The two of them were so surprised that they were so happy.

Before Yuanzi finished her surprise, several people walked out of the house.

"Yeah~ I often laugh at the screen~"

"That's right~ We all saw it~"

With the two people's good-natured "finishing blows", Yuanzi covered her blushing face and stopped talking.

At this time, the man who opened the door smiled at Longye and Xiaolan: "You should be her 'girlfriend', right? It's a bit cold outside, let's talk inside~"

"Okay, excuse me~" X2

After Longye and the other two entered the door, the man who opened the door began to introduce everyone's identities.

"I am Ara Yoshinori, the owner of this holiday cottage, and I am a ventriloquist. The man in the black sweater is Mr. Sukama Kiyohiro who works here.

The other three are Tanaka Kikue, Hamano Toshiya, and Kuroda Naoko. You should be more familiar with their online names than their real names~"

Sonoko looked at everyone curiously, and then asked in confusion: "Is the 'red herring', Mr. Doi, here?"

Before everyone could speak, footsteps were heard on the stairs in front of them.

A fat man in a blue hoodie walked down: "Huh? Are you the magician's apprentice? I am Doi... huh?"

Before he finished speaking, he found Ryuno smiling at him behind Sonoko, and shuddered with fear.

Impossible! My disguise is perfect this time! This guy is impossible...

——"Hey~ Isn't this Mr. Doi Takeshu! It's been a long time~~"

Kaito Kuroba: "..."

Before he finished cheering himself up, Tatsuno greeted him directly, walked to his side with a smile, and patted his shoulder heavily.

At this time, Sonoko, who was just shocked by Doi Takeshu's "handsome face and figure", looked at Tatsuno's behavior with a puzzled look.

Under the puzzled eyes of everyone, Doi Takeshu bit the bullet and made up a "story" of his acquaintance with Tatsuno on the spot.

After this episode, everyone followed the owner of the house, Ara Yoshinori, to the living room.

After a simple greeting, the owner of the house, Ara Yoshinori, and Sukama Kiyohiro, who came to work, went to the kitchen to pour coffee for everyone.

At this time, under the puzzled eyes of Sonoko and Xiaolan, Doi Takeshu walked to Tatsuno and pulled him out of the living room.

Outside the living room

"How did you figure that out?!"

"Hmm? What are you talking about, Mr. Doi Takeshu? What do I know?" Ryuno smiled as he looked at Kuroba Kaito in front of him.

"Damn, you are such a jerk..."

Seeing the depressed look on Kuroba Kaito's face, Ryuno put away his smile and stopped joking: "I'm not going to tease you anymore, why are you here?"

"Actually, it's..."

After listening to Kuroba Kaito's explanation, Ryuno frowned and thought it was not good.

"Because the long-dead 'Deception Boy' suddenly appeared on the Internet again?"

"That's right."

"Let me guess...are there any relatives or friends of the deceased among these people?"

"How do you know?"


After seeing the surprised expression of Kuroba Kaito, Ryuno covered his face helplessly.

The situation now is very clear - "Snow Mountain" + "Kaito Kid" + "The guy with a grudge in his heart". What will happen can guess it with XX.

Is it possible that I will encounter such a thing every time I come to the snow mountain? Is it really necessary to be so exaggerated? !

Thinking of this, Ryuno gently patted "Kuroba Kaito" on the shoulder and said earnestly: "In this case, you must keep an eye on that person. If nothing unexpected happens, her purpose should be to avenge the deceased."

After that, in the puzzled look of "Kuroba Kaito", Ryuno turned and walked back to the living room.

"Revenge? Hmm..."


Seeing Ryuno coming back, Xiaolan and Sonoko immediately came up and pulled him aside.

Xiaolan asked first: "Ryuno, how did you know that Doi Takeki? I remember you didn't attend any magic exchange party..."

Sonoko's face also showed the same doubt. She also remembered that Ryuno didn't seem to be very interested in magic and it was impossible for him to attend any "magic exchange party".

The reason why the two had such doubts was precisely because of Kuroba Kaito. In a hurry, he made up the story of "the two met at a magic exchange party" on the spot.

After looking around, Long Ye leaned over to the two people's ears and whispered, "Shh~ Keep your voice down. Actually, that '

"Takushu Doi" is also a fake identity. His real identity is actually Kaito Kid~"

"What?" X2

Due to Ryuno's advance reminder, the two were surprised but also controlled their voices.

After hearing the news that "he" was Kaito Kid, Sonoko seemed to have little stars in her eyes: "So, today I can see you beat up Kaito Kid? !"

Ryuno: "?"

After listening to Sonoko's words, Xiaolan covered her mouth and laughed: "Really Sonoko, why do you always want to see Ryuno beat up Kaito Kid~"

At this moment, Kuroba Kaito, who was in the room upstairs, trembled inexplicably.

"Huh? Did I catch a cold?"


Soon after, the owner of the house, Arayoshi, came out of the kitchen.

"Let's start the activity after we finish dinner. I'll take you three to the room first. I have shown them the room before~”

“Okay~” X3

Tatsuno and the other two followed the owner up the stairs and entered the room.

“Sorry, since the other rooms have not been cleaned up yet, you three can only sleep in these two rooms.”

“It’s okay, thank you for your help!”

“Okay, then you can look at the room first, I will go downstairs to cook, and call you when I’m done. "

"Okay~" X3

After the owner left, Ryunosuke and the other two visited the room, and then walked to the terrace inside the house.

Standing on the terrace, you can appreciate the snow scenery outside the house more directly.

For a moment, everyone smelled the fresh air and looked at the snow scenery in the distance, and couldn't help but be slightly intoxicated.

After a while, Xiaolan leaned her head on Ryunosuke's shoulder.

After looking at Xiaolan, Ryunosuke said: "Sonoko, I just heard your housekeeper say in the car..."

Before Ryunosuke finished speaking, Sonoko sneered self-deprecatingly, and then lowered her head: "It seems that you know everything. Actually..."

Xiaolan, who was standing by, also realized the "sad" atmosphere in the air and couldn't help but get nervous.

While Sonoko was still immersed in the snow scene in front of him, Ryuno had already told her everything the old housekeeper said.

She didn't expect that Sonoko, who was so cheerful in front of others, had such a tragic experience!

Seeing Ryuno and Xiaolan's cautious look, Sonoko couldn't help it anymore: "Hahaha! Actually it's nothing~ I don't know why, since the housekeeper grandfather got old, he always told everyone how miserable my sister and I were~"

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