changed.

Yuanzi roared: "Long Ye, you can actually speak Chinese!?

Xiaolan and the others also looked at Long Ye with a surprised expression.

Looking at the few people in Long Ye who were talking, a trace of killing intent flashed in Pu Siqinglan's eyes.

It seems that the teenager in front of him is actually proficient in Chinese!

This was completely beyond her expectations.

Since this is the case, this young man named Long Ye may have guessed that her Huaxia identity is fake!

If this is the case, the teenager must keep his mouth shut forever until his goal is accomplished!!

Just as Pu Siqinglan stared at Long Ye, Conan also looked at Pu Siqinglan.

When Long Ye opened his mouth just now, Conan keenly found that this person named Pu Siqinglan's expression was obviously wrong.

Thinking about her Chinese language, which was far inferior to Tatsuye's

, again... Could it be that her identity is fake!?


After this episode, the "afternoon tea party" ended not long after.

Before leaving, Conan suddenly stopped Long Ye and pretended to ask casually: "Brother Long Ye, do you think that sister Pu Siqinglan speaks Chinese standards?"

"From the Mao people's point of view, it's pretty good~

" After hearing Tatsuno's words, Conan was stunned: "But... Brother Longye, isn't she from Huaxia? "

She said nonsense."




Natsumi Kasaka and Urasaka Qinglan walking towards them on the deck in the evening, Maori Kogoro and Suzuki Shiro immediately got up and pulled down chairs for the two ladies.

"Miss Xia Mei and Miss Qinglan, do you want to have a drink together!"

"Is it convenient?"

"Of course!"

When Xiao Lan, who was sitting at the other table, saw this scene, she immediately clenched her fists and prepared to get up and do something righteous.

Seeing this, Tatsuno and Sonoko immediately grabbed her arm.

"Xiaolan, don't be impulsive. There are many people here, so save some face for my uncle.

"That's right! Tatsuno is right, my dad is there too. Don't worry, uncle doesn't dare to do anything!

After hearing the persuasion of the two, Xiaolan slowly released her fist.

Indeed, there are many people here, so let's save some face for my father.


At this moment

, Pu Siqinglan, who was wearing a cheongsam, sat down.

Maori Kogoro 'just happened' to catch a glimpse of Pu Siqinglan's long legs, and immediately said excitedly: "Oh roar ~ It's really a good pair..."

- "Boom! Maori

Kogoro was knocked unconscious by Xiaolan's punch that came instantly, and a large bag instantly appeared on his head.

Then, Xiaolan dragged her father on the ground and smiled at everyone embarrassedly: "I'm really sorry, I'm sorry to cause trouble for everyone~

" "It's okay, it's okay..."

Conan, Shiro Suzuki and others looked at Maori Kogoro who was dragged away by Xiaoran in silence, without the slightest word.

Soon after, Xiaolan returned.

The three of them glanced at the Maori uncle on the ground and sighed.

It seemed that he was afraid that the performance just now would scare Gray Yuan Sorrow, as soon as Xiao Lan sat down, she immediately said gently: "Xiao Wei, what do you want to drink, is the juice okay?"

"Yes, Xiaolan... Sister. Soon

after, the sober Maori uncle returned to his desk.

This time, he just silently looked at the cup in his hand and drank quietly.

- "Mr. Kankawa, that necklace of yours!?" Pu

Siqinglan, who was pouring wine for Maori Kogoro, saw the ring necklace on Hankawa Dragon's neck and immediately asked.

"Oh? Worthy of being a researcher of the Romanov dynasty. Have you noticed~"

Hanchuan Long smiled, and then handed the necklace directly to Pu Siqinglan.

After Pu Siqinglan took the necklace, she immediately carefully examined the ring on the necklace.

When she saw the text on the inner ring of the ring, she immediately exclaimed: "Shouldn't this be the third daughter of Nicola II, Maria's ring!?" "

You said yes~" Hankawa Ryu said as he reached out and took back the necklace and put it back on his neck.

After that, he walked back to the cabin under the gaze of everyone.


7:40 p.m

. outside Tatsuno's room.

A little man with a dark body quietly unscrewed the door of Tatsuno's room

Just when the little black man just closed the door, a pair of powerful hands instantly caught the little black man.

A lazy voice came: "Ms. Pu Siqinglan, sneak into the house of a bloody young man at night. You know what will happen~"

Pu Siqinglan just wanted to speak, but found that her mouth was blocked by something.

"Hey~ Looking at your appearance, do you still want to plead?"

"In other words, this pistol in your hand is very rare! The silencer above seems to be very powerful~"

Pu Siqinglan ignored Long Ye's ridicule, when she found that her upper body was completely unable to move.

Immediately bent his legs slightly, ready to borrow the strength of his legs to jump and break free from the shackles of Tatsuno.

After noticing Pu Siqinglan's actions, Long Ye smiled slightly: "Hey~ still a little bit of a little sex?"


Without waiting for Pu Siqinglan to make a move, Long Ye directly punched her out.

Looking at Pu Siqinglan who fell to the ground, Long Ye pondered for a moment, immediately took away all the equipment she hid on her body, and tied it up firmly with a rope.



after "Mr. Māori! Mr. Māori! Nishino

ran to Maori Kogoro's room and knocked loudly on the door.

After hearing a knock on the door, Maori Kogoro immediately rushed out of bed and opened the door.

After seeing the secretary Naoto Nishino standing outside the door, he immediately said excitedly: "How?" Finally ready to eat!? Great, I've been hungry for a long time! "

“... Well, no, things are not good! Mr. Kankawa, he is dead in the room! After

hearing a certain word, Conan, who was lying in the room, immediately rushed out.

This commotion also alarmed Tatsuno and the others who were still in other rooms.

Everyone immediately ran to Mr. Kankawa's room.

The moment they saw the situation in the room, everyone was shocked.

The room was very chaotic, and Hanchuan Dragon was also lying on the ground covered in blood.

Uncle Maori and Conan immediately stepped forward to check on his body.

Conan is shocked to discover that Ryu Kankawa died from a bullet in his right eye.

This cause of death immediately reminded Conan of the monster thief Kidd's shattered monolithic mirror.

If he remembers correctly, the monster thief Kidd's monocle is worn on his right eye!

In this way, the prisoner who shot the monster thief Kidd and the murderer of Mr. Hankawa may be the same person!

While Conan was thinking about this, Maori Kogoro had already made a basic judgment.

He turned his head to look at everyone and said in a deep voice: "The necklace around his neck is gone, this is a murder!"

"President Suzuki, please contact the police immediately!"

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