Terminal Hall

"Ding!" X2

Tatsuno and Xiaolan's phones sounded a text message alert at the same time.

The two curiously picked up their phones and clicked on the text message.

——Sender: Sera Masumi

Looking forward to seeing you again O(∩_∩)O.


After seeing this extremely brief content, Xiaolan couldn't help but wonder: "Tatsuno, what does Sera mean?"

Tatsuno raised his lips slightly: "Maybe, she means we will see each other again."

"Really! If there is a chance to see each other again, I must introduce her to Sonoko. I think the two of them will definitely get along~"

Seeing Xiaolan's happy face, Tatsuno also smiled and looked up at the ceiling.

Since they have discovered Conan's "secret", it is almost inevitable that Sera Masumi and her "sister" will choose to come to Mika.

Speaking of which, they seem to be Xiaoai's relatives.

Sera Masumi's "sister outside the field" - that is, her mother Akai Mari, is Miyano Elena's biological sister.

And Miyano Shiho and Miyano Akemi are the nieces of Akai Mari.

In other words, Akai Shuichi and Miyano Akemi are actually cousins...

Shh~ It's so confusing~

Thinking of this, Ryuno shook his head and threw this complicated family network out of his mind.


At the same time

5-chome, Beika-cho, Beika-shi, Tokyo, Polo Coffee Shop.

A blond man with slightly dark skin pushed open the door, glanced around, and then smiled and walked towards the woman wearing a light pink apron at the front desk.

"Hello, Miss Enomoto, I'm Toru Amuro who I contacted before."

"Ah, Mr. Amuro? It's our first meeting. The manager has already instructed that I will be responsible for your interview. Please follow me~"

"Okay, then I'll trouble you~"

Toru Amuro followed the woman into the kitchen counter with a serious expression.

Due to the deaths of Chianti and Cohen, the organization's combat power in Neon is obviously insufficient.

Before catching the murderer who killed the two, Gin decided to "keep a low profile" for the time being, and many "scheduled matters" were stopped.

Therefore, he had plenty of "free time".

Because Gin blocked the information, he had no idea how the two snipers of the organization were killed.

According to gossip, the person who did this was the guy who had seriously injured Gin and Vodka before.

Since there was no more information, he was not going to spend any effort on this matter.

According to Gin's personality, if he dared to ask, he would definitely be suspected.

Besides, what would happen if he knew about this? Anyway, it had nothing to do with him. Seeing the organization suffer a setback, he couldn't wait to laugh.

Compared with this matter, what he cared more about was that the information of Maori Kogoro was stolen from the Metropolitan Police Department.

He suspected that this matter was related to the organization.

If it was really the work of the organization, then what was their purpose in investigating Maori Kogoro?

In addition, the recently famous Maori detective has a "deep" relationship with Takeda Tatsuno, so he decided to investigate the matter himself.

Whether it is to investigate Maori detective or to get closer to Takeda Tatsuno...

The best way to investigate a person is undoubtedly to enter the life of the person being investigated.

This undoubtedly requires an opportunity.

It is for this reason that he came to apply for a job at Polo Coffee Shop.


Beito Town

In an ordinary-looking building.

Two men in black sat on both sides of the sofa, puffing out smoke.

"Brother, then... what about that mission? What did the boss say?"

"There will be two additional people in two days. Wait until the new members come, and then start."


After asking, Vodka looked at the cigarette in his hand without saying a word.

The mood of the elder brother was finally better than the previous few days. But even so, he didn't dare to speak casually.

After the boss knew that Chianti and Cohen died, and Gin ordered the abandonment of the two bases, he didn't say much.

According to what the eldest brother said just now, the boss even agreed to send more people to them.

But of course, he would not be so naive as to think that the boss did not care about this matter at all.

After all, whether it was the death of Chianti and Cohen or the abandonment of the base, it was inseparable from him and the eldest brother.

On the day of the accident, Chianti and Cohen did not perform any tasks, but were transferred by the eldest brother to monitor Vermouth. The base was also abandoned by the eldest brother according to his own judgment.

If the next assassination mission fails...

Thinking of this, Vodka's face turned pale and the corners of his mouth trembled slightly.


Two days later

Rice Flower TV.

"Hello everyone, this is Okino Yoko's Four Minute Kitchen~ Today's special guest is the famous detective Mr. Maori Kogoro!"

Looking at the bigXiaolan couldn't help but sigh as her father stuttered the ramen made by Yoko.

"What's wrong, Xiaolan?" Hearing Xiaolan sigh, Tatsuno stopped the "staring contest" with Conan and turned to ask.

"Look at the expression on my father's face..."

Hearing this, Tatsuno and Conan looked curiously at Uncle Maori in front of the camera.

At this moment, Maori Kogoro was sucking the soy sauce ramen in the bowl while showing an exaggerated "happy" smile.

After seeing the weird smile on his face, Tatsuno and Conan both twitched their mouths.

"At this point, I don't expect my father and mother to get back together. But Dad should at least be careful not to make Mom angry..."

"If this show is accidentally seen by Mom, she will definitely be sad when she sees Dad's lustful smile now!"

"Indeed..." Tatsuno took Xiaolan's hand and tried to comfort her.

After the recording of the show, Maori Kogoro and Okino Yoko came to Tatsuno and the other two.

After greeting everyone, Yoko Okino smiled and said, "You probably haven't had breakfast yet, right? If it's convenient, would you like to go to the TV station's restaurant with me to have breakfast~"

Without waiting for Ryuno and others to speak, Maori Kogoro on the side immediately raised his hands and said, "Okay! Then we'd better obey your orders!"

"Okay, then you go over and wait for me. I want to introduce a friend to Mr. Maori. I'll call her over right away~"

Ten minutes later, in the TV station's restaurant.

Ryuno and others sat down at the table with breakfast.

Just after they took a few bites, Yoko Okino pulled a woman and trotted in front of them.

"Sorry to keep you waiting for so long! This is my friend, news anchor Miss Mizuno Rena~"

Ryuno: "???"

No wonder the woman in front of him looked a little familiar.

Mizuno Rena? Isn't this an undercover sent by the CIA to the organization?

Speaking of which, what was her title in the organization? It seems to be right on the lips, a name that is easy to remember...

After everyone greeted each other, Yoko Okino suddenly looked at Kogoro Maori, clasped her hands together and said, "Mr. Maori, she actually has something to ask you~"

After that, Yoko Okino pushed Rena Mizuno with her hand.

Rena Mizuno frowned and said, "But, this kind of small matter..."

"It doesn't matter! No matter what difficulties you encounter, you can tell me!" Seeing this, Kogoro Maori smiled.

"That's right, just tell Mr. Maori about it, he will definitely help you solve it!" Yoko Okino patted Rena Mizuno on the shoulder.

Seeing this, Rena Mizuno sighed and told everyone what happened recently.

"What? Someone rang the doorbell and ran away?"

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