The competition was held in a hot spring hotel.

After taking a bath, Ryunosuke and others sat in the hotel lobby.

"Eh? You gave up! What a pity! I was hoping to compete with you. You might be my strong opponent!"

After knowing that Ryunosuke and others had given up, Saori Ayukawa covered her mouth with regret.

At noon today, when she was changing the venue, she met Ryunosuke and the other two again. What surprised her was that the girl named Xiaolan had already caught five fish. At that time, even she only caught three.

But Ryunosuke and Xiaolan, who looked like "fishing beginners", actually had a lot of gains.

Especially Xiaolan, who had already caught five fish!

In the competition system of "calculating the total weight of five fish", the initial condition for completing the competition is "catching five fish first". Only players who catch five fish are eligible for weighing.

Under this condition, the player who catches five fish first is undoubtedly the most advantageous.

Since the basic requirements for weighing have been met, the next thing that the player who has caught five fish needs to do is very simple.

- Continue fishing and constantly replace "light fish" with "heavy fish".

For professional anglers like them, it is not difficult to catch five fish in one day. But no one can guarantee the weight of the fish caught. After all, no one knows which fish will bite the hook.

In summary - "catching five fish as soon as possible and continuing to catch heavier fish while ensuring the qualification for weighing" is the necessary way to the championship.

In last year's competition, she was able to win the championship because she caught five fish earlier than others and had enough time to replace the light fish caught before with the new fish.

After seeing Xiaolan catch five fish so quickly, Ms. Ayukawa equated Xiaolan with a "strong enemy" in her mind.

However, she didn't expect that Xiaolan and the other two had already given up.

"Ms. Ayukawa, you are joking~ Actually, we are not here to win a place in the fishing competition, but to relax with friends~"

"Friends gathering? I really envy you~ Since I started working, I haven't contacted my friends for a long time..." Ms. Ayukawa looked up at the ceiling, her eyes flashing with deep memories.

Seeing her like this, Sonoko immediately changed the subject: "Ms. Ayukawa, I heard that you started practicing fishing when you were very young! Can you tell us how you fell in love with fishing?"

"Haha~ Actually, my father likes fishing very much. After I grew up, he often took me to the lake or river and taught me about fishing."

"Hey~ Did your father take you fishing since you were a child? That's great~"

Hearing this, Ryuno looked at Xiaolan, his thoughts drifting.

If Uncle Maori also likes to pass on his hobbies to Xiaolan...

Then... Will Xiaolan become a girl who likes "horse racing" and "drinking"?

"Gambling" + "Drinking"

Speaking of which, it seems that a certain blonde woman was pulled by her elders to do such things since she was a child, and she became a great gambler when she grew up.

Thinking of this, Ryuno quickly shook his head and threw this idea out of his mind.

Just as Ryuno was thinking about it, a man in a green hotel uniform walked towards the few people. The moment he saw Miss Ayukawa, a malicious smile appeared on his face.

"So you are here, Ayukawa! How about we go have a drink together~"

"No, no need!"

After seeing the person coming, Miss Ayukawa immediately turned her head to the side.

"Oh? Don't you want me to drink?!"

Miss Ayukawa: "..."

After finding that something seemed wrong, Sonoko immediately stood up and said, "Uncle, who are you?! It's very rude to invite a girl like this!"

After seeing Sonoko intervene, the man noticed Sonoko and Xiaolan next to him. After carefully staring at the faces of the two, the man smiled frivolously: "Excuse me~ My name is Funaki Toshihiko, and I am a freelance journalist. Since the two ladies have nothing to do, how about accompanying me to drink~ I can teach you interesting things~"

Ayukawa Saori saw that Xiaolan and Sonoko were entangled by the man in front of her because of her own reasons, and immediately stood up and said: "It has nothing to do with them, right? Okay, I will..."

"Ah!! Boy, what are you doing?! Hehe..."

In the astonished eyes of Ayukawa Saori, Ryuno

He walked in front of Funaki and strangled his neck with one hand.

Seeing this, Funaki immediately used both hands to pry Ryuno's hands. But to his surprise, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pry the hand on his neck away.

This hand was like an "iron clamp", pinching his neck motionlessly.

Until the man's face turned red, Xiaolan and Sonoko beside him said: "Ryuno! If you pinch it again..."

Hearing this, Ryuno slowly let go of his hand.

After letting go of his hand, the man sat on the ground weakly, gasping and coughing lightly.

After a long time, he looked up at Ryuno and said angrily: "Cough! Damn it! Little devil, you..."

Just when he was about to say something cruel, he happened to meet Ryuno's eyes.

Seeing the scarlet eyes looking directly at him, the man suddenly felt the fear from the bottom of his heart and immediately closed his mouth.

At this moment, Long Ye leaned close to the man's ear and chuckled, "This is just a small punishment. If you dare to continue teasing them..."

Speaking of this, Long Ye paused and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Of course, you won't have this opportunity in the future."

After that, Long Ye walked back to Xiao Lan and the others with a smile: "I'm sorry, he dared to speak wildly to the two princesses. It's not right not to teach him a lesson~"

"Really~ What princess..."

The man on the ground wanted to say something else, but he recalled Long Ye's terrifying eyes before, and couldn't help trembling a little. Finally, he stood up and left the hall silently.

After the man left, Xiaolan and Sonoko walked to Miss Ayukawa and asked with concern: "Miss Ayukawa, are you okay?"

"It's okay... Thank you so much for what happened just now!"

"Really! What's the matter with that man?! Do you know him?"

"Well, he..."

Miss Ayukawa told Ryunosuke and others about the "Mr. Funaki" just now.

Ryunosuke clearly found that whenever she mentioned that man, a hint of hidden murderous intent would flash in Miss Ayukawa's eyes.

Recalling what the man said to her before, Ryunosuke seemed to guess something.

That man should have Miss Ayukawa's handle in his hand. Otherwise, he would never invite people to "drink" so arrogantly like just now.

But... it doesn't matter.

Because this Mr. Funaki is already a "dead man".

Thinking of this, Ryunosuke secretly said: "Xiao Jia, help me check if there is any surveillance in this hotel."

[Received. 】

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