The school was in a mess, and the students were busy.

Outside the school gate

After seeing Tatsuno, Huihara Ai walked towards him: "Kudo Shinichi already knows my identity."

Tatsuno waved his hand casually: "If you know, then you know~ Haven't you been studying the medicine based on the content recorded on the disk? More mice are just right~"

"Little mice? Maybe they will come in handy soon~"

Since she has nothing to do recently, Huihara Ai has already started to study some of the information retained on the disk, and has a preliminary idea of ​​the "antidote" for APTX4869. As long as she is given some time, she can make the first version of the "antidote". Thinking of this, Huihara Ai's eyes flashed with brilliance.

Seeing Haibara Ai eager to try, Ryuno put his left hand on Haibara Ai's head and chuckled, "It seems that you have made progress. Then use him to test the medicine. I believe he won't mind."


"Okay, let's not talk about this. Let's go back quickly. Xiaolan knows that you are coming back to live again, and she is ready to show her skills and make a big meal~"

Soon after

Conan dragged his feet and walked slowly on the street.

At this moment, his thoughts have long been immersed in the words that Haibara Ai said before leaving.

Although it is just a short sentence, it contains a huge amount of information-"organization", "drug", "APTX4869".

Any of these words can cause a critical hit on Conan's brain. Adding the three together, even the "big-headed" Conan is a little overwhelmed.

At present, it is certain that Haibara Ai must know about the organization, even more than he knows!

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Haibara Ai to guess that she was fed "drug" without her saying anything! Speaking of which... "APTX4869"? Is this the name of the drug? !

Haibara Ai had been taken in by Takeda and his friends before, how much do they know about Haibara Ai? !

According to the doctor, she has a sister, who is this sister...

For a moment, Conan's mind was in a mess.


Weekend evening

Shiodome Landscape Building - Space Theater

Xiaolan hugged Ryuno's arm and walked into the theater building.

"Ryuno, I've wanted to watch this Josephine play for a long time~ I didn't expect you to get such a good ticket! Hehe~"

Hearing this, Ryuno immediately put his hands on his waist and looked up: "Huh~"

"Speaking of which, we haven't played alone for a long time~" At this point, Xiaolan held Ryuno's arm and couldn't help but tighten it.

Looking at Xiaolan with joy on her face, Ryuno also showed a gentle smile.

Indeed, the two of them haven't gone out alone for a long time.

Although due to the confusion of time, the vacation time is much longer than the school time. But to be honest, every time the two go out, there will be "other people" around them.

Whether it is Maori Kogoro, Conan or Sonoko, as long as they are around, the journey will definitely not be very smooth, and "something will happen".

Even Xiaolan seems to be aware of this problem, and has discussed the method of "exorcism" with Ryuno many times in private.

Therefore, when they knew that this "Josephine stage play" was going to be performed, the two looked at each other and understood each other's meaning.

These people are not here, and Huiyuan Ai also returned to her sister because of "research".

In other words-"a wonderful night for only two people" has arrived!

Xiaolan knows that the chance of meeting her father here is almost zero! Because her father has never had a chance to see things like "stage plays", he will never buy tickets to watch such things.

Thinking of this, Xiaolan's mouth corners slightly raised, and her steps became lighter.

At this time, a familiar voice stopped Xiaolan's steps.

——"Xiaolan? Ryuno boy? Why are you two here?"

Xiaolan: "???"

"Dad? Conan? Why are you two..."

Ryuno and Xiaolan looked in response, and Maori Kogoro with his hands in his pockets and Conan with a strange backpack suddenly appeared in front of them.

A few minutes later, with Maori Kogoro's explanation, Ryuno and Xiaolan knew why they were here.


This afternoon, he received a commission.

The clients were two ladies. One of them, Makiri, found a notice letter from Kaito Kid on the balcony of the apartment, and there was a large bouquet of roses next to the notice letter.

The letter read: "Romeo, Juliet. Conqueror, cheers

. In these 26 letters flying and interlacing, I will go to take the jewel of destiny. ——Kaito Kid"

As for the jewel mentioned in the letter, it is the sapphire called "Sapphire Star of Destiny" held by Ms. Makiri. There are three lines interlaced on the surface of this sapphire, symbolizing trust, hope and destiny respectively.

The reason why Makiri took out this jewel is for the upcoming "Josephine Stage Play". Because the "Josephine" she plays, that is, "Napoleon's first princess", loves roses and sapphires.

All of this corresponds to Kaito Kid's notice letter and the purpose of stealing the gem.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Uncle Maori immediately "cracked" Kaito Kid's notice letter. He concluded that Kaito Kid would definitely pretend to be " Napoleon", came to steal the sapphire when the stage play ended and everyone was cheering from the audience.

Uncle Maori's reasoning was recognized by the client, Ms. Makiri, and her assistant, Ms. Yaguchi Masayo, who immediately invited him to the theater to stop Kaito Kid from stealing the gem.


After learning what happened, Xiaolan's attention was immediately drawn to the "Sapphire Star of Destiny". It seemed that she had a great interest in this gem.

Ryuye saw the changes in Xiaolan's expression and thought to himself that it was worthy of being a gem, which was a fatal temptation to any woman.

Thinking of this, Ryuye lowered his head and thought: "Anyway, money is just a number to me, how about giving Xiaolan some more gems to play with? "

This idea was rejected by Long Ye soon after it came up.

After so many years of getting along, he still has some understanding of Xiaolan's personality. It's fine to give her a bag or a bracelet occasionally like before, but if he really put a bunch of gems in front of Xiaolan, she might find it difficult to deal with it. After all, she is not the kind of person who will accept expensive gifts casually.

He had already handed over a passbook with tens of millions of yuan as "common property" to Xiaolan.

When it was handed over to Xiaolan, Long Ye had clearly "hinted" that this money was just his "pocket money" for Xiaolan, and she could withdraw it at will. But even so, Xiaolan did not spend it at all except for daily living expenses.

Even every once in a while, Xiaolan would sit next to him and give Long Ye a simple passbook details.

Thinking of this, Long Ye looked at the financial account panel that "Xiao Jia" managed for him, and sighed helplessly.

Although he liked and admired Xiaolan, who was so virtuous. But if it goes on like this... wouldn't the "zeros" behind the account balance lose their meaning and value?!

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