
people from Tatsuno in Xianqiao Town

found this place based on the address and surname on the note.

To everyone's surprise, there seem to be many people with the surname Ito here.

So everyone had to go door-to-door to ask if they had seen a duo of high school students who spoke Kansai dialect.

In the process of questioning, Tatsuno slowly recalled.

In his impression, it seems that Hattori Heiji and Toyama and Ye have indeed been kidnapped.

It seems that there is also a code word for what is cracked with dice.

Just as he was slowly reminiscing, everyone had already walked to the last "Ito House" in this vicinity.

Uncle Maori stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Not long after, a slightly bloated lady came out holding a cat.

After seeing the woman's appearance and figure, Tatsuno smiled slightly.

He remembered that this should be the prisoner.

Although he couldn't remember her motive, the scene when Conan came to visit him was extremely impressive.

——In the cat's eyes, Conan's big head, coupled with that sincere and innocent eyes. Can't help but feel a touch of cute~


Uncle Maori explained the reason for the visit to the lady who opened the door.

After listening, the lady seemed to think for a while, and then directly replied: "Boys and girls in high school? I'm sorry I couldn't help you~

" "It's okay, thank you. Uncle Maori thanked casually.

At this moment, Xiaolan seemed to find the badge worn on the woman's clothes, and was pleasantly surprised: "Is the badge on your chest a lawyer's badge? If I'm not mistaken, you should be the lady Ito Misari!"

"So, is your mother also a lawyer?"

"Hmm!" Seeing

that the two seemed ready to enter the chat, Uncle Maori immediately interrupted: "Okay, we won't bother you." By the way, is there a suspicious family with the surname Ito in the vicinity?" Hearing

this, the woman immediately pointed out to a place far away from here: "I heard that there is an abandoned house behind the elementary school campus in Gochome. There is a name tag of Ito hanging there..."Hearing

this, Uncle Maori also lost interest in continuing to inquire, and after saying hello to this Ito lady, he left the place with a few people from Tatsuno.

Just walking out not far away, Conan suddenly stopped, turned his head and ran back.

Seeing Conan's running figure, Tatsuno nodded.

It is worthy of the detective's sense of smell, just a simple opening and chat, Conan has already become suspicious of the female lawyer named Ito just now.

Seeing Conan's wanton actions, Uncle Maori immediately said loudly: "Hey, little ghost, where are you going?!" Seeing

this, Tatsuno smiled: "Uncle, you and Xiaolan go to find a restaurant first." It's already this time, and Xiaolan should be hungry too.

"I'll go and call Conan back, and we'll meet in the restaurant in a while~

" Hearing this, Uncle Maori touched his stomach and nodded: "Okay, I'm indeed a little hungry." You hurry up and bring that little ghost, Xiaolan and I will go to the restaurant first!"


Tatsuno and Xiaolan made eye contact, and then turned around and returned to the vicinity of the female lawyer's mansion just now.


At the same time

, in the pavilion of the Ito family.

Misari Ito and two of his men are watching the tied up Hattori Heiji and his wife.

Looking at the bruised Hattori Heiji, Ito Misari smiled and said: "Oh oh oh oh ~ what's the matter? How is such a handsome face ruined in vain

~" Hearing this, the subordinates on the side grabbed Hattori Heiji's hair: "This little devil just wanted to shout for help outside, so I gave him some color to see~

" Hearing this, Ito Misari stepped forward and said to Hattori Heiji: " I was really surprised a little, I didn't expect you to know that detective Maori Kogoro~

" "High school detective Hattori Heiji-kun, I took a fancy to your reasoning ability, so I specially invited you to come

!" "If you don't want to lose your breath like this rat in the gutter, hurry up and unravel this code!"

She said as she sat on Detective Kusunagawa, who was "out of breath" on the ground.

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji glanced at Misari Ito with disdain: "I'm sorry, I'm a little tinnitus, I can't hear what you say~ Who do you mean by the rat in the gutter?" Seeing

that the teenager in front of him actually dared to mock them, another subordinate present directly punched Hattori Heiji in the stomach.

"Ahhh!" with

a muffled sound, Hattori Heiji screamed in pain.

Yuanshan and Ye immediately behind him turned their heads anxiously: "Heiji!" At

this time, Ito Misari looked at Hattori Heiji's painful look and said coldly: "Hmph! You two, cut off his inaudible ears

!" Yuanshan and Ye immediately shouted in horror: "No, don't!"

- "Knock knock"

At this moment, a rhythmic knock sounded on the door.

Misari Ito not only complained: "Really, why are so many guests visiting today!?" After

speaking, she helplessly walked out of the attic and went to the entrance to open the door.

In the cat's eyes, a cute big head appeared.

The moment he saw the big head, Ito Misari was a little puzzled, but still opened the door.

Conan shook his head: "No, I just thought it was a little strange, so I came back to take a look."

"Strange things?"

You see, almost the entire hallway has wet shoe prints, doesn't it?" Conan pointed to the hallway inside the house.

Ito Misari followed Conan's hand and looked at his entrance, and there were indeed many shoe prints on the floor.

She immediately defended: "Well, because there were guests who came to visit me before. We chatted for a while in the entrance~ Now I am the only one at home.

"Oh shhh, then these shoe prints look very strange!"

"There are obviously shoe prints that go into the entrance, but there are no shoe prints that go out." Why is that?"

At this time, Hattori Heiji, who was pointed at the head with a gun in the attic, heard Conan's words, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

"That's right, that's the shoe print when I came in! These people pointed guns at me in the genkan, so we were handcuffed and imprisoned by them!" "

Kudo, it's all up to you!" As

soon as Hattori Heiji thought of this, a familiar voice came in from outside the house.

- "Hey, Conan. Let's go, it's not early, let's go eat first."

After hearing

this voice, Conan and Misari Ito immediately looked towards the courtyard door.

Tatsuno's figure appeared in front of the two.

Seeing Tatsuno who was smiling, Conan nodded: "Well, let's go! When

Hattori Heiji in the attic heard this, his eyes turned black.

He gritted his teeth and hung to the floor with his cuffed hands.

- "Bang!" The

voice immediately alarmed everyone.

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