After seeing Tatsuno, Xiaolan and Heye immediately ran forward to check if Tatsuno was injured.

And Toyama Ginjiro looked at the three people that Tatsuno was carrying in his hand, and forgot the phone in his hand for a while.

"Far mountains? Far mountains? Why don't you talk? It

wasn't until Hattori Heizo's doubtful inquiry came over the phone that Ginjiro Toyama came back to his senses.

After hanging up the phone with a few words, he immediately walked towards Tatsuno: "Tatsuno, they are the ones who are following you?"

"Well, these three guys have been following behind us. I have already asked clearly, they want to attract the attention of the police by kidnapping Heye, so that they can easily transport the treasure. "

Treasure? Could it be! After hearing the word treasure, Ginjiro Toyama immediately had a clue, and roughly guessed the identity of these people who wanted to kidnap his daughter.

"The person behind them, the one who is Yuhiro the bad house, should be the main culprit in the case you said thirteen years ago, uncle, and he is said to have undergone plastic surgery."

Speaking of this, Tatsuno took out the three guns in his pocket and handed them to Ginjiro Toyama.

Seeing that Tatsuno took out three pistols at random, Toyama Ginjiro's pupils contracted and stared at Tatsuno's eyes deadly.


"This is the toy gun that the three of them are carrying~

" "Is it?" Toy guns..."Toyama Ginjiro took a deep look at Tatsuno.

How could he not see that this was a genuine pistol?

This kid... In the face of three gangsters armed with firearms, he actually completed the counter-kill?!

And he didn't seem to have anything to do, and he didn't show the slightest sign of injury on his body. It's really....

Soon after, Hattori Heizo also arrived.

After seeing that Tatsuno and the others were okay, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Under the explanation of Ginjiro Toyama, he understood the whole story, and his gaze towards Tatsuno was obviously different from before.

He heard his wife say yesterday that this boy named Takeda Tatsuno won the kendo competition, and the process of his competition with his opponent seemed to be very shocking.

Now it seems that what Jinghua said is not an exaggeration.

This teenager was able to kill three gangsters with pistols in a single-handed, unarmed situation!

How about I fool him into Osaka? In this case, our police department will be in the future....

Thinking of this, Hattori Heizo shook his head and put this strange thought behind him, and then he turned his head to look at Ginjiro Toyama: "Toyama, I think the information that Tatsuno got from the mouths of these gangsters should be correct." This time, we might be able to catch them all! "

Hmm! But just in case, we'd better not startle the snake.

"I also think so, so I plan to let that kid in my family be a bait~

" "Yuanshan, first find someone to quietly bring these three gangsters on the ground back to the bureau."



At the same time

, Hattori Heiji and Conan were analyzing the case while strolling around Osaka Castle.

At this moment, the two found a figure on the bridge not far away.

Just as they were wondering why this person was standing on the bridge at this time, this person suddenly moved.

He took a lighter out of his pocket, lit his clothes, and fell off the bridge into the creek below.

Seeing this, Hattori Heiji and Conan immediately ran to the bridge and stretched out their heads to lean down.

Because the river is very shallow, not all the people who fell just now are immersed in the water. His upper body also floated on the surface of the water with blazing blue flames.

Ten minutes later, Tatsuno and the others rushed to hear the news.

Toyama Ginjiro sent his subordinates to salvage the dead in the river.

The deceased's name was Maho Katagiri, one of the members of the previous "Hideyoshi tour group".

After investigation, it was found that the direct cause of the death was a blow to the back of the head.

According to the testimony of Heiji Hattori and Conan, the police officer investigating and collecting evidence believed that the deceased must have hit the stone pier next to the bridge before falling under the bridge, which led to the death.

The deceased was most likely committed suicide.

But apparently, having just experienced the previous case, no one present believed that this person really "committed suicide".

Seeing Hattori Heiji's anxious and distressed look, Toyama and Ye cared, "Don't worry about Heiji, take your time." You can definitely solve these two cases!

After hearing this, Hattori Heiji not only did not calm down, but even became more impatient.

Seeing this, the corners of Hattori's mouth on the side raised slightly, counting his heart.

He hid the smile at the corner of his mouth and walked up to Hattori Heiji: "Leave it to us next, you better go home quickly, it's no longer time for you to play detective games."

Sure enough, after hearing his father's words, Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth and ran to the deceased's side, directly grabbing the deceased's collar: "Abominable! I don't believe I can't find any evidence!! Seeing

that the deceased was about to "go away", Kazuye immediately opened his mouth to stop him: "Heiji! What are you doing!? How can you be so disrespectful to the dead ?!

"No need for you to talk much! What I need is proof!!

Kazuha looked at Heiji in front of him with a shocked expression, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

Heiji he... I actually chose the case, not myself!

Does he really not like me at all....

- "Snap! Without

waiting for Xiaoran to step forward to comfort Kazuha, who looked sad, Hattori Heizo on the side stepped forward and gave Heiji a heavy punch, directly knocking Heiji to the ground.

"Heiji! Got carried away, huh? How much trouble will you add to our police by destroying the scene like this?! You are not investigating the case at all, but making trouble for us! "

Someone gave you the title of 'high school detective,' and you became proud?" You can't help much other than destroy the scene. There is no need for a layman like you here, who now disappears from our eyes immediately!

This time, Kazuha did not open his mouth to comfort Heiji again, but bowed his head and was silent.

Hattori Heizo glanced at Hattori Heiji on the ground, and then turned to look at Ginjiro Toyama on the side: "Toyama, we can go." Since these two cases are suicides, there is no need to waste our police resources, just leave two or three people to deal with the aftermath.

"Okay, I see!"

After answering, Toyama Ginjiro glanced at the people next to him and said with a smile: "Okay, it's not early." You guys hurry back too.

After that, he followed Hattori Hei and left the scene.

After the two left, Hattori Heiji also stood up from the ground: "What a joke!" The more you forbid me to do it, the more I have to do it! I have to find out the murderer in front of you!! Hahahahahaha!!

After laughing, Hattori Heiji glanced at Conan: "Let's not say any evidence, the dead are all people in that tour group." Therefore, the remaining three people in that tour group are the most suspicious!

As soon as the words fell, a voice sounded in everyone's ears - "Are you talking about the three of us?" "

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