The next moment, looking at Long Ye, who took the initiative to walk towards the dog bear, Haihara looked dazed.

Seeing that Tatsuno actually walked towards the bear, Dr. Agasa was shocked: "Tatsuno, what are you doing?

At this

moment, Jubei also turned his bear head in confusion.

She didn't expect that the two-legged animal in front of her actually took the initiative to walk towards her.

But this trace of doubt did not last long, and was replaced by the anger of the newly lost child.

Jubei stared at Tatsuno in front of him with one eye, and after slashing the ground a few times with his front paws, he dragged his huge body and rushed towards Tatsuno.

After seeing the action of the dog bear, Haiyuan's face was like dead ash.

Dr. Agasa and the others also closed their eyes, and they seemed to have imagined the next scene.

Although the bear looks bulky, its running speed can reach 60Km/h!

Being hit by a running bear is no different from being hit by a car moving at high speed.

Dr. Agasa and the others seem to have anticipated Tatsuno's tragic end.

- "Bang!" was

unexpected, and no other sound appeared except for a muffled sound.

After the sound ended, Haihara Mour, who was closest to Tatsuno, seemed to see some strange scene, and his brain was blank, stunned in place.

Dr. Agasa and the others gradually opened their eyes.

When they saw the scene in front of them, the eyes of several people popped out.

At this moment, Tatsuno was grabbing the bear's two arms, and the two made movements like "ballroom dance".

Seeing this strange scene, everyone did not smile, and their expressions froze on their faces.

Haibara was the closest and did not close her eyes, she clearly saw the whole process.

At the moment when the dog bear crashed into Tatsuno, Tatsuno also took the initiative to crash into the dog bear.

After the two collided, Tatsuno immediately grabbed the bear's two paws, and this is where the current scene appeared.

This bizarre scene stunned everyone, and also caused Jubei to fall into a brief state of sluggishness.

After reacting, Jubei's eyes became even more fierce, and she pulled out her right claw forcefully and hit Tatsuno's head with all her strength.

"Snap!" In

everyone's sight, Tatsuno directly blocked it with his left arm.

The bear's arm and Tatsuno's arm collided together, making a heavy collision sound.

Feeling the huge power coming from his arm, Tatsuno excitedly said: "Come again!!"

This bear is the most powerful guy he has encountered so far!

Although the current Kyogoku should have reached and even surpassed this bear.

But they haven't seen each other for more than two years.

Or it should be said that after the match two years ago, Tatsuno never saw him again.

According to the grapevine, the guy seems to have traveled abroad to grind....

Therefore, this bear is the "strongest in the flesh" he has encountered so far.

In terms of strength alone, I, Tatsuno, would like to call you the strongest !! at

present -

in the eyes of everyone, Tatsuno and the "Jubei" fought to the flesh.

This situation lasted for three minutes, and no one present opened their mouths to disturb the two "people".

Even Saga Yusaburo, who loved the bear deeply, closed his mouth tightly and thought about the "possibility" of humans.


After another moment, with a tired wail, Jubei fell to the ground tiredly.

Tatsuno just wanted to step forward and help him up and play a little longer.

But when he saw Jubei humanely lower the bear's head, he shook it vigorously.

After seeing that Jubei said that he was unwilling to stand up again, Tatsuno sighed helplessly and walked back to Haibara's side.

The air around them was silent.

Before anyone could speak first, Tatsuno seemed to have noticed something, turned his head and shouted into the distance: "Okay, you guys come out!"

The next moment, a little bear rushed out of the grass in the distance, and the little bear happily ran towards the "Jubei".

Following the bear appeared were Conan.

Not long ago, after they saw the scene of three hunters shooting, they immediately hid at Conan's suggestion.

After seeing the bear Ayumi was holding, Conan moved smartly, leaving a few code words on the ground.

It gave a general description of what happened to the three of them, and pointed out which of the three hunters had just killed someone.

He believed that Tatsuno would be able to unravel the code and subdue the prisoner.

When Tatsuno subdues the prisoners, they can walk out in an upright manner.

Thinking of this, a confident smile appeared at the corner of Conan's mouth.

He then continued to walk deep into the woods with Mitsuhiko and Ayumi.

As he walked, he instructed Mitsuhiko to use a telescope to observe the Doctors from time to time to make sure that the Doctors were always in their line of sight.

However, it backfired.

After walking for another ten minutes, Conan suddenly felt that something was wrong.

According to the calculation of time, the people of Long Ye should have already discovered the code on the ground.

Thinking of this, Conan immediately took the telescope from Mitsuhiko and looked into the distance.

After a long while, Conan squinted and put down the binoculars.

He looked at Mitsuhiko and asked in a low voice: "Mitsuhiko, I let you keep observing the movements of the doctors

, you..." "Hahaha, Ayumi, look at you! Little bear actually loves to eat potato chips~"...

Looking at the two who were having fun with the bear, Conan silently shed two lines of tears.

"My fault, it's all my fault. I forgot that you are real schoolchildren..." At

this moment, the roar of a beast suddenly echoed in the woods.

After hearing this roar, Little Bear immediately broke free from Ayumi and Mitsuhiko's arms and ran in the direction where the voice came from.

Looking at the running figure of the little bear, and then thinking of the roar just now, Conan was shocked.

He seemed to remember that there seemed to be a small "grave" where the prisoners dragged the corpses.

Could it be....

Thinking of this, Conan immediately yelled: "Quick, let's catch up with the bear!"


at this moment

, looking at the huge bear that was panting on the ground, and glancing at the curved shotgun on the ground next to him, a big question mark appeared in Conan's eyes.

"In the end... Soon after

, Jubei put the bear on his back and prepared to head deep into the woods.

Before leaving, Jubei stared deeply at Tatsuno for a few seconds with his only remaining eye.

Seeing Jubei leave, Saga Sazaburo opened his mouth to explain the incident to everyone.

He shot the hunter precisely because he hung him from a tree after killing one of Jubei's children.

I want to use this as bait to lure Jubei to come, and then shoot Jubei by the trend.

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