The next morning

, Tatsuno walked into a famous Daughter's Day doll shop.

Looking at the dazzling many dolls at the counter, he really had a headache.

When he was a child, he helped Xiaolan put these dolls together.

He had suffered from it.

Because if you want to place these dolls correctly, you also need to remember the identity and status of various dolls, which is a very troublesome thing!

At this moment, a shopping guide in the store found Tatsuno, this handsome young man looked like he didn't have bad money.

After glancing at Tatsuno a little, she immediately stepped forward and smiled: "Hello~ Do you want to buy a daughter's day doll?"

"Since that's the case, let me introduce you - the dolls in this store are known for their exquisite gorgeousness and delicate workmanship, and in terms of finesse and magnificence, they are absolutely..."

Three minutes later

, seeing the shopping guide in front of him still gushing about the brand's glorious history, Tatsuno couldn't help it.

"Please tell me the point!" After

seeing Tatsuno's impatient expression, the female shopping guide stopped the introduction.

"Do you want to buy it for your sister? How many layers would you like to buy?" "

Of course for my daughter! I thought, just seven floors. Hearing

this, the female shopping guide was stunned for a moment.

After she looked at Tatsuno again, she smiled and said, "You really love to joke. "

You know, the placement of Daughter's Day dolls is very particular.

The dolls placed on the special table are generally divided into 3, 5 and 7 floors.

The top floor of a standard puppet altar is the "Son of Heaven and the Queen Mother", and the lower floors can be equipped with three female officials, five young children in charge of music, attendants, and poor listeners as needed. Taken out alone, the price of each doll is high.

What's more, the so-called Daughter's Day dolls are not just puppets.

While placing the dolls, they should also be supplemented with decorations such as "peach blossoms, lanterns, dressers, and daily necessities".

These seemingly inconspicuous little accessories are also extremely expensive.

Moreover, the Daughter's Day dolls can only be placed at home for a few days a year, and cannot be placed at home for a long time as an ornament.

Therefore, for the average family, buying a three- or five-story doll is already the limit.

There are even many families who will save trouble and will only buy small "double-layer dolls" for their children.

Therefore, the female shopping guide thinks that the two sentences before and after Tatsuno are all jokes.

How could such a young teenager have a daughter?!

Moreover, although she felt that the teenager in front of her was not poor in money, she did not think that he could buy a seven-layer doll.

The price of an ordinary seven-layer doll is about 500,000.

The seven-story dolls in their house are about 1.5 million.

You know, this price has exceeded the income of many people for half a year.

How could this teenager be....


Ten minutes later

, Tatsuno walked out of the doll shop.

The female shopping guide bowed deeply towards Tatsuno's back, and after getting up, she kept waving.

Seeing her so excited, the colleague on the side couldn't help but step forward and ask: "What's wrong with that customer?" "

That teenager didn't say a word, he bought a set of Daughter's Day dolls directly from me!

Two days later

, Tatsuno and Xiaoran returned home early.

Daughter's Day dolls and a whole bunch of cute animal dolls have been delivered to the doorstep.

Tatsuno is responsible for setting up the dolls and decorating the living room, while Ran is responsible for cooking.

After several hours of struggle, the two finally arranged everything before Haihara returned home.

Soon after

- "I came back." As

soon as Haibara opened the door and came in, he was shocked by the sight in front of him.

In the living room, colorful balloons and banners have long been placed. At her feet, there is even a path made of animal dolls.

The next moment, she stepped into the "road of animal dolls" in a trance and slowly walked forward.

At the end, a huge Daughter's Day doll sits on the platform.

Ornate and exquisite dolls are neatly placed on it.

Just when Haihara was stunned, Xiaolan and Longye who were sitting behind the stage walked out: "Xiaomourning! I wish you a happy daughter's Day!!" Looking up at the gentle faces of Longye and Xiaolan, Haibara was

stunned in place for a while.

Seeing that she didn't react for a long time, Tatsuno spoke: "Huh, this kid shouldn't be stupid

~" "Woo~"

At this moment, a small whimper entered the ears of Tatsuno and Xiaolan.

After the two glanced at each other, they immediately looked at the source of the voice.

Xiao Wei, who has always had a cold expression, bit his lips at this time, and his eyes were red.

In the next second, a few crystalline tears fell from her eyes.

After seeing her expression, Xiaolan took her hand and led it to the table.

Tatsuno also dismissed the idea of joking about Xiaomour.

Soon after, the three of them sat down at the dinner table.

Looking at the table full of exquisite meals and the sandwich with peanut butter and blueberry jam, her tears finally stopped.


After eating

, Haihara's mood has returned to its original state.

After cleaning up the table, Tatsuno spoke, "Xiao Wei, in fact, I still have a gift here that you need to pick up in person." Hearing

this, both Haiyuan and Xiaolan looked at him suspiciously.

Under the gaze of the second daughter, Tatsuno looked at his watch: "It's only seven o'clock, it doesn't seem too late..." The

next moment, Tatsuno turned his head to look at Haihara and smiled: "Let's go, I'll take you to a place~" After speaking, Tatsuno

leaned into Xiaolan's ear and said something.

Then, under Xiaolan's surprised gaze, Tatsuno led Xiao Wei out of the house.

After walking some distance, Haibara wondered, "Tatsuno, where are you going to take me? What gift?" Hearing

this, Tatsuno chuckled, "When we first met, do you remember what I said to you?" After

hearing Tatsuno's meaningful words, Haibara looked down and recalled.

After a moment, she finally remembered something: "Could it be that you said before—a surprise after a while?"

Along the way

, no matter how Haihara asked, Tatsuno didn't speak again, he just curled the corners of his mouth in silence.

Soon after

, the two arrived at a high-class apartment.

After entering the apartment lobby, Tatsuno led Haibara to the elevator.

At the moment when the elevator was raised, Tatsuno spoke, "Have you ever thought of a question?" "

I brought you to this apartment because I have a house here."

Although Tatsuno's words were not right in the horse's mouth, Haihara was still taken aback.

Whether it's the exterior of the apartment, or the environment you just saw before entering the door....

This apartment is obviously not an ordinary apartment.

Even in the lobby just now, there are 24-hour butlers on duty.

In addition, this apartment stands in the downtown area of Mihua, next to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Even if she didn't know the price of the place, she could guess that the apartment here must be extremely expensive.

Seeing Haibara's mournful look, Tatsuno slowly said in a strange tone: "The Daughter's Day doll I gave you before, this apartment... Have you ever wondered where all this money comes from?" At

the moment when Haibara pondered this question, the elevator reached the designated floor.

Tatsuno led Haibara to the door of an apartment, and he knocked slowly.

Then, Tatsuno looked down at Haihara and put on a terrifying expression: "You can get a high reward for completing the organization's tasks..."

"For example, follow the orders of the organization and kill your sister!!"

At this moment, Haihara finally understood what Tatsuno wanted to express.

Her expression gradually changed from doubt to disbelief.

Without waiting for her complexion to continue to change, the door was suddenly opened.

A voice that was very familiar to Haihara came.

- "Tatsuno? You're finally here, my transfiguration technique has..." Before

the words were finished, Akemi Miyano suddenly saw the little girl next to Tatsuno.

I don't know why, this little girl's face made her feel very nostalgic.

Just as she recalled where she had seen this little girl, the little girl in front of her instantly widened her eyes and trembled: "Sister, sister?!"

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