For a while, the two even forgot about Long Ye in front of them, staring at the pirate ship in front of them with an excited expression.

Seeing the excited look of the two, Tatsuno smiled and teased: "How is it, how does it feel that the treasure is right in front of you?" You went to great lengths, even killing your companions, just to get these treasures, right?

After hearing Long Ye's words, the long-haired man turned his head, shook the gun in his hand, and sneered: "Boy, aren't you afraid? Really thought I wouldn't kill you?

In the surprised gaze of the long-haired man, Tatsuno gently grabbed the gun in his hand: "Oh? Afraid? You probably haven't figured it out yet..."

Tatsuno's bold move surprised the long-haired man, and he subconsciously prepared to press the trigger.

"Duh! Click! Before

the man could press the trigger, Tatsuno broke the gun with one hand.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the two men stood out.

"This, this, this... No way!!! The

next moment, the long-haired man threw away the broken pistol in his hand, picked up the machete on the ground, and pointed it at Tatsuno tremblingly.

After seeing the reaction of the two, Tatsuno showed a gentle smile to the two: "Since I'm still standing here... It will only be you who will be afraid~"

The two looked at the smile on Tatsuno's face, and their hearts trembled a little.

The long-haired man was the first to pluck up courage and slashed at Tatsuno with a sword.

Tatsuno, on the other hand, stood in place, without the slightest intention of dodging.

Seeing that his blade was about to cut through the neck of the young man in front of him, a smug smile appeared at the corner of the long-haired man's mouth.

Hum! It was you who looked for death yourself!

Two seconds after "clicking, ding"

, the long-haired man's expected bloodshed did not appear, and the machete in his hand was broken in two.

Looking at the half-cut blade on the ground, his head seemed to be fixed in place, and he did not dare to look up at Tatsuno at all.

The short-haired man in the back was also frightened by the scene in front of him, and his right hand holding the knife trembled.

For a while, the hall fell into a strange state of silence.

After a few seconds, Tatsuno stepped forward and gently patted the long-haired man's shoulder.

The long-haired man trembled for a moment, and then immediately looked up in trepidation: "Yes, yes!" Treasure! We can share the treasure equally with you!!

Hearing this, Tatsuno shook his head with a smile, and then made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Sorry ~ I lied to you, there are actually no treasures on the ship~" Hearing

this, the long-haired man gritted his teeth.

Soon after, as if grasping the last straw, he spoke again: "You can't kill us!" If you kill us, you will become a murderer! You'll be arrested by the police!!

These outrageous words made Tatsuno blink helplessly.

He really didn't expect that one day he would actually hear such outrageous words from the mouth of a murderer.

"Hiss... Do you want to listen to what you're saying?

After speaking, Tatsuno directly punched the long-haired man in the stomach, causing him to fall to his knees and lose his ability to speak.

The next moment, Long Ye instantly came to the short-haired man and scored twice.

Looking at the two kneeling on the ground and covering their stomachs, Tatsuno waved his hand casually: "Okay, you guys stay here first, I'll go first~~~"

In the stunned eyes of the two, he went straight to the exit.

Tatsuno's actions obviously exceeded the expectations of the two, and they looked at Tatsuno's back, a little incomprehensible for a while.

Is this guy really ready to leave?!

I didn't kill myself and didn't say anything, I actually turned around and left without even taking the treasure?!

At this moment, Tatsuno had already walked to the exit of the hall.

After observing the nearby stones, he said to himself aloud, "Huh? Why is there a smell of gas? Oh~ I remembered that the seabed here seems to be rich in methane hydrate~ After this thing touches the fire, it seems to explode..." After

speaking, Tatsuno smiled back, and punched the stone wall near his head: "Since you are so interested in treasures, then please 'sleep' with treasures~"

As soon as the words fell, the exit was blocked by falling stones, and Tatsuno also disappeared in front of the two of them.

The two people who were left in the hall also understood the meaning of what Tatsuno had just said, and looked at the surrounding stone walls in horror.

Under their deliberate exploration, a faint smell of gas entered the noses of the two.

The two struggled to stand up despite the sharp pain in their stomachs.

The short-haired man grabbed his head with both hands and shouted, "What to do?!! He has sealed the exit! We..."

"Shut up! Isn't it not yet exploded ?! Don't worry, as long as we don't light the fire, there will be no danger. Let's find a way out! "

Good, good..."

After coming out of the sea, Tatsuno returned to the boat, and Conan was still "asleep" at this time.

After glancing up at the sunken sky, Tatsuno prepared to sail back to Poseidon Island.

Twenty minutes later

, Kimiko, who had been knocked unconscious before, had already arrived at the Sea God Village where Tatsuno and the others lived.

After seeing her appearance, Xiaolan and the others immediately ran out and helped her.

"It's the sister of the dive shop!"

"What's wrong with you, Miss Kimiko? Why..." "

Tatsuno and Conan were captured by treasure hunters! They should have been on board ... Go and inform the police..." After

speaking, she closed her eyes weakly and slowly gasped.

After listening to his words, Xiaolan and the others immediately showed anxious looks.

Yuanzi immediately said, "Go, Xiaolan!" Let's go to the public office and tell Uncle Maori about this! "

Hmm!" Xiaolan nodded.

At this moment, a familiar voice came over: "No need, you guys help Miss Kimiko, let's go to the hospital first."

"To the hospital? ...... Tatsuno?!

Everyone looked at Long Ye in front of them in surprise, and was stunned in place for a while.

After a moment, Yuanzi immediately smiled and said, "I'll just say it!" You are so powerful, how can you be taken away by someone!

After seeing that Long Ye was unscathed, Xiao Lan also breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the three of Mitsuhiko saw Conan in Tatsuno's hand and chirped.

"Look! Conan's arm is injured!

"Yes! And you look at his head, it's obviously swollen! It looks like it hurts..."


after, Tatsuno and the others arrived at the hospital on the island, and Uncle Maori and the Twilight Police Department also rushed to hear the news.

Looking at Conan and Kimiko on the hospital bed, Twilight walked up to Tatsuno.

"Brother Tatsuno, what the hell is this?"

"We met the two treasure hunters at the dive shop, who kidnapped Conan and Kimiko and forced us to follow them. Then..." After

listening to Tatsuno's explanation, a trace of anger burned in everyone's eyes.

Uncle Maori even pounded the wall on the side: "Those two guys! I want to use you as bait to lure sharks away... Damn it! I'll definitely catch them!

The police department patted Uncle Maori on the shoulder and said slowly: "According to Tatsuno's words, they should now be in the underwater palace near Raiqin Island. The storm has come, and they will definitely not be able to escape for a while!

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Officer Sato on the side.

Officer Sato immediately understood the meaning of the Twilight Police Department and nodded: "I will contact the Coast Guard now, and when the storm is over, let them directly block the surrounding seas!" When the storm passes, we will immediately go and arrest them!

After that, she took out her mobile phone and walked out of the ward.

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