After swallowing the pill, Conan stood up and jumped off the chair, sitting on the sofa beside him, excitedly waiting for the changes in his body.

Five minutes later, seeing that his body still hadn't changed at all, Conan frowned.

"I say, is your antidote really useful? Why doesn't it work at all... huh?"

Before he could finish his sentence, Conan suddenly felt his heart burning like it was being roasted by fire.

As time went on, this burning gradually turned into a severe pain.

In less than five seconds, Conan grabbed his heart with his hand and fell on the sofa in sweat.

Huiyuan Ai quickly took out a timer and a small notebook from her pocket to record Conan's current physical condition.

Ryuno calmly raised the cup in his hand and took a sip of coffee.

Long before, he had seen Conan's "transformation" in the diplomat's residence.

Originally, he thought he would see something incredible, but in fact, he only saw the "holy light", a "phenomenon" that had no scientific value.

Sure enough, soon after the coffee was taken, Conan's body was enveloped by white and yellow light.

Soon after, the enlarged Kudo Shinichi appeared in front of Tatsuno and Huihara Ai.

Unexpectedly, after the transformation, "Conan" fell directly on the sofa and lost consciousness.

Seeing this, Tatsuno walked to Huihara Ai curiously: "Did he faint?"

"It should be a problem of excessive dosage. His heart and organs triggered the emergency protection mechanism of the brain under strong stimulation..." Huihara Ai explained to Tatsuno while constantly recording the information of the "experimental subject" in the notebook in front of him.

After confirming that Kudo Shinichi in front of him was indeed still breathing, Tatsuno went upstairs to find a blanket and covered Kudo Shinichi.

Soon after, Huihara Ai put the notebook in her hand back into her pocket, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously rose a little.

"Xiao Ai, you seem very happy~"

"Well, after all, I got valuable information and determined the direction of the next improvement."

At this point, Huiyuan Ai walked slowly to the dining table and sat on the chair: "Look at his red face and constant sweating, which is obviously caused by high body temperature. In addition to the problem of dosage, some chemical formulas also need to be adjusted."

"How long do you think it will take for him to wake up?" Ryuno put down the coffee cup in his hand.

"It's hard to say, but he should wake up within an hour."

"In that case, let's go first~"


An hour later

Kudo Shinichi slowly opened his eyes.

After waking up for a few seconds, he immediately sat up from the sofa and looked down at his hands excitedly.

"These hands... are not the hands of an elementary school student!"

The next moment, he immediately rushed to the bathroom and looked up at the mirror next to the sink.

"It's back! It's really back!!!"

Seeing the familiar face in the mirror, Kudo Shinichi could no longer suppress his joy and slapped his face hard.

After washing his face several times, Kudo Shinichi walked back to his room and found some suitable clothes to change into.

Although he had long discovered that Ryunosuke and Huihara Ai were missing.

But at this moment, compared to asking Ryunosuke and Huihara Ai about the organization, the joy of "getting back" the body is obviously better.


At the same time

After disguising herself, Vermouth parked the car not far from Kudo's house.

Out of hatred for "Shirley", she temporarily put aside the task assigned to her by the organization and drove here, ready to investigate the little girl who appeared next to Ryunosuke and Xiaolan.

"If you are really Shirley..."

Thinking of this, a hint of murderous intent emerged in Vermouth's pupils.


Just then, the sound of a door closing caught her attention, and she immediately rolled up the window.

"Is this... the Kudo family?"

The figure of her good friend Yukiko instantly appeared in Vermouth's mind.

The next moment, a boy walked out of the yard in front of her.

After seeing the boy's familiar face, Vermouth's eyes widened.

"Kudo Shinichi? ! ! Impossible! Hasn't he been killed by Gin..."

Until Kudo Shinichi's figure was far away, she retracted her gaze and lowered her head to think.

If I remember correctly, Kudo Shinichi seemed to have been dealt with by Gin and his men a long time ago.

When she knew the news, she even felt a little sorry for Yukiko in her heart.

Wait... According to the report, Kudo Shinichi died of APTX-4869, which should be the drug Gin personally gave him.

Could it be that this Kudo Shinichi also...

Thinking of this, Vermouth restarted the car and turned around to drive away.


That afternoonIn Kudo's house.

Kudo Shinichi helplessly watched Tatsuno across from him put pieces of high-end sushi into his mouth.

"Takeda, I have a lot of questions to ask you. Can you listen to me before you eat..."

Hearing this, Tatsuno swallowed the high-end sea urchin sushi in his mouth and took a sip of barley tea: "Huh? You said you would treat me to high-end sushi, so I came here. You want to treat me to sushi, and you want to ask questions, and all the good things are yours?!"

Kudo Shinichi: "¥#@%@#¥"

If I can't beat you...

Soon after, Tatsuno ate all the sushi on the plate, then wiped his hands with a tissue beside him, picked up the teacup elegantly, and tasted the barley tea.

Looking at the empty sushi box, Kudo Shinichi covered his face with his hands and whispered: "At least leave one for me..."

"What did you say?"

"Well, I have a few questions to ask..."

Seeing that Kudo Shinichi was so "sensible", Tatsuno smiled and nodded.

Seeing this, Kudo Shinichi said seriously: "Where is that Haibara Ai?"

"She seems to have caught the inspiration about the antidote and went back to perfect the antidote."

"Takeda, do you think she... is reliable?" Kudo Shinichi looked at Tatsuno solemnly.

After knowing that Haibara Ai used to be a member of the organization, he had such doubts.

In his opinion, the people in that organization are all "devils" who kill without blinking an eye and are not trustworthy at all.

"Don't worry, I'll vouch for her." Tatsuno put down the teacup and nodded.

"But... Alas! Since you said so, I won't say more about it." Kudo Shinichi smiled bitterly.

Although he still didn't trust that "Graybara Ai", since Ryūno believed her, he really had nothing to say.

"Compared to this Kudo, I want to know what you think of that organization and how much you know about them." Ryūno crossed his hands and stared at Kudo Shinichi in front of him quietly.

Hearing this question, Kudo Shinichi was stunned for a moment.

What does he think of that organization...

-Have strange medicine and weapons in your hands, very dangerous?

The members seem to have wine names and wear black clothes?

Looking for someone to make weird software, what incredible plans and purposes do they have?

After thinking carefully for a while, he suddenly realized that he knew nothing except this worthless information.

For a moment, Kudo Shinichi lowered his head, as if he didn't know how to answer Ryūno's question.

Seeing Kudo Shinichi's silence, Ryūno shook his head: "Kudo, you don't want to go to war with that organization with passion without knowing anything, right?"

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