Just as Tatsuno was thinking about how to "decently" send the two on the road, several familiar figures suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

"Conan? Aren't you guys playing a scavenger hunt and how could you be here?

"We were just on the cliff and saw the tourists on the beach all leaving the beach. I heard that someone covered in blood was carried away....

Brother Tatsuno, what happened before? What is the situation now? Conan said as he looked around.

After briefly talking about what happened, Tatsuno pointed to the operating room on the side with his eyes and shook his head.

After understanding what Tatsuno meant, the three of Mitsuhiko showed unbearable expressions.

Conan walked around, looking for clues around him.

After roughly understanding what happened, he did not think that it was a simple accident. Thinking of this, he used the child's identity to look around for information while looking for clues.

It wasn't long before he saw the bite man's wetsuit in a hospital room.

Looking at the gap and blood stains on it, he immediately walked over and stained the blood stains with his little finger, and then put his little finger next to his nose and sniffed carefully.

"This is, fish blood? And this little plastic bag..." This

discovery made Conan affirm the idea in his heart, which was not an accident at all.

As long as the small plastic bag filled with fish blood is secretly put into the diving suit, when the victim dives into the water, the small plastic bag will be burst under the pressure.

The fish blood in the bag will flow out, which will irritate nearby sharks.

There is no doubt that this is a deliberate killing!



the hospital hall, Long Ye had just finished calming Xiaolan and Yuanzi when he saw a shaky familiar figure at the entrance of the hospital.

"Oh~boy, you, you are here~"

Hearing this familiar voice, Xiaolan and Yuanzi immediately turned their heads to look at the door.

Under everyone's gaze, Uncle Maori staggered in. Looking at his flushed face, anyone can see that he must have "drunk" a lot just now.

After Maori Kogoro walked in front of several people in Tatsuno, Xiaoran narrowed his eyes: "Dad? In the broad daylight, how much alcohol have you drunk..." Seeing

the chill in his daughter's eyes, Uncle Maori suddenly shivered, and his alcohol consciousness was sobered up a little.

Just as he was about to defend himself, Conan suddenly ran over: "Come and see, I found something strange on that bitten big brother's wetsuit!"

The sudden appearance of Conan made Uncle Maori breathe a sigh of relief, and he looked at everyone and said, "Let's go!" Let's go and see what Conan really sees!

Although Xiaolan still wanted to lecture him again, but seeing that her father had sobered up a little, she sighed slightly and stopped pursuing.

Soon after

, led by Conan, Uncle Maori saw the "fish blood bag" in the wetsuit.

Even he understood that the "shark attack on people" was not an accident, but a premeditated killing.

Although there was no evidence, he also realized that the prisoner was most likely the companion of the bitten man.

As a treasure hunter who regularly dives everywhere, how can you carry a blood bag in your wetsuit? And how can you not know how to deal with sharks?

After figuring it out, Maori Kogoro immediately walked to the only police officer on the island, Inspector Shangping, and said his speculation.

After listening to the detective's opinion, Officer Shangping immediately sought support from outside the island.

And Tatsuno and Conan and others were also driven out of the hospital by Uncle Maori on the grounds of "don't bother the detective to solve the case".

Although Conan still wanted to stay in the hospital to continue to inquire about intelligence, the three of Mitsuhiko obviously did not give him this opportunity and directly pulled him to continue the "treasure hunt".

Because there really is no clue at the moment. Therefore, after struggling for a while, he gave up resistance and allowed the three of Mitsuhiko to pull him towards the drawbridge on the island.


In the evening, the

Kamikai Island Office Office.

A Metropolitan Police helicopter hovered overhead, ready to land.

Seeing this, Maori Kogoro and Mr. Iwanaga, the head of the Tourism Division, immediately stepped forward.

Seeing the Twilight Police Department and others walking out of the plane, Maori Kogoro was a little surprised.

Isn't this a simple killing? Why did the Twilight Police Department fly over with so many capable generals?

Thinking of this, he immediately leaned into the ear of the Twilight Police Department: "Hard work Twilight Police Department!" But this matter should not let you go out in person?

"Because we have some questions about the suspects who appeared in this case, I'll tell you later."

Half an hour later, in order to interrogate the two suspects, the Twilight Police Department and others came to the lobby of the Seagod Island Hotel.

"You two are the treasure hunters Izu Yamataro and Matsumoto Koji, right? We are the first class of the Metropolitan Police Department search.

"That's right~ Why, you already treat us as criminals? Please, our companions are dead, we are the victims, right? Seeing

such an arrogant attitude of the two, Maori Kogoro was angry.

Without waiting for him to speak, Officer Sato on the side handed two photos to the table and looked at the two with a smile: "Have you seen these two people?"

After glancing at the photo, the two turned their heads to the side: "I don't know~ I've never seen it."

Seeing this, Officer Sato was not angry, but continued to add: "Last night, these two people robbed a supermarket and stole the cash from the store. They say they did it at your command, and that only by doing so can they join you. "

I don't know about this, it should be that they said it nonsense in order to get rid of the crime~" Seeing

the unconcealed ridicule expressions of the two, Maori Kogoro finally didn't hold back, and slapped the table angrily.

When the man named Matsumoto heard the sound of slapping the table, not only was he not nervous, but he even looked at Maori Kogoro with a smile: "Don't be so angry, what about your evidence?" Ready to doubt us just on the testimony of two robbers?

"Abominable..." Looking at the mocking smiles of the two, Officer Sato on the side also clenched his fists hard, staring at the two uncooperative in front of him with dead eyes, and no longer spoke.

The scene lasted for several seconds.

At this time, Officer Shiratori suddenly came from behind everyone, still holding two cups of wheat tea in his hand: "Okay, everyone calm down a little." The weather is so hot, take a sip of cold drinks to cool down~"

After speaking, Officer Shiratori smiled and handed the tea to the two suspects.

Unexpectedly, the two glanced at the wheat tea in front of them and smiled at each other. None touched the cup.

Seeing the failure of the "Cup Plan", Officer Shiratori was stunned in place for a while.

The two did not clink glasses, apparently guessing something.

The reason why he handed the two cold drinks on the grounds of drinking water was to collect the fingerprints that the two left on the cup, so as to compare them with the fingerprint files in the bureau.

But now... This approach is clearly not working.

After seeing it, Officer Takagi behind seemed to remember something and quietly walked aside.

After looking at the Twilight Police Department and the others for a while, the treasure hunter named Matsumoto picked up the matchbox on the table and lit a cigarette: "Okay, you shouldn't have anything else to ask, right?" Then let's go back to the room to rest first~"

After speaking, the two stood up.

At this moment, Officer Takagi took a cigarette and walked up to the two: "I'm sorry, can I borrow a fire with you?" I forgot my lighter..."

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