Seeing the shocked expressions on both Concubine Yingli and the prosecutor Kujo, Xiaolan brought her mouth to Tatsuno's ear and asked quietly, "Tatsuno, who is this person?

His name is Masato Sakai and he is a 'notorious' lawyer. "


"He, unlike ordinary lawyers, is a guy who treats litigation as a game and a means of making money~

" "Huh?!" After

listening to Tatsuno's description, the doubt in Xiaolan's eyes became even stronger.

Although the partial man in front of him did wear a suit, strangely, this man did not feel like a lawyer.

Lawyers, generally like their mothers, will have an inexplicable sense of seriousness?

If I have to say it, it doesn't seem to be a serious person....

Just when Xiao Lan was doubting the identity of the man in front of her, Kujo Reiko on the side covered her mouth, and her tone was significantly higher than before: "Lawyer Masato Sakai?! Haven't you taken a case for several years



At that time, she was still a deputy prosecutor and was gaining experience with a senior prosecutor.

Once, their prosecution took on a very simple case.


The defendant broke into the boss's house and killed the boss with a kitchen knife. Although he fled afterwards, he left countless pieces of evidence at the scene.

There was no alibi, and his fingerprints were clearly printed on the kitchen knife. Not to mention, after the police arrested him, he directly confessed to his crime in the interrogation room.

For the prosecution, this is simply a simple case. To put it bluntly, they just need to go through the motions.

At this time, this lawyer Sakai Masato appeared in front of him

, and he actually took the initiative to take over the defense of this defendant! The "master" of the Jiutiao prosecutor knew that this lawyer was different from other lawyers, and he definitely did not take this case in order to go through the "must lose" scene.

Therefore, after learning the news that this Sakai Masato took the case, Kujo Reiko's prosecutor "master" actually took her to re-investigate with the relevant people. Kujo Reiko was very puzzled by this.

Just when she finally couldn't help but open her mouth to ask her seniors, the answer she got made her cry and laugh.

That guy is not an ordinary lawyer at all!" You

know, whether it is evidence, testimony, or even a police investigation report, any of these contents can make the defendant "dead without a place to die."

Taken together, anyone can see that the defendant is the murderer, no matter how powerful the lawyer defending him is, it is absolutely impossible for the defense to succeed!

But for the sake of the "master"'s face, Kujo Reiko did not say this on the spot, but secretly lamented the "master's" caution.

After .

. Less than half an hour after the trial, the lawyer named Masato Sakai actually overturned all the physical evidence and testimony!

Even the police investigation report was overturned by him on the grounds of "extorting confessions through torture"....

At this point, this case, which was originally sufficient and sure to win, was actually said by this lawyer to be "insufficient evidence", and the defendant was released.

After the trial, the lawyer even arrogantly walked up to their prosecution and made an extremely insulting grimace.


Since that time, the Nine Prosecutors have not seen the lawyer again, but the painful experience of that time has been preserved in her memory.

Although I don't know why the lawyer named Masato Sakai suddenly disappeared from the public eye, the "psychological trauma" he caused to the Kujo prosecutor has not disappeared

, and later, as soon as she heard that there was an undefeated lawyer, she would inexplicably develop emotions called "anger" and "unwillingness".

This is also the reason why she is eyeing Concubine Yingli, the "undefeated queen".

Just as the Kujo prosecutor was caught in a "tragic memory", Masato Sakai, opposite her, gracefully straightened her hair with one finger.

Of course, it's because there is no money~~~"

Kujo prosecutor: "..." After

hearing this answer, Kujo prosecutor walked out of the door with a black face, leaving only a silent back for everyone.


Soon after

, Tatsuno and the others also walked out of the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office.

Although there was a strange turn in the court this time, in terms of results, Fei Yingli was a victory. Therefore, she decided to take everyone to a good meal.

Just as Xiaolan excitedly began to choose a restaurant, Concubine Yingli rolled her eyes at the Maori uncle on the side: "Of course, I won't invite a dirty uncle who is stunned by the beauty meter!" Maori


"..." "Mom..." Xiaolan just wanted to open her mouth to ease the atmosphere between the two, but she suddenly thought that her mother seemed to be right, and her father's performance today was indeed a little disappointing.

Obviously knowing that his mother was handling this case, he was actually rebelled against by the other side and ran to be a witness for the Nine Prosecutors.

Thinking of this, Xiaolan did not continue to speak, but glanced at Uncle Maori angrily and shook her fist.

After hearing the sarcasm of "wife", Uncle Maori immediately picked up Conan on the side, turned around and walked to the back: "Cut! I don't want to eat with you! Conan

, who was picked up, glanced at Uncle Maori helplessly, and struggled to speak: "But I want to..."

"Shut up!

Looking at the distant Maori Uncle and Conan, Concubine Yingli shook her head gently, and then she immediately smiled at Tatsuno and Xiaolan: "Let's go~ The three of us have indeed not eaten together for a long time!"

A ramen shop not far from the Maori Detective Agency.

Looking at the slightly drunk Maori Uncle who was holding a wine glass beside him, Conan couldn't help sighing.

Eat ramen and drink alcohol?

After glancing at Uncle Maori a few more times, Conan looked down at the "Naruto Roll" in the bowl, slightly distracted.

The "lawyer Masato Sakai" who suddenly appeared today, he once heard his father say. This man is said to be an "evil" lawyer who will stop at nothing for his ends and has a head full of money.

Horribly, his lawsuit win rate is 100%. No matter what kind of case it is, as long as he is out of the horse, he will definitely win.

It is said that the means he used seemed to ...

Therefore, his reputation in the lawyer's circle and the prosecutor's circle is not good.

But this is not the real reason why Conan cares, the real reason why he cares about this lawyer is that after he saw this lawyer appear, he nodded with Tatsuno in a gesture.

It is clear that the two know each other.

But...... Takeda is not a lawyer and has not litigated.

So why did he know this lawyer and what is his relationship with this lawyer?

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