In the cockpit

The two captains closed their eyes tightly, held their necks tightly with both hands, and were sweating.

"What's going on?!" Seeing the two captains in pain, Maori Kogoro also became nervous.

The appearance of the two captains made Conan a little suspicious.

Ms. Makiri also strangled her neck tightly because of oral cyanide before she died... Could it be? ! !

If the captains were also poisoned, it means that the poison was not in the "chocolate" at all, but in Makiri's hands!


After struggling for a while, the captain lost consciousness, and his head hit the joystick in front of him.

This collision directly turned off the aircraft's autopilot system, and the plane also "fell down" headfirst.

Seeing that the stewardess next to him almost fell, Maori Kogoro immediately held the door frame with his left hand, and then hugged her with the other hand.

Conan on the side swayed a few steps and shouted: "Help him up!"

Hearing Conan's roar, the stewardess who had just stood up immediately stepped forward and pulled the captain up, keeping his head away from the joystick.

Conan immediately ran to the joystick and pulled it back to its normal position with all his strength.


At the same time, Shinjo Gong, who had come out of nowhere, pressed the autopilot button again: "It's all right, please ask the doctor to come."


In the first class cabin

Tatsuno released Xiaolan from his arms, placed her in the seat next to him, and fastened her seat belt.

"Don't worry, I'm here, don't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid at all~"

Looking at Tatsuno's warm expression without any fluctuations, Xiaolan smiled and shook her head. She stared into Long Ye's eyes quietly and chuckled: "No matter what happens, as long as you are by my side, there is nothing to be afraid of~"

Long Ye looked at Xiao Lan's clear eyes like autumn water and shook his head lovingly.

"Do you know, Xiao Lan, every time the heroine in the movie says this to the hero, they will encounter exciting plots full of dangers~"

"Ah? Then is it too late for me to take back what I just said now?" Xiao Lan covered her mouth.

"Don't worry~ No matter what kind of danger we face, we will be fine." Long Ye looked at Xiao Lan, who was as cute as a small animal in front of him, and pinched her cheek involuntarily.

At this moment, the broadcast in the cabin sounded.

——"Dear passengers, a passenger on the plane suddenly fell ill. If any of you are a doctor, please inform the nearby flight attendants immediately."

After listening to the broadcast, Xiao Lan seemed to realize something and looked at the cockpit in front of her with some solemnity.

The tilt of the plane just now, coupled with the broadcast of "a passenger is sick"...

If you use your brain a little, you can understand the connection between the two.

"Tatsuno, is there something wrong with the captain?"

"Yes, it should be. The captain happened to have an accident at this time, which must be related to Miss Makiri's incident."

"Are you saying that the captain might have been poisoned?!"

"Probably. Didn't the broadcast just now contact the doctor? It will be clear when the doctor comes."


Three minutes later

A man wearing glasses walked into the first class cabin led by a flight attendant and went straight to the cockpit.

It seems that he should be the doctor.

Xiaolan nodded to Tatsuno, immediately took his hand and followed.

In the cockpit, after a simple examination of the two captains, the doctor took out a handkerchief from his pocket with a pale face, took off his glasses and wiped the sweat on his head.

"It should be acute poisoning caused by poison. I will give them first aid immediately. Please help me move them to the cabin..." Although the doctor's tone sounded stable, his hand holding the handkerchief was shaking slightly.

Obviously he also realized the seriousness of the problem.

With the help of everyone, the two captains were transported to the cabin.

During the transportation, the director accidentally pressed the button on the top of the cockpit.

After seeing this scene, Tatsuno immediately reached out and turned off all the buttons.

The button he pressed was to control the aircraft fuel tank valve. After opening it, the four fuel tanks on the aircraft would merge into a large fuel tank.

Tatsuno's actions were seen by "Mr. Shinjo" on the side. After he glanced at the buttons on the cockpit, he also realized something and looked at Tatsuno deeply.

Five minutes later, after performing simple first aid, the doctor raised his hand and looked at his watch.

"How is it?" Maori Kogoro asked hurriedly.

"The amount of poison they took was very small, and their lives are not in danger. However, both of them are now unconscious and cannot fly the plane at all..." After hearing this, everyone's worries, which had just been relieved, rose again.There are only two captains on the plane. Now they are both unconscious due to poisoning and will not wake up for a while.

But, what about the plane?

Even if the plane has autopilot, it is only useful before the plane lands. Once the decision altitude for landing is reached, the pilot must manually take over the plane and make strict judgments.

The plane is most likely to have accidents during takeoff and landing, and the landing process is the most complicated and dangerous.

Because the operability of the plane is very poor when landing at low speed near the ground, and it is very easy to have various airflow problems near the ground, which affects the safety of landing.

In the absence of supervision, letting the plane take off and land automatically is no different from gambling with life.

Therefore, after hearing the news that the two captains lost consciousness, everyone's face became worse and worse.

After comforting everyone, Maori Kogoro and Conan walked back to the cockpit and explained the situation to Ryunosuke and others in the cockpit.

After listening, Mr. Shinjo immediately turned on the communication device, contacted the nearby tower, and explained the situation to it.

"The current altitude is 12,000 and the speed is 280 knots. Fortunately, the landing instructions in the automatic operating system have also been entered. I know a little about the operation of the wings and landing gear..."

After learning the news, the tower immediately suspended the takeoff and landing procedures of other aircraft and began to prepare for the aircraft that was about to land.


In the cabin

After ending the communication, Mr. Shinjo took off his headphones and turned to look at Tatsuno: "In short, I will take the captain's position, and as for the co-pilot's position... you will be responsible~"

Everyone in the cabin turned their heads to look at Tatsuno.

"Eh? Let Tatsuno be the co-pilot?"

"Let this kid come?"


Mr. Shinjo smiled: "Well, he just closed the fuel tank valve that the director touched. It seems that he knows something about the plane~"

After noticing everyone's gaze, Tatsuno spread his hands helplessly and nodded to agree to his proposal.

Xiaolan squeezed Neryuye's hand and whispered in his ear: "Ryūno, can you really fly a plane?"

"Well, a little bit~ Anyway, the plane has an autopilot program, you just go back and sit down and wait for landing." Ryūno smiled and touched Xiaolan's head.

Although Maori Kogoro wanted to say something, the plane was about to land in ten minutes. Therefore, he had to follow Mr. Shinjo's advice and walked back to his seat.

After everyone left, before Shinjo sat in the main seat, Ryūno lifted his neck and put him in the co-pilot's seat.

Kaito Kidd: "?"

"Didn't you ask me to stay? With me here, you can only be the co-pilot~"


After complaining, Kaito Kidd obediently fastened the co-pilot's seat belt: "You can actually fly a plane? Is this true?"

Tatsuno fastened his seat belt, held the steering wheel, and smiled slightly: "Hehe~ Don't say it, I'm a little nervous when I fly a plane for the first time."

Kaito Kidd: "???"

Kaito Kidd was stunned for a moment, then his eyes widened immediately, and he reached for the buckle of the seat belt: "Ah?! Hey, you are so... It's time, don't scare me..."

When he saw the smile on Ryūno's lips, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Please, it's time, don't joke with me..."

"Speaking of which, why can you see through my disguise every time?"

"Of course it's because your disguise skills are not good enough~ If you really want to deceive me, you have to be at least as good as your father~"

Kaito Kid was silent for a while, then slowly said: "You really know."

"Well, I met him once when I was a child." Ryūno nodded casually.

"Can you tell me about it, you..."

Before he finished speaking, a call suddenly came from the headset.

——"This is the tower, I'm Captain Shimaoka. Excuse me, have you seen MCP? Please press an APP button above..."


As soon as the reply was finished, the airport appeared in front of the two.

"Attention, adjust the wings to 1..."


Before the tower finished speaking, a lightning bolt suddenly fell on the plane, and all the electronic equipment in the plane was shut down due to the lightning strike.

Everyone in the tower saw this scene and became nervous. This lightning bolt was obviously beyond everyone's expectations.

Kaito Kidd in the cabin also became nervous.

"Don't worry, just turn the white button on the dashboard and restart the power system."

"Okay, okay!"


Seeing that the equipment on the plane was lit up again, Kaito Kidd couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, the tower also received a communication: "Flight 865, the lightning strike just now...""The lightning strike just now caused the equipment in the cabin to fail, and the autopilot system can no longer be used."

"What?! Stop landing immediately, you..."

"Don't worry, I learned to fly a plane in Hawaii, and I can fly even without autopilot~"


"Aren't you Mr. Shinjo just now?! You..."

"Let's not talk about it for now, it will be too late to land~" Before he finished speaking, Ryunosuke cut off the communication and operated the various equipment in front of him.

Seeing this, Kaito Kidd on the side watched Ryunosuke's operation nervously, not even daring to breathe, for fear of disturbing him.

In the tower

Everyone looked at the plane getting closer and closer, and their faces turned pale, staring at the plane in front of them intently.

Until they saw the fuselage landed steadily on the airport in the crosswind, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great, it seems that there are passengers on the plane who have flown a plane. However, what did he say about Hawaii just now..."

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