Amid everyone's surprised gazes, Tanaka Kikue sighed and nodded.

"No wonder you sent my grandfather an email to encourage him the day before the performance. It seems that you already knew his identity."

"After all, the online name 'Deceiving Boy' is the name that Mr. Chunjing used on stage when he debuted. As for you... Actually, I recognized your identity the first time I saw you. "

After listening to Doi Takeki's words, Miss Tanaka sat on a chair beside her and scanned She said to everyone: "Yes, I am the granddaughter of Chunjing Fengchuan. My grandfather used to communicate with everyone using the account "Cheating Boy".

Speaking of this, she showed a trace of reluctance and nostalgia in her eyes: "One day , he suddenly smiled and told me that he wanted to perform an escape magic trick. His physical strength was obviously decreasing, but he suddenly had this idea. Seeing his confident smile, I really couldn't bear to stop him. Later You all know what happened. An accident happened during the performance and he died because of it..."

After everyone was silent for a while, the owner of the house, Arayoshi, asked, "But why did you destroy the suspension bridge? and the phone? Is it really revenge as Mr. Doi said? But your grandfather is not…”

“Yes, that’s right. He died because he was in a whim and insisted on performing that escape magic. I Of course I won't take my anger out on you guys because of this~"

After saying this, Ms. Tanaka showed a nostalgic expression: "The reason I know this is because when I was sorting out my grandfather's belongings, I found his printed chat records and his diary. Grandpa wanted to announce his true identity to everyone after the escape magic was successful. ”

Speaking of this, a look of pain appeared on her face: “I didn’t expect that after Grandpa died, two people actually He left a message like that! Something like "dying on the stage is what he wants", "this should be the old guy's hope for survival" and other mocking statements.

After seeing these messages, I Suddenly I felt regret and resentment for my grandfather, so…”

Although she didn’t finish her words, everyone understood her subtext and looked at Mr. Hamano Toshiya who was standing aside. At that time, he and Mr. Nishiyama, the "Escape King" who had not yet arrived at the scene, were the ones who spoke rudely in the group.

At this time, the owner of the house, Aram Yoshi, suddenly thought of something and said in shock: "Could it be that Mr. Nishiyama, who did not come, has already... "

"Yes, that's what you think." Miss Tanaka leaned weakly on the chair and looked up at the ceiling.

After understanding the cause and process of the incident, everyone no longer had the mood to continue the party and prepared to find a way to call the police.

But The "suspension bridge", the only exit between the wooden house and the outside world, has been burned down, and everyone can't think of any other way to leave here.

Xiaolan and Sonoko also looked at Ryuno worriedly, seeming a little at a loss.

After noticing the gazes of the two, Ryuno stepped forward and patted "Kuroba Kaito" on the shoulder, chuckled and said: "Okay, it's your turn~ Fly to the other side and help us call the police."

Kuroba Kaito: "???"

Due to Ryuno Ye did not hide it deliberately, so everyone heard what he said and immediately looked at the two of them curiously.

The owner of the house, Ara Yoshi, thought that Ryuno was trying to motivate everyone by joking.

"Hahaha, Takeda-kun, it would be great if Mr. Doi could really fly! Anyway, the matter has been figured out, let's slowly think of a solution. It's fine~"

"Huh? I'm not kidding~" Long Ye blinked and looked at the owner in front of him seriously.

"Eh? Not a joke?"

"Haven't you figured it out yet? As long as you put' If the katakana of the name 'Doi Takeki' is reversed, it will become..."

Hearing this, everyone immediately thought about it according to Ryuno's prompts in their minds.

After a few seconds, everyone widened their eyes and looked at looking at the "Doi Takeshu" in front of him.

"Kaito Kid?!!!"

Seeing that Ryunosuke had revealed his identity, Kuroba Kaito sighed, then reached out and tore off the disguise, revealing The "real" look.

Except for Xiaolan and Sonoko who already knew the inside story, everyone was shocked to see the "Kaito Kidd" in white clothes in front of them, and they were stunned.

At this time, Kaito Kidd looked at Ryunos helplessly: "Although I It's true that there is a hang glider, but it can't fly if there's no wind or it's not at a high altitude. Besides, why should I help you call the police? I'm a thief.


"Don't worry, this is not a problem~"

Looking at the "goodwill" smile on Tatsuno's face, Kuroba Kaito couldn't help but shudder.

The next moment, Tatsuno instantly came to Kaito Kid's ear and whispered: "You don't have to do it~ After this matter is over, I will personally go to your house, tie you up and send you to your lovely "childhood sweetheart", and then in front of her father..."

"Stop talking! I'm willing to do it!!!" Hearing this, Kuroba Kaito didn't know that Tatsuno had already known his detailed information, and cold sweat immediately broke out on his head.

At this moment, he felt that the smile on Tatsuno's face was a little inexplicably creepy.

"You guy, are you a devil..."

"Huh? What are you mumbling about?"

"No! Nothing! By the way, the height of this wooden house doesn't seem to be enough. If there is no wind, I really can't fly. "

Tatsuno didn't explain, but waved to him: "It's okay, follow me. ”

Everyone followed Ryuno and the others curiously outside the house.

“Takeda, are you ready… huh? Hey! What are you doing? !”

“It’s okay, are you ready?”

“Prepare for what… ah!!! "

In the panic of Kuroba Kaito, Ryuno lifted him up with one hand.

The next moment, in the shock of everyone, Ryuno threw him into the sky. Judging from the height, it seemed to be at least dozens of meters...

Everyone stared at Kaito Kidd in the air in a daze, revealing confused expressions.

What did they...just see? Was it a magic trick?

Otherwise, how could a person throw another person so high in the sky with one hand...

Mechanism! There must be some mechanism!!!

Although Kaito Kidd in the air seemed to have been shouting in fear, this must be his acting skills!

He and Takeda Ryuno must be performing some "magic" together!


Soon after, Kaito Kidd in the air finally stopped screaming and slowly flew to the opposite side in everyone's sight.

Before everyone could speak, Sonoko immediately pulled Xiaolan to Ryuno's side: "Hahahaha! Ryuno, I knew you were really strong! How did you do it just now? ! Can you teach me? ! "

Looking at the excited Sonoko, Xiaolan beside her smiled helplessly.

For some reason, Sonoko always wanted to see Ryunosuke "defeating" Kaito Kid. This time she finally saw it with her own eyes, no wonder she was so excited...

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