After listening to Long Ye's words, not only Concubine Yingli was a little puzzled, but even Xiaolan and Miss Kuriyama on the side were a little confused.

What do you mean?

Will the trial win? Do real prisoners confess?

Seeing the eyes of the three looking at him in unison, Tatsuno chuckled and shook his head: "Of course, this news is not necessarily accurate. I also heard from a lawyer friend with a strange hairstyle.

"A lawyer friend with a peculiar hairstyle?" X3

Tatsuno's description made Concubine Yingli very concerned. But at this time, she still has to prepare some materials for tomorrow's trial, and there is no room to discuss them.

After thinking about it simply, Concubine Eiri sat up straight: "I just came back from my client, Usami, and he still hasn't remembered what happened that night. "

Lawyer Concubine, then we..." Hearing this, Miss Kuriyama glanced at Concubine Yingli worriedly.

Although the testimony of Maori Kogoro should prove that their client did not commit the crime, the client himself has always insisted that he does not remember anything because he was drunk.

It can be said that so far, they are actually not sure of winning the case, and tomorrow's court battle will inevitably be full of variables.

"It's okay Kuriyama, you don't have to worry~"

It seemed to see Miss Kuriyama's concern, and Concubine Yingli immediately smiled.

"As long as we can do everything we can, the rest is the play of the field."

"Lawyer Concubine..."

"Don't worry~ Can you please sort out the information you need before the trial?"


Seeing that Concubine Yingli entered work mode, Tatsuno said hello to Xiaolan and said goodbye.

That night

, Miki Sheng was in the store.

"Conan, it's not early, you hurry back!"


Looking at Uncle Maori who was smiling so much that his eyes were bent in front of him, Conan blinked suspiciously.

Originally, the two of them came to the store to continue to inquire about information from Kameda's old lady.

But since Uncle Maori went out just now to answer a call, he directly changed his attitude after returning, and the exit let him leave.

Seeing that Conan was still stunned in place, Uncle Maori directly pulled Conan off the chair and pushed him out of the store.

"It's time for children to go to bed, and then it's time for adults! Hahahaha! "


Looking at the shop door pulled by Uncle Maori up, a speechless expression appeared on Conan's face.

He had been living alone with this mustachioed man for so long, and he couldn't see that there was a problem here.

Seeing that Uncle Maori was laughing so lewdly just now, presumably the call just now must have been from a woman!

Since he threw himself out ... That means the two agreed to meet here?!

After clearing his thoughts, Conan looked around, then crouched behind a trash can and hidden.

In less than five minutes, a long-haired woman walked into the alley and walked straight into the "Mei Musheng" store.

After seeing the woman's appearance, Conan was stunned: "Nine prosecutors? Uncle, he..." Thinking

of this, Conan carefully walked to the door of the store and listened to the conversation in the house with his ear to his ear.


At the same time

, in a magnificent but slightly overdesigned villa, two men are toasting each other.

"Takeda, why would you be interested in such a thing?"

"Oh? Aren't you interested? If you are really not interested, how can you only accept 10 million and agree to take on that Ms. Kameda's case?

"Hahaha, you saw through it! I really like to take on such cases~ I can not only exercise the power of the law in an upright manner, but also see the ugly heart of human beings.

After hearing the words of the partial-headed man, Tatsuno shook his head with a smile: "I don't know if it was right or wrong to save you in the first place."

After hearing Tatsuno's joke, the eyes of the man opposite him were also much more sincere: "Takeda-kun, if you open your mouth, even if it is to challenge the black hole of the bottom line of the law, I will not hesitate to jump down~~ But..."

Speaking of this, the man put down the wine glass in his right hand and made a twisted appearance with his thumb, index finger and middle finger.

Seeing the man's action, Tatsuno chuckled and gently raised his glass and took a sip: "You obviously know, this thing is for me..." After hearing Tatsuno's

words, the man nodded with satisfaction and raised the wine glass with his right hand again.

"That's right~ For me, only the winner (money) is justice~"


The next day

, the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office "

From now on, the first public debate of this court against the defendant Shinji Usami officially begins!"

"First, ask the prosecutor to read the contents of the indictment."

As the judge spoke, prosecutor Reiko Kujo immediately got up and read the relevant situation and events of the indicted person Shinji Usami.

Seeing this, Concubine Yingli on the lawyer's bench immediately turned her head and asked in a low voice: "Kuriyama, are there only those few witnesses applied by the prosecution?"

"Yes, it's basically the same as we expected."

"That's good."

After hearing this answer, although Fei Yingli was still a little uneasy, she was also relieved.

In order to win today's "war", she investigated all the witnesses found by the prosecution long before the trial.

She knows both the testimony that these witnesses may say and the impact that these testimony may have.

As long as the prosecutor did not find new evidence and witnesses, the scene would not be beyond her control.

Soon after, the Nine Prosecutors had read the entire indictment.

Seeing this, the judge also officially announced that the interrogation of witnesses began.

At this moment, the prosecutor of the Nine Articles who had just sat down suddenly raised his right hand: "Chief Judge!"

Her actions immediately broke the quiet atmosphere of the scene.

Concubine Yingli and Miss Kuriyama immediately secretly said that it was not good, looking at this, the Nine Prosecutors launched an attack at this time, and they should have found new witnesses.

"What's up to you, prosecutor?"

"Until then, our prosecution has requested permission to call new witnesses! He is Mr. Māori Kogoro who currently runs a detective agency and holds the title of 'Sleeping Detective'!

As soon as the words fell, everyone present fell into a heated discussion.

Miss Kuriyama immediately turned her head to look at Concubine Yingli: "Lawyer, what is going on here?"

"I don't know, I'm also confused now..." Although Concubine Yingli's tone was very calm, the mood swings in her eyes obviously did not hide Miss Kuriyama.

Seeing this, Miss Kuriyama no longer spoke, but looked at the witness stand in silence.

Xiaolan in the audience

even grabbed Long Ye's hand and looked at Long Ye in disbelief.

Dad, why did he turn into a witness for the prosecution?! He...... Defected to the enemy?!

Except for Conan, who had long known that things would develop this way because of "eavesdropping", almost everyone in the audience had a heated discussion.

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